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This app helps in displaying image details available in an azure container registry

Why the requirement of a application to list azure acr image lists

  • Every Cloud platforms will have their own Role based access control system.

  • Sometimes cross collaboration between teams will be happening and they will not be having any access to see resources that belongs to other teams.

  • As an example there is a platform engineering team that maintains docker imagges which are widely used and frequeently built, and if teams won't have access to the registry they won't be able to list out the differnt versions of images available.

➦ This application can resolve above mentioned problem.

What is needed

  • The user need to input the name of the Azure container registry he needs to list images from.

  • The Application will get the image names and available tags displayed in the UI.

Pre requisites

  • azure-identity python sdk is used for authentiation with azure. Make sure the service principal you are using has enough permissions to list images, Acess ACR's. This class EnvironmentCredential been used. azure-identity
variable name value
AZURE_CLIENT_ID ID of a Microsoft Entra application
AZURE_TENANT_ID ID of the application's Microsoft Entra tenant
AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET one of the application's client secrets

The above environment variables are required. service-principal-with-secret

  • Microsoft Azure Container Registry Client Library for Python is used to list all images and tags in a ACR. azure-containerregistry

  • Microsoft Azure Resource Graph Client Library azure-mgmt-resourcegraph used to list the containers to verify and validate the user input container name.

Architecture diagram


  • User access the streamlit app. inputs an acr name

  • The user input is passed from streamlit ui to python program as an input.

  • Python program lists all containers available in azure using resource graph query and checks if the input is valid

  flowchart TD
    A[User Input] -->B[Submit]
    B --> C{Python program}
    C -->|Valid user input| D[proceeds to retrieve image details]
    C -->|Invalid user input| E[Throws error]
  • If the user input which is a acr name is wrong, gets the below error



You can manually run the application as a docker container using below command:

Build the image using:

  • clone the repo && switch to the direcctory

    docker build -t <image:tag> .

  • To deploy

    docker run -p 8501:8501 -e AZURE_CLIENT_ID=client_id -e AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET=client_secret -e AZURE_TENANT_ID=tenant_id -it <image name: tag>