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ICRC Title Author Discussions Status Type Category Created
37 Approval Functionality for the ICRC-7 Non-Fungible Token (NFT) Standard Ben Zhai (@benjizhai), Austin Fatheree (@skilesare), Dieter Sommer (@dietersommer), Thomas (@sea-snake), Moritz Fuller (@letmejustputthishere), Matthew Harmon #37 Draft Standards Track 2023-11-22

ICRC-37: Approval Support for the Minimal Non-Fungible Token (NFT) Standard

This document specifies approval support for the ICRC-7 minimal NFT standard for the Internet Computer. It defines all the methods required for realizing approval semantics for an NFT token ledger, i.e., creating approvals, revoking approvals, querying approval information, and making transfers based on approvals. The scope of ICRC-37 has been part of ICRC-7 originally, however, the NFT Working Group has decided to split it out into a separate standard for the following reasons:

  • ICRC-7 and ICRC-37 are much shorter and hence easier to navigate on their own due to their respective foci;
  • Ledgers that do not want to implement approval and transfer from semantics do not need to provide dummy implementations of the corresponding methods that fail by default.

This standard extends the ICRC-7 NFT standard and is intended to be implemented by token ledgers that implement ICRC-7. An ICRC-7 ledger may implement ICRC-37 in case it intends to offer approve and transfer from semantics. Principles put forth in ICRC-7 apply to ICRC-37 as well, e.g., the design of the update and query API.

The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.

Canisters implementing the ICRC-37 standard MUST implement all the functions in the ICRC-7 interface.

Canisters implementing the ICRC-37 standard MUST include ICRC-37 in the list returned by the icrc7_supported_standards method.


The following metadata properties are defined for ICRC-37:

  • icrc37:max_approvals_per_token_or_collection of type nat (optional): The maximum number of active approvals this ledger implementation allows per token or per principal for the collection. When present, should be the same as the result of the icrc37_max_approvals_per_token_or_collection query call.
  • icrc37:max_revoke_approvals of type nat (optional): The maximum number of approvals that may be revoked in a single invocation of icrc37_revoke_token_approvals or icrc37_revoke_collection_approvals. When present, should be the same as the result of the icrc37_max_revoke_approvals query call.

Those metadata attributes can be obtained through the icrc7_collection_metadata method of the ledger. All other relevant icrc7:... metadata properties from the ICRC-7 implementation that implements this standard apply to this standard, e.g., the maximum batch sizes for queries and updates or the transaction deduplication parameters.


Approvals allow a principal, the spender, to transfer tokens owned by another account that has approved the spender, where the transfer is performed on behalf of the owner. Approvals can be created on a per-token basis using icrc37_approve_tokens or for the whole collection, i.e., for all tokens of the collection, using icrc37_approve_collection. The owner principal can explicitly revoke an active approval at their discretion using the icrc37_revoke_token_approvals for revoking token-level approvals and icrc37_revoke_collection_approvals for revoking collection-level approvals. A transfer of a token implicitly revokes all token-level approvals of the transferred token. A collection-level approval is not affected by any changes of token ownerships and is not related to specific tokens. An approval that has been created, has not expired (i.e., the expires_at field is a date in the future), has not been revoked implicitly through a transfer of the approved token, has not been revoked explicitly, and has not been replaced with a new approval is active, i.e., can allow the approved party to initiate a transfer.

When an active approval exists for a token or for an account for the whole collection, the spender specified in the approval can transfer tokens within the scope of the approval using the transfer_from method. A successful transfer implicitly revokes all active token-level approvals for the token in addition to performing the actual token transfer. Collection-level approvals are never revoked by transfers as they are not related to specific tokens, but the collection as a whole.

Analogous to ICRC-7, also ICRC-37 uses the ICRC-1 account as entity that the source account (from), destination account (to), and spending account (spender) are expressed with, i.e., a subaccount is always used besides the principal. We follow the naming convention of using from_subaccount for subaccounts being part of the source account and spender_subaccount for subaccounts being part the spender account. In many practical situations the default subaccount, i.e., the all-0 subaccount, is expected to be used.

Data Representation


Accounts and subaccounts are defined as in ICRC-37. For convenience, the core ideas are reiterated here. A principal can have multiple accounts. Each account of a principal is identified by a 32-byte string called subaccount. Therefore, an account corresponds to a pair (principal, subaccount).

The account identified by the subaccount with all bytes set to 0 is the default account of the principal.

type Subaccount = blob;
type Account = record { owner : principal; subaccount : opt Subaccount };

See ICRC-7 for further details on the concept of accounts and subaccounts.


Generally-Applicable Specification

The general principles on the API as put forth in ICRC-7 apply also to ICRC-37.

To summarize, all eligible calls, i.e., such with (at most) one response element per request, are batch calls. Batch calls have positional responses, i.e., the i-th response element is the response to the i-th request element. The response may contain responses only to a prefix of the request. For update calls, responses can contain null elements, with the meaning that processing of the corresponding request has not been initiated. For query calls, null responses have a meaning as determined by the respective query call.


Returns the maximum number of approvals this ledger implementation allows to be active per token or per principal for the collection.

icrc37_max_approvals_per_token_or_collection : () -> (opt nat) query;


Returns the maximum number of approvals that may be revoked in a single invocation of icrc37_revoke_token_approvals or icrc37_revoke_collection_approvals.

icrc37_max_revoke_approvals : () -> (opt nat) query;


Entitles a spender, specified through an Account, to transfer NFTs on behalf of the caller of this method from account { owner = caller; subaccount = from_subaccount }, where caller is the caller of this method (and also the owner principal of the tokens that are subject to approval) and from_subaccount is the subaccount of the token owner principal the approval should apply to (i.e., the subaccount which the tokens must be held on and can be transferred out from). The from_subaccount being null refers to the default subaccount. Note that the from_subaccount parameter needs to be specified because accounts are a primary concept in this standard and thereby the from_subaccount needs to be specified as part of the account that holds the token. The expires_at value specifies the expiration date of the approval. The method has batch semantics and allows for submitting a batch of such token-level approvals with a single invocation.

The method response comprises a vector of optional elements, one per request element. The response is positional w.r.t. the request, i.e., the i-th response element is the response to the i-th request element. Each response item contains either an Ok variant containing the transaction index of the token-level approval in the success case or an Err variant in the error case. A null element in the response indicates that the corresponding request element has not been processed.

Only one approval can be active for a given (token_id, spender) pair (the from_subaccount of the approval must be equal to the subaccount the token is held on).

Multiple approvals can exist for the same token_id but different spenders (the from_subaccount field must be the same and equal to the subaccount the token is held on). In case an approval for the specified spender already exists for a token on from_subaccount of the caller, a new approval is created that replaces the existing approval. The replaced approval is superseded with the effect that the new parameters for the approval (expires_at, memo, created_at_time) apply. The ledger SHOULD limit the number of approvals that can be active per token to constrain unlimited growth of ledger memory. Such limit is exposed as ledger metadata through the metadata attribute icrc37:max_approvals_per_token_or_collection.

An ICRC-7 ledger implementation does not need to keep track of expired approvals in its memory. This is important to help constrain unlimited growth of ledger memory over time. All historic approvals are contained in the block history the ledger creates.

The ledger returns an InvalidSpender error if the spender account owner is equal to the caller account owner. I.e., a principal cannot create an approval for themselves, because a principal always has an implicit approval to act on their own tokens.

An Unauthorized error is returned in case the caller is not authorized to perform this action on the token, i.e., it does not own the token or the token is not held in the account specified through from_subaccount.

A NonExistingTokenId error is returned in case the referred-to token does not exist.

The created_at_time parameter indicates the time (as nanoseconds since the UNIX epoch in the UTC timezone) at which the client constructed the transaction, the memo parameter is an arbitrary blob that is not interpreted by the ledger. The ledger SHOULD reject transactions that have the created_at_time argument too far in the past or the future, returning variant { TooOld } and variant { CreatedInFuture = record { ledger_time = ... } } errors correspondingly.

type ApprovalInfo = record {
    spender : Account;             // Approval is given to an ICRC Account
    from_subaccount : opt blob;    // The subaccount the token can be transferred out from with the approval
    expires_at : opt nat64;
    memo : opt blob;
    created_at_time : nat64; 

type ApproveTokenArg = record {
    token_id : nat;
    approval_info : ApprovalInfo;

type ApproveTokenResult = variant {
    Ok : nat; // Transaction index for successful approval
    Err : ApproveTokenError;

type ApproveTokenError = variant {
    CreatedInFuture : record { ledger_time: nat64 };
    GenericError : record { error_code : nat; message : text };
    GenericBatchError : record { error_code : nat; message : text };
icrc37_approve_tokens : (vec ApproveTokenArg)
    -> (vec opt ApproveTokenResult);


Entitles a spender, specified through an Account, to transfer any NFT of the collection hosted on this ledger and owned by the caller at the time of transfer on behalf of the caller of this method from account { owner = caller; subaccount = from_subaccount }, where caller is the caller of this method and from_subaccount is the subaccount of the token owner principal the approval should apply to (i.e., the subaccount which tokens the approval should apply to must be held on and can be transferred out from). The from_subaccount being null refers to the default subaccount. Note that the from_subaccount parameter needs to be specified not only because accounts are a primary concept in this standard, but also because the approval applies to the collection, i.e., all tokens on the ledger the caller holds, and those tokens may be held on different subaccounts. The expires_at value specifies the expiration date of the approval. The method has batch semantics and allows for submitting a batch of such collection approvals with a single invocation.

The method response comprises a vector of optional elements, one per request element. The response is positional w.r.t. the request, i.e., the i-th response element is the response to the i-th request element. Each response item contains either an Ok variant containing the transaction index of the collection-level approval in the success case or an Err variant in the error case. A null element in the response indicates that the corresponding request element has not been processed.

Only one approval can be active for a given (spender, from_subaccount) pair. Note that it is not required that tokens be held by the caller on their from_subaccount for the approval to be active.

Multiple approvals can exist for the collection for a caller but different spenders and from_subaccounts, i.e., one approval per (spender, from_subaccount) pair. In case an approval for the specified spender and from_subaccount of the caller for the collection already exists, a new approval is created that replaces the existing approval. The replaced approval is superseded with the effect that the new parameters (expires_at, memo, created_at_time) apply to the approval defined by from_subaccount and spender. The ledger SHOULD limit the number of approvals that can be active per collection to constrain unlimited growth of ledger memory. Such limit is exposed as ledger metadata through the metadata attribute icrc37:max_approvals_per_token_or_collection.

An ICRC-7 ledger implementation does not need to keep track of expired approvals in its memory. This is important to help constrain unlimited growth of ledger memory over time. All historic approvals are contained in the block log history the ledger creates.

It is left to the ledger implementation to decide whether collection-level approvals can be successfully created independently of currently owning tokens of the collection at approval time.

The ledger returns an InvalidSpender error if the spender account owner is equal to the caller account owner. I.e., a principal cannot create an approval for themselves, because a principal always has an implicit approval to act on their own tokens.

The created_at_time parameter indicates the time (as nanoseconds since the UNIX epoch in the UTC timezone) at which the client constructed the transaction, the memo parameter is an arbitrary blob that is not interpreted by the ledger. The ledger SHOULD reject transactions that have the created_at_time argument too far in the past or the future, returning variant { TooOld } and variant { CreatedInFuture = record { ledger_time = ... } } errors correspondingly.

Note that this method is analogous to icrc37_approve_tokens, but for approving whole collections. ApproveCollectionArg specifies the approval to be made for the collection.

To ensure proper semantics, collection-level approvals MUST be managed by the ledger as collection-level approvals and MUST NOT be translated into token-level approvals for all tokens the caller currently owns.

See the #icrc37_approve_tokens method for the ApprovalInfo type.

type ApproveCollectionArg = record {
    approval_info : ApprovalInfo;

type ApproveCollectionResult = variant {
    Ok : nat; // Transaction index for successful approval
    Err : ApproveCollectionError;

type ApproveCollectionError = variant {
    CreatedInFuture : record { ledger_time: nat64 };
    GenericError : record { error_code : nat; message : text };
    GenericBatchError : record { error_code : nat; message : text };
icrc37_approve_collection : (vec ApproveCollectionArg)
    -> (vec opt ApproveCollectionError);


Revokes the specified approvals for a token given by token_id from the set of active approvals. The from_subaccount parameter specifies the token owner's subaccount to which the approval applies, the spender the party for which the approval is to be revoked. A null for the spender means to revoke approvals that match the request for all spenders. A null value of from_subaccount indicates the default subaccount. The method allows for a batch of token approval revocations in a single invocation.

Only the owner of tokens can revoke approvals through this method.

The method response comprises a vector of optional elements, one per request element. The response is positional w.r.t. the request, i.e., the i-th response element is the response to the i-th request element. Each response item contains either an Ok variant containing the transaction index of the token-level approval revocation in the success case or an Err variant in the error case. A null element in the response indicates that the corresponding request element has not been processed.

An ApprovalDoesNotExist error is returned in case the approval to be revoked is not an existing active approval.

An Unauthorized error is returned in case the caller is not authorized to perform this action on the token.

A NonExistingTokenId error is returned in case the referred-to token does not exist.

The created_at_time parameter indicates the time (as nanoseconds since the UNIX epoch in the UTC timezone) at which the client constructed the transaction. The ledger SHOULD reject transactions that have the created_at_time argument too far in the past or the future, returning variant { TooOld } and variant { CreatedInFuture = record { ledger_time = ... } } errors correspondingly.

Revoking an approval for one or more token ids does not affect collection-level approvals.

An ICRC-37 ledger implementation does not need to keep track of revoked approvals in memory. Revoked approvals are always available in the transaction log.

type RevokeTokenApprovalArg = record {
    spender : opt Account;      // null revokes matching approvals for all spenders
    from_subaccount : opt blob; // null refers to the default subaccount
    token_id : nat;
    memo : opt blob;
    created_at_time : opt nat64;

type RevokeTokenApprovalResponse = variant {
    Ok : nat; // Transaction index for successful approval revocation
    Err : RevokeTokenApprovalError;

type RevokeTokenApprovalError = variant {
    CreatedInFuture : record { ledger_time: nat64 };
    GenericError : record { error_code : nat; message : text };
    GenericBatchError : record { error_code : nat; message : text };
icrc37_revoke_token_approvals: (vec RevokeTokenApprovalArg)
    -> (vec opt RevokeTokenApprovalResponse);


Revokes collection-level approvals from the set of active approvals. The from_subaccount parameter specifies the token owner's subaccount to which the approval applies, the spender the party for which the approval is to be revoked. A null for the spender means to revoke approvals that match the request for all spenders. A null value of from_subaccount indicates the default subaccount. The method allows for a batch of token approval revocations in a single invocation.

The method response comprises a vector of optional elements, one per request element. The response is positional w.r.t. the request, i.e., the i-th response element is the response to the i-th request element. Each response item contains either an Ok variant containing the transaction index of the collection-level approval revocation in the success case or an Err variant in the error case. A null element in the response indicates that the corresponding request element has not been processed.

This is the analogous method to icrc37_revoke_token_approvals for revoking collection-level approvals.

Revoking a collection-level approval does not affect token-level approvals for individual token ids.

An ApprovalDoesNotExist error is returned in case the approval to be revoked is not an existing active approval.

The created_at_time parameter indicates the time (as nanoseconds since the UNIX epoch in the UTC timezone) at which the client constructed the transaction. The ledger SHOULD reject transactions that have the created_at_time argument too far in the past or the future, returning variant { TooOld } and variant { CreatedInFuture = record { ledger_time = ... } } errors correspondingly.

An ICRC-37 ledger implementation does not need to keep track of revoked approvals in memory. Revoked approvals are always available in the transaction log.

type RevokeCollectionApprovalArg = record {
    spender : opt Account;      // null revokes approvals for all spenders that match the remaining parameters
    from_subaccount : opt blob; // null refers to the default subaccount
    memo : opt blob;
    created_at_time : opt nat64;

type RevokeCollectionApprovalResult = variant {
    Ok : nat; // Transaction index for successful approval revocation
    Err : RevokeCollectionApprovalError;

type RevokeCollectionApprovalError = variant {
    CreatedInFuture : record { ledger_time: nat64 };
    GenericError : record { error_code : nat; message : text };
    GenericBatchError : record { error_code : nat; message : text };
icrc37_revoke_collection_approvals: (vec RevokeCollectionApprovalArg)
    -> (vec opt RevokeCollectionApprovalResult);


Returns true if an active approval, i.e., a token-level approval or collection-level approval, exists that allows the spender to transfer the token token_id from the given from_subaccount, false otherwise.

type IsApprovedArg = record {
    spender : Account;
    from_subaccount : opt blob;
    token_id : nat;
icrc37_is_approved : (vec IsApprovedArg)
    -> (vec bool) query;


Returns the token-level approvals that exist for the given token_id. The result is paginated, the mechanics of pagination are analogous to icrc7_tokens using prev and take to control pagination, with prev being of type TokenApproval. Note that take refers to the number of returned elements to be requested. The prev parameter is a TokenApproval element with the meaning that TokenApprovals following the provided one are returned, based on a sorting order over TokenApprovals implemented by the ledger.

The response is a vector of TokenApproval elements. If multiple approvals exist for a token id, multiple entries of type TokenApproval with the same token id are contained in the response.

The ordering of the elements in the response is follows an internal ordering used by the ledger. An implementation of the ledger can use any internal sorting order for the elements of the response to implement pagination.

See the #icrc37_approve_tokens for the ApprovalInfo type.

type TokenApproval = record {
    token_id : nat;
    approval_info : ApprovalInfo;
icrc37_get_token_approvals : (token_id : nat, prev : opt TokenApproval, take : opt nat)
    -> (vec TokenApproval) query;


Returns the collection-level approvals that exist for the specified owner. The result is paginated, the mechanics of pagination are analogous to icrc7_tokens using prev and take to control pagination. The prev parameter is a CollectionApproval with the meaning that CollectionApprovals following the provided one are returned, based on a sorting order over CollectionApprovals implemented by the ledger.

The response is a vector of CollectionApproval elements.

The elements in the response are ordered following a sorting order defined by the implementation. An implementation of the ledger can use any suitable sorting order for the elements of the response to implement pagination.

See the #icrc37_approve_tokens for the ApprovalInfo type.

type CollectionApproval = ApprovalInfo;
icrc37_get_collection_approvals : (owner : Account, prev : opt CollectionApproval, take : opt nat)
    -> (vec CollectionApproval) query;


Transfers one or more tokens from the from account to the to account. The transfer can be initiated by the holder of the tokens (the holder has an implicit approval for acting on all their tokens on their own behalf) or a party that has been authorized by the holder to execute transfers using icrc37_approve_tokens or icrc37_approve_collection. The spender_subaccount is used to identify the spender: The spender is an account comprised of the principal calling this method and the parameter spender_subaccount. Omitting the spender_subaccount means using the default subaccount.

The method response comprises a vector of optional elements, one per request element. The response is positional w.r.t. the request, i.e., the i-th response element is the response to the i-th request element. Each response item contains either an Ok variant containing the transaction index of the transfer in the success case or an Err variant in the error case. A null element in the response indicates that the corresponding request element has not been processed.

The ledger returns an InvalidRecipient error in case to equals from.

Each of the successful transfers in the batch implicitly clears all active token-level approvals for the successfully transferred token. This implicit clearing of approvals only clears token-level approvals and never touches collection-level approvals. No explicit entry in the block log is created for the clearing, but it is implied by the transfer entry.

Batch transfers are not atomic by default, i.e., a user SHOULD not assume that either all or none of the transfers have been executed. A ledger implementation MAY choose to implement atomic batch transfers, in which case the metadata attribute icrc7_atomic_batch_transfers is set to true. If an implementation does not specifically implement batch atomicity, batch transfers are not atomic due to the asynchronous call semantics of the Internet Computer platform. An implementor of this standard who implements atomic batch transfers and advertises those through the icrc7_atomic_batch_transfers metadata attribute MUST take great care to ensure everything required has been considered to achieve atomicity of the batch of transfers.

type TransferFromArg = record {
    spender_subaccount: opt blob; // The subaccount of the caller (used to identify the spender)
    from : Account;
    to : Account;
    token_id : nat;
    // type: leave open for now
    memo : opt blob;
    created_at_time : opt nat64;

type TransferFromResult = variant {
    Ok : nat; // Transaction index for successful transfer
    Err : TransferFromError;

type TransferFromError = variant {
    CreatedInFuture : record { ledger_time: nat64 };
    Duplicate : record { duplicate_of : nat };
    GenericError : record { error_code : nat; message : text };
    GenericBatchError : record { error_code : nat; message : text };
icrc37_transfer_from : (vec TransferFromArg)
    -> (vec opt TransferFromResult);

If the caller principal is not permitted to act on a token id, then the token id receives the Unauthorized error response. This is the case if someone not owning a token and not being the spender in an active token-level or collection-level approval attempts to transfer a token or the token is not held in the subaccount specified in the from account.

The memo parameter is an arbitrary blob that is not interpreted by the ledger. The ledger SHOULD allow memos of at least 32 bytes in length. The ledger SHOULD use the memo argument for transaction deduplication.

The ledger SHOULD reject transactions with the Duplicate error variant in case the transaction is found to be a duplicate based on the transaction deduplication.

The created_at_time parameter indicates the time (as nanoseconds since the UNIX epoch in the UTC timezone) at which the client constructed the transaction. The ledger SHOULD reject transactions that have the created_at_time argument too far in the past or the future, returning variant { TooOld } and variant { CreatedInFuture = record { ledger_time = ... } } errors correspondingly.

Transaction Deduplication

Consider the following scenario:

  1. An agent sends a transaction to an ICRC-37 ledger hosted on the IC.
  2. The ledger accepts the transaction.
  3. The agent loses the network connection for several minutes and cannot learn about the outcome of the transaction.

An ICRC-37 ledger SHOULD implement transfer deduplication to simplify the error recovery for agents. The deduplication covers all transactions submitted within a pre-configured time window TX_WINDOW (for example, last 24 hours). The ledger MAY extend the deduplication window into the future by the PERMITTED_DRIFT parameter (for example, 2 minutes) to account for the time drift between the client and the Internet Computer.

The client can control the deduplication algorithm using the created_at_time and memo fields of the transfer_from call argument:

  • The created_at_time field sets the transaction construction time as the number of nanoseconds from the UNIX epoch in the UTC timezone.
  • The memo field does not have any meaning to the ledger, except that the ledger will not deduplicate transfers with different values of the memo field.

The ledger SHOULD use the following algorithm for transaction deduplication if the client has set the created_at_time field:

  • If created_at_time is set and is before time() - TX_WINDOW - PERMITTED_DRIFT as observed by the ledger, the ledger should return variant { TooOld } error.
  • If created_at_time is set and is after time() + PERMITTED_DRIFT as observed by the ledger, the ledger should return variant { CreatedInFuture = record { ledger_time = ... } } error.
  • If the ledger observed a structurally equal transfer payload (i.e., all the transfer argument fields and the caller have the same values) at transaction with index i, it should return variant { Duplicate = record { duplicate_of = i } }.
  • Otherwise, the transfer is a new transaction.

If the client has not set the created_at_time field, the ledger SHOULD NOT deduplicate the transaction.

ICRC-37 Block Schema

ICRC-37 builds on the ICRC-3 specification for defining the format for storing transactions in blocks of the log of the ledger. ICRC-3 defines a generic, extensible, block schema that can be further instantiated in standards implementing ICRC-3. We next define the concrete block schema for ICRC-37 as extension of the ICRC-3 block schema.

All ICRC-37 batch methods result in one block per input of the batch. The blocks need not appear in the block log in the same relative sequence as the token ids appear in the vector of input token identifiers in order to not unnecessarily constrain the potential concurrency of an implementation. The block sequence corresponding to the token ids in the input can be interspersed with blocks from other (batch) methods executed by the ledger in an interleaved execution sequence. This allows for high-performance ledger implementations that can make asynchronous calls to other canisters in the scope of operations on tokens and process multiple batch update calls concurrently.

Generic ICRC-37 Block Schema

The following generic schema extends the generic schema of ICRC-3 with ICRC-37-specific elements and applies to all block defintions for blocks generated by ICRC-37. This schema must be implemented by a ledger implementing ICRC-37 if it claims to implement ICRC-3 through the method listing the supported standards.

An ICRC-37 block is defined as follows:

  1. its btype field MUST be set to the op name that starts with 37
  2. it MUST contain a field ts: Nat which is the timestamp of when the block was added to the Ledger
  3. it MUST contain a field tx, which
    1. MAY contain a field memo: Blob if specified by the user
    2. MAY contain a field ts: Nat if the user sets the created_at_time field in the request.

The tx field contains the transaction data as provided by the caller and is further refined for each the different update calls as specified below.

icrc37_approve_tokens Block Schema

  1. the btype field of the block MUST be set to "37approve"
  2. the tx field 2. MUST contain a field tid: Nat 3. MUST contain a field from: Account 4. MUST contain a field spender: Account 5. MAY contain a field exp: Nat if set by the user

Note that tid refers to the token id and exp to the expiry time of the approval. The names of the other fiels should speak for themselves.

icrc37_approve_collection Block Schema

  1. the btype field of the block MUST be set to "37approve_coll"
  2. the tx field
    1. MUST contain a field from: Account
    2. MUST contain a field spender: Account
    3. MAY contain a field exp: Nat if set by the user

icrc37_revoke_token_approvals Block Schema

  1. the btype field of the block MUST be set to "37revoke"
  2. the tx field
    1. MUST contain a field tid: Nat
    2. MUST contain a field from: Account
    3. MAY contain a field spender: Account

If the field spender is present, only the one token-level approval for this spender, tid (token id) and from is revoked, if the field spender is omitted, token-level approvals are revoked for all spenders for which approvals exist as specified by the remaining parameters tid (token id) and from. This helps reduce the log storage space required for handling explicit token-level revocations.

icrc37_revoke_collection_approvals Block Schema

  1. the btype field of the block MUST be set to "37revoke_coll"
  2. the tx field
    1. MUST contain a field tx.from: Account
    2. MAY contain a field tx.spender: Account

If the field spender is present, only the one collection-level approval for this spender and the given from value is revoked, if the field spender is omitted, collection-level approvals are revoked for all spenders for which approvals exist as specified by the remaining parameter from. This helps reduce the log storage space required for handling collection-level revocations.

icrc37_transfer_from Block Schema

  1. the btype field of the block MUST be set to "37xfer"
  2. the tx field
    1. MUST contain a field tx.tid: Nat
    2. MUST contain a field tx.spender: Account
    3. MUST contain a field tx.from: Account
    4. MUST contain a field Account


If extension standards are used in the context of ICRC-37, those are listed with the according icrc10_supported_standards method of the base standard.

Conceptually, it would seem a good idea to expose a separate supported_standards method in ICRC-37 and list all ICRC-37 extensions with this method. However, it has been decided to expose only a single such method per ledger implementation, i.e., the icrc7_supported_standards method. The rationale behind not exposing a separate icrc37_supported_standards method that covers extensions of ICRC-37 is the following: In case of doing so, the caller would need to invoke multiple, in the general case a tree of, supported_standards methods, one per supported standard listed in the base method, in order to get the complete view of standards implemented by a given leder. By subsuming all supported standards in the base standard, the client can obtain this information with a single call. In most practical cases, the number of supported standards is expected to be easily manageable with this simpler approach.