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压测 stress
压测 stress

Stress 命令

stress 命令是对函数进行压测的命令。


stress 命令的原理是通过创建辅助函数,对目标函数进行压测,架构简图如下所示:

  1. stress start 指令会根据 FC 组件内置配置,创建辅助函数(辅助函数的服务名和函数名均为: _DEFAULT_FC_STRESS_COMPONENT_SERVICE

  2. 辅助函数创建完成后,辅助函数被调用后就会基于 Python Locust 对目标函数发起压测试

Locust 需要的压测参数通过调用辅助函数时的 Payload 传递

  1. 完成测试之后,将压测结果返回给本地客户端

  2. 本地客户端收到结果后,会展示压测结果, 并生成 html 报告文件


当执行命令stress -h/stress --help时,可以获取帮助文档:


  Stress test for the serverless application 


  s stress <sub-command> <options>


SubCommand List

  start   Start stress test; help command [s stress start -h]         
  clean   Clean the relevant resources; help command [s stress clean -h]               


stress start 命令

stress start: 对部署在函数计算上的函数进行压测的命令。

当执行命令stress start -h/stress start --help时,可以获取帮助文档:

Stress start

  Start stress test 


  s stress start <options>

  --region [string]                   [C-Required] Specify the fc region, value: cn-hangzhou/cn-beijing/cn-beijing/cn-hangzhou/cn-shanghai/cn-qingdao/cn-zhangjiakou/cn-huhehaote/cn-shenzhen/cn-chengdu/cn-hongkong/ap-southeast-1/ap-southeast-2/ap-southeast-3/ap-southeast-5/ap-northeast-1/eu-central-1/eu-west-1/us-west-1/us-east-1/ap-south-1    
  --service-name [string]             [C-Required] Specify the fc service name  
  --function-name [string]            [C-Required] Specify the fc function name
  --function-type [http/event]        [C-Required] Type of the target function, value: http/event              
  --method [string]                   [Optional] Target method, only for --function-type http                                  
  --payload [string]                  [Optional] Represents the event/request_body passed to the function    
  --payload-file [string]             [Optional] Contains the event passed to the function    
  --num-user [number]                 [Optional] Number of the simulated users                                                 
  -q, --qualifier [string]            [Optional] Qualifier of the target function, only for event function                                                 
  --run-time [number]                 [Optional] Intervals for stress                                                                                                  
  --spawn-rate [number]               [Optional] Increasing number of users per second                                         
  -u, --url [string]                  [Optional] Target url

Global Options

  -h, --help                 [Optional] Help for command          
  -a, --access [string]      [Optional] Specify key alias         
  --debug                    [Optional] Output debug informations 

Options Help

  Required: Required parameters in YAML mode and CLI mode
  C-Required: Required parameters in CLI mode
  Y-Required: Required parameters in Yaml mode
  Optional: Non mandatory parameter
  ✋ The difference between Yaml mode and CLI mode:

Examples with Yaml

  $ s stress start --payload-file ./payload.file                                                                                                       
  $ s stress start --num-user 6 --spawn-rate 10 --run-time 30 --url myUrl --method post --payload "hello world"                                                                                   

Examples with CLI

  $ s cli fc stress start --num-user 6 --spawn-rate 10 --run-time 30 --function-type event --service-name serviceName --function-name functionName --qualifier LATEST --payload "hello world" --region cn-hangzhou                                                                    


参数全称 参数缩写 Yaml模式下必填 Cli模式下必填 参数含义
region - 选填 必填 被压测的函数所处的地区,取值范围:cn-hangzhou, cn-beijing, cn-beijing, cn-shanghai, cn-qingdao, cn-zhangjiakou, cn-huhehaote, cn-shenzhen, cn-chengdu, cn-hongkong, ap-southeast-1, ap-southeast-2, ap-southeast-3, ap-southeast-5, ap-northeast-1, eu-central-1, eu-west-1, us-west-1, us-east-1, ap-south-1
service-name - 选填 必填 被压测的目标服务名
function-name - 选填 必填 被压测的目标函数名
function-type - 选填 选填 被压测的函数类型,取值范围:event, http,默认通过线上函数配置进行判断,如果判断失败可以手动指定
method - 选填 选填 表示压测请求的方法,例如 GET、POST 等,仅对 function-type 为 http 的函数压测时有效
payload - 选填 选填 压测 event 函数:调用目标函数时传入的 event 事件数据;
压测 http 函数:调用目标函数时传入的请求体数据
payload-file - 选填 选填 将 payload 参数内容以文件形式传入
num-user - 选填 选填 压测时模拟并发用户的目标数量
qualifier q 选填 选填 表示目标函数的版本信息,仅对 event 函数压测有效
run-time - 选填 选填 压测时长
spawn-rate - 选填 选填 每秒新增模拟用户数
url u 选填 选填 被压测目标函数的 url,仅对 function-type 为 http 的函数压测有效
invocation-type - 选填 选填 调用类型:可选值 async、sync
access a 选填 选填 本次请求使用的密钥,可以使用通过 config命令 配置的密钥信息,以及配置到环境变量的密钥信息
debug - 选填 选填 打开debug模式,将会输出更多日志信息
help h 选填 选填 查看帮助信息


  • 有资源描述文件(Yaml)时,可以直接执行s stress start开始对目标函数进行压测;
  • 纯命令行形式(在没有资源描述 Yaml 文件时),需要指定被压测目标函数的具体信息: 服务所在地区、服务名称以及函数名等,例如s cli fc stress start --region cn-hangzhou --access myAccess --service-name fc-deploy-service --function-name http-trigger-py36 --function-type event


Html report flie: /Users/jiangyu/.s/cache/fc-stress/html/url#2021-11-10T15-48-10.html
Execute 'open /Users/jiangyu/.s/cache/fc-stress/html/url#2021-11-10T15-48-10.html' on macos for html report with browser.
  Average:     8
  Error:       HTTPConnectionPool(host='undefined', port=80): Max retries exceeded with url: / (Caused by NewConnectionError(': Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -2] Name or service not known',))
  Fails:       20699
  Failures/s:  690
  Max:         55
  Method:      undefined
  Min:         1
  Name:        /
  Occurrences: 20699
  RPS:         690
  Requests:    20699
  p50:         8
  p60:         8
  p70:         9
  p90:         10
  p95:         11
  p99:         18

根据返回信息(例如: Execute 'open /Users/jiangyu/.s/cache/fc-stress/html/url#2021-11-10T15-48-10.html' on macos for html report with browser.)可打开相对应的压测报告:

图片alt 图片alt

stress clean 命令

stress clean 命令,用来清理发起压测的辅助资源(即一个辅助的service/function)以及本地的 html 压测报告。

当执行命令stress clean -h时,可以获取帮助文档:

Stress clean

  Clean the relevant resources, including helper resources.                                                                    


  s stress clean <options>

  --region [string]                   [C-Required] Specify the fc region, value: cn-hangzhou/cn-beijing/cn-beijing/cn-hangzhou/cn-shanghai/cn-qingdao/cn-zhangjiakou/cn-huhehaote/cn-shenzhen/cn-chengdu/cn-hongkong/ap-southeast-1/ap-southeast-2/ap-southeast-3/ap-southeast-5/ap-northeast-1/eu-central-1/eu-west-1/us-west-1/us-east-1/ap-south-1    
  --service-name [string]             [C-Required] Specify the fc service name  
  --function-name [string]            [C-Required] Specify the fc function name    
  -y, --assume-yes                    [Optional] Assume that the answer to any question which would be asked is yes 

Global Options

  -h, --help                 [Optional] Help for command          
  -a, --access [string]      [Optional] Specify key alias         
  --debug                    [Optional] Output debug informations 

Options Help

  Required: Required parameters in YAML mode and CLI mode
  C-Required: Required parameters in CLI mode
  Y-Required: Required parameters in Yaml mode
  Optional: Non mandatory parameter
  ✋ The difference between Yaml mode and CLI mode:

Examples with Yaml

  $ s stress clean                                                                                

Examples with CLI

  $ s cli fc stress clean --region cn-hangzhou --service-name serviceName --function-name functionName -y 


参数全称 参数缩写 Yaml模式下必填 Cli模式下必填 参数含义
region - 选填 选填 被压测的函数所处的地区,取值范围:cn-hangzhou, cn-beijing, cn-beijing, cn-shanghai, cn-qingdao, cn-zhangjiakou, cn-huhehaote, cn-shenzhen, cn-chengdu, cn-hongkong, ap-southeast-1, ap-southeast-2, ap-southeast-3, ap-southeast-5, ap-northeast-1, eu-central-1, eu-west-1, us-west-1, us-east-1, ap-south-1
service-name - 选填 选填
function-name - 选填 选填
assume-yes y 选填 选填 在交互时,默认选择y
access a 选填 选填 本次请求使用的密钥,可以使用通过config命令 配置的密钥信息,以及配置到环境变量的密钥信息
debug - 选填 选填 打开debug模式,将会输出更多日志信息
help h 选填 选填 查看帮助信息


  • 有资源描述文件(Yaml)时,可以直接执行s stress clean对压测创建的辅助资源进行清理;
  • 纯命令行形式(在没有资源描述 Yaml 文件时),需要指定被压测目标函数的具体信息: 服务所在地区、服务名称以及函数名等,例如s cli fc stress clean --region cn-hangzhou --service-name fc-deploy-service --function-name http-trigger-py36


Resource cleanup succeeded.


  • stress start 命令需要部署并调用辅助函数,因此需要如下权限:
    • 最大权限:AliyunFCFullAccess
    • 最小权限:
      "Version": "1",
      "Statement": [
          "Action": [
          "Resource": "acs:fc:<region>:<account-id>:services/_DEFAULT_FC_STRESS_COMPONENT_SERVICE",
          "Effect": "Allow"
          "Action": [
          "Effect": "Allow",
          "Resource": "acs:fc:<region>:<account-id>:services/_DEFAULT_FC_STRESS_COMPONENT_SERVICE.*/functions/*"
              "Action": "ram:PassRole",
              "Effect": "Allow",
              "Resource": "*"
  • stress clean 命令需要删除辅助函数,因此需要如下权限:
    • 最大权限:AliyunFCFullAccess
    • 最小权限:
      "Version": "1",
      "Statement": [
          "Action": "fc:DeleteService",
          "Resource": "acs:fc:<region>:<account-id>:services/_DEFAULT_FC_STRESS_COMPONENT_SERVICE",
          "Effect": "Allow"
          "Action": "fc:DeleteFunction",
          "Resource": "acs:fc:<region>:<account-id>:services/<serviceName>/functions/*",
          "Effect": "Allow"