当执行命令invoke -h
/invoke --help
Invoke/trigger online functions
s invoke <options>
--region [string] [C-Required] Specify the fc region, value: cn-hangzhou/cn-beijing/cn-beijing/cn-hangzhou/cn-shanghai/cn-qingdao/cn-zhangjiakou/cn-huhehaote/cn-shenzhen/cn-chengdu/cn-hongkong/ap-southeast-1/ap-southeast-2/ap-southeast-3/ap-southeast-5/ap-northeast-1/eu-central-1/eu-west-1/us-west-1/us-east-1/ap-south-1
--service-name [string] [C-Required] Specify the fc service name
--function-name [string] [Optional] Specify the fc function name
--timeout [number] [Optional] Configure client timeout
-e, --event [string] [Optional] Event data passed to the function during invocation (default: "")
-f, --event-file [string] [Optional] Event funtion: A file containing event data passed to the function during invoke
-s, --event-stdin [string] [Optional] Read from standard input, to support script pipeline
--invocation-type [async/sync] [Optional] Invocation type, value: async/sync, default: sync
--stateful-async-invocation-id [Optional] Stateful asynchronous invocation, only takes effect when --invocation-type=async
Global Options
-h, --help [Optional] Help for command
-a, --access [string] [Optional] Specify key alias
--debug [Optional] Output debug informations
Options Help
Required: Required parameters in YAML mode and CLI mode
C-Required: Required parameters in CLI mode
Y-Required: Required parameters in Yaml mode
Optional: Non mandatory parameter
✋ The difference between Yaml mode and CLI mode:
Event Format
Quickly obtain the data structures of different events through the command [s cli fc-event -h]
Examples with Yaml
$ s invoke
Examples with CLI
$ s cli fc invoke --region cn-hangzhou --service-name serviceName --function-name functionName --event evnetString
参数全称 | 参数缩写 | Yaml模式下必填 | Cli模式下必填 | 参数含义 |
region | - | 选填 | 必填 | 地区,取值范围:cn-hangzhou, cn-beijing, cn-beijing, cn-hangzhou, cn-shanghai, cn-qingdao, cn-zhangjiakou, cn-huhehaote, cn-shenzhen, cn-chengdu, cn-hongkong, ap-southeast-1, ap-southeast-2, ap-southeast-3, ap-southeast-5, ap-northeast-1, eu-central-1, eu-west-1, us-west-1, us-east-1, ap-south-1 |
service-name | - | 选填 | 必填 | 服务名 |
function-name | - | 选填 | 必填 | 函数名 |
timeout | - | 选填 | 选填 | 客户端调用时间 时间设置原理 |
event | e | 选填 | 选填 | 事件 |
event-file | f | 选填 | 选填 | 事件文件 |
event-stdin | s | 选填 | 选填 | 事件输入 |
invocation-type | - | 选填 | 选填 | 调用类型,取值范围:async, sync ,默认:sync |
stateful-async-invocation-id | - | 选填 | 选填 | 有状态的异步调用 |
access | a | 选填 | 选填 | 本次请求使用的密钥,可以使用通过config命令 配置的密钥信息,以及配置到环境变量的密钥信息 |
debug | - | 选填 | 选填 | 打开debug 模式,将会输出更多日志信息 |
help | h | 选填 | 选填 | 查看帮助信息 |
- 有资源描述文件(Yaml)时,可以直接执行
s invoke
进行线上函数的调用; - 纯命令行形式(在没有资源描述 Yaml 文件时),需要指定服务所在地区以及服务名称,函数名等,例如
s invoke --region cn-hangzhou --service-name fc-deploy-service --function-name http-trigger-py36
Request url:
========= FC invoke Logs begin =========
FC Invoke Start RequestId: 68f15da2-a453-4f7e-90d3-91198b76afbf
FC Invoke End RequestId: 68f15da2-a453-4f7e-90d3-91198b76afbf
Duration: 2.96 ms, Billed Duration: 3 ms, Memory Size: 128 MB, Max Memory Used: 10.83 MB
========= FC invoke Logs end =========
FC Invoke Result[code: ${resp.code}]:
Hello world!
在进行调用时,如果需要指定相对应的事件,例如oss的事件,cdn的事件......这些事件的格式,可以通过命令s cli fc-event
方法 | 方法说明 | 入参示例 | 命令行调用示例 |
http | HTTP 触发器事件 | s cli fc-event http | |
cdn | CDN 触发器事件 | s cli fc-event cdn | |
mns | MNS 触发器事件 | s cli fc-event mns | |
oss | OSS 触发器事件 | s cli fc-event oss | |
sls | SLS 触发器事件 | s cli fc-event sls | |
tablestore | TableStore 触发器事件 | s cli fc-event tablestore |
例如:如果使用oss的事件,进行测试,此时可以执行:s cli fc-event oss
OSS event template created successfully.
👓 Event Template Path: event-template/oss-event.json
You could user fc/fc-api component invoke method and specify the event.
E.g: [s projectName invoke --event-file event-template/oss-event.json]
More information about OSS Trigger:
此时,可以利用该路径的模板(可以额外进行修改)触发函数,例如:s invoke --event-file event-template/oss-event.json
{ "Version": "1", "Statement": [ { "Action": "fc:InvokeFunction", "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "acs:fc:<region>:<account-id>:services/<serviceName>.<qualifier>/functions/<functionName>" } ] }