- 命令解析
- remove service 命令
- remove function 命令
- remove trigger 命令
- remove domain 命令
- remove version 命令
- remove alias 命令
- remove provision 命令
- remove ondemand 命令
- remove layer 命令
- 权限与策略说明
⚠️ 注意: 值得注意的是,资源一旦移除可能无法恢复,所以在使用移除功能时,请您慎重操作
当执行命令remove -h
/remove --help
The ability to delete resources
$ s remove <options>
$ s remove <sub-command> <options>
-y, --assume-yes [Optional] Assume that the answer to any question which would be asked is yes
Global Options
-h, --help [Optional] Help for command
-a, --access [string] [Optional] Specify key alias
--debug [Optional] Output debug informations
Options Help
Required: Required parameters in YAML mode and CLI mode
C-Required: Required parameters in CLI mode
Y-Required: Required parameters in Yaml mode
Optional: Non mandatory parameter
✋ The difference between Yaml mode and CLI mode:
service Remove service resources; help command [s remove service -h]
function Remove function resources; help command [s remove function -h]
trigger Only remove trigger resources; help command [s remove trigger -h]
domain Only remove domain resources; help command [s remove domain -h]
version Only remove version resources; help command [s remove version -h]
alias Only remove alias resources; help command [s remove alias -h]
provision Only remove provision resources; help command [s remove provision -h]
ondemand Only remove ondemand resources; help command [s remove ondemand -h]
layer Only remove layer resources; help command [s remove layer -h]
Examples with Yaml
$ s remove
- service:删除指定的服务
- function:删除指定的函数
- trigger:删除指定的触发器
- domain:删除指定的域名
- version:删除指定的版本
- alias:删除指定的别名
- provision:删除指定的预留资源
- ondemand:删除指定的按量资源
- layer:删除指定的层
参数全称 | 参数缩写 | Yaml模式下必填 | 参数含义 |
assume-yes | y | 选填 | 在交互时,默认选择y |
access | a | 选填 | 本次请求使用的密钥,可以使用通过config命令 配置的密钥信息,以及配置到环境变量的密钥信息 |
debug | - | 选填 | 打开debug 模式,将会输出更多日志信息 |
help | h | 选填 | 查看帮助信息 |
有资源描述文件(Yaml)时,可以直接执行s remove
Service [myService] deleted successfully.
Function [myFunction] deleted successfully.
⚠️ 注意:
- 执行
s remove
等同于依次执行s remove ondemand
、s remove provision
、s remove alias
、s remove version
、s remove trigger
、s remove function
、s remove service
;- 如果使用了参数
案例:假如在上海地区有一个服务,服务下有两个函数,Yaml 中仅配置了服务和其中一个函数- 如果执行了
s remove
,则会提示此服务下两个函数,是否删除所有的函数;- 如果执行
s remove -y
,会强制删除两个函数和服务;- 如果只想删除当前 Yaml 声明的函数,那么可以执行
s remove function
remove service
当执行命令remove service -h
/remove service --help
Remove service
Delete service
s remove service <options>
--region [string] [C-Required] Specify the fc region, value: cn-hangzhou/cn-beijing/cn-beijing/cn-hangzhou/cn-shanghai/cn-qingdao/cn-zhangjiakou/cn-huhehaote/cn-shenzhen/cn-chengdu/cn-hongkong/ap-southeast-1/ap-southeast-2/ap-southeast-3/ap-southeast-5/ap-northeast-1/eu-central-1/eu-west-1/us-west-1/us-east-1/ap-south-1
--service-name [string] [C-Required] Specify the fc service name
-y, --assume-yes [Optional] Assume that the answer to any question which would be asked is yes
Global Options
-h, --help [Optional] Help for command
-a, --access [string] [Optional] Specify key alias
--debug [Optional] Output debug informations
Options Help
Required: Required parameters in YAML mode and CLI mode
C-Required: Required parameters in CLI mode
Y-Required: Required parameters in Yaml mode
Optional: Non mandatory parameter
✋ The difference between Yaml mode and CLI mode:
Examples with Yaml
$ s remove service
Examples with CLI
$ s cli fc remove service --region cn-hangzhou --service-name serviceName
参数全称 | 参数缩写 | Yaml模式下必填 | Cli模式下必填 | 参数含义 |
region | - | 选填 | 必填 | 地区,取值范围:cn-hangzhou, cn-beijing, cn-beijing, cn-hangzhou, cn-shanghai, cn-qingdao, cn-zhangjiakou, cn-huhehaote, cn-shenzhen, cn-chengdu, cn-hongkong, ap-southeast-1, ap-southeast-2, ap-southeast-3, ap-southeast-5, ap-northeast-1, eu-central-1, eu-west-1, us-west-1, us-east-1, ap-south-1 |
service-name | - | 选填 | 必填 | 服务名 |
assume-yes | y | 选填 | 选填 | 在交互时,默认选择y |
access | a | 选填 | 选填 | 本次请求使用的密钥,可以使用通过config命令 配置的密钥信息,以及配置到环境变量的密钥信息 |
debug | - | 选填 | 选填 | 打开debug 模式,将会输出更多日志信息 |
help | h | 选填 | 选填 | 查看帮助信息 |
- 有资源描述文件(Yaml)时,可以直接执行
s remove service
删除指定的服务; - 纯命令行形式(在没有资源描述 Yaml 文件时),需要指定服务所在地区以及服务名称,例如
s cli fc remove service --region cn-hangzhou --service-name fc-deploy-service
Service [fc-deploy-service] deleted successfully.
remove function
当执行命令remove function -h
/remove function --help
Remove function
Delete function
s remove function <options>
--region [string] [C-Required] Specify the fc region, value: cn-hangzhou/cn-beijing/cn-beijing/cn-hangzhou/cn-shanghai/cn-qingdao/cn-zhangjiakou/cn-huhehaote/cn-shenzhen/cn-chengdu/cn-hongkong/ap-southeast-1/ap-southeast-2/ap-southeast-3/ap-southeast-5/ap-northeast-1/eu-central-1/eu-west-1/us-west-1/us-east-1/ap-south-1
--service-name [string] [C-Required] Specify the fc service name
--function-name [string] [C-Required] Specify the fc function name
-y, --assume-yes [Optional] Assume that the answer to any question which would be asked is yes
Global Options
-h, --help [Optional] Help for command
-a, --access [string] [Optional] Specify key alias
--debug [Optional] Output debug informations
Options Help
Required: Required parameters in YAML mode and CLI mode
C-Required: Required parameters in CLI mode
Y-Required: Required parameters in Yaml mode
Optional: Non mandatory parameter
✋ The difference between Yaml mode and CLI mode:
Examples with Yaml
$ s remove function
Examples with CLI
$ s cli fc remove function --region cn-hangzhou --service-name serviceName --function-name functionName
参数全称 | 参数缩写 | Yaml模式下必填 | Cli模式下必填 | 参数含义 |
region | - | 选填 | 必填 | 地区,取值范围:cn-hangzhou, cn-beijing, cn-beijing, cn-hangzhou, cn-shanghai, cn-qingdao, cn-zhangjiakou, cn-huhehaote, cn-shenzhen, cn-chengdu, cn-hongkong, ap-southeast-1, ap-southeast-2, ap-southeast-3, ap-southeast-5, ap-northeast-1, eu-central-1, eu-west-1, us-west-1, us-east-1, ap-south-1 |
service-name | - | 选填 | 必填 | 服务名 |
function-name | - | 选填 | 必填 | 函数名 |
assume-yes | y | 选填 | 选填 | 在交互时,默认选择y |
access | a | 选填 | 选填 | 本次请求使用的密钥,可以使用通过config命令 配置的密钥信息,以及配置到环境变量的密钥信息 |
debug | - | 选填 | 选填 | 打开debug 模式,将会输出更多日志信息 |
help | h | 选填 | 选填 | 查看帮助信息 |
- 有资源描述文件(Yaml)时,可以直接执行
s remove function
删除指定的函数; - 纯命令行形式(在没有资源描述 Yaml 文件时),需要指定服务所在地区以及服务名称,例如
s cli fc remove function --region cn-hangzhou --service-name fc-deploy-service --function-name fc-deploy-function
Function [fc-deploy-function] deleted successfully.
remove trigger
当执行命令remove trigger -h
/remove trigger --help
Remove trigger
Delete trigger
s remove trigger <options>
--region [string] [C-Required] Specify the fc region, value: cn-hangzhou/cn-beijing/cn-beijing/cn-hangzhou/cn-shanghai/cn-qingdao/cn-zhangjiakou/cn-huhehaote/cn-shenzhen/cn-chengdu/cn-hongkong/ap-southeast-1/ap-southeast-2/ap-southeast-3/ap-southeast-5/ap-northeast-1/eu-central-1/eu-west-1/us-west-1/us-east-1/ap-south-1
--service-name [string] [C-Required] Specify the fc service name
--function-name [string] [C-Required] Specify the fc function name
--trigger-name [string] [C-Required] Specify the fc trigger name
-y, --assume-yes [Optional] Assume that the answer to any question which would be asked is yes
Global Options
-h, --help [Optional] Help for command
-a, --access [string] [Optional] Specify key alias
--debug [Optional] Output debug informations
Options Help
Required: Required parameters in YAML mode and CLI mode
C-Required: Required parameters in CLI mode
Y-Required: Required parameters in Yaml mode
Optional: Non mandatory parameter
✋ The difference between Yaml mode and CLI mode:
Examples with Yaml
$ s remove trigger
Examples with CLI
$ s cli fc remove trigger --region cn-hangzhou --service-name serviceName --function-name functionName --trigger-name triggerName
参数全称 | 参数缩写 | Yaml模式下必填 | Cli模式下必填 | 参数含义 |
region | - | 选填 | 必填 | 地区,取值范围:cn-hangzhou, cn-beijing, cn-beijing, cn-hangzhou, cn-shanghai, cn-qingdao, cn-zhangjiakou, cn-huhehaote, cn-shenzhen, cn-chengdu, cn-hongkong, ap-southeast-1, ap-southeast-2, ap-southeast-3, ap-southeast-5, ap-northeast-1, eu-central-1, eu-west-1, us-west-1, us-east-1, ap-south-1 |
service-name | - | 选填 | 必填 | 服务名 |
function-name | - | 选填 | 必填 | 函数名 |
trigger-name | - | 选填 | 必填 | 触发器名 |
assume-yes | y | 选填 | 选填 | 在交互时,默认选择y |
access | a | 选填 | 选填 | 本次请求使用的密钥,可以使用通过config命令 配置的密钥信息,以及配置到环境变量的密钥信息 |
debug | - | 选填 | 选填 | 打开debug 模式,将会输出更多日志信息 |
help | h | 选填 | 选填 | 查看帮助信息 |
- 有资源描述文件(Yaml)时,可以直接执行
s remove trigger
删除 Yaml 中声明的所有触发器,可以通过增加--trigger-name triggerName
删除指定的触发器; - 纯命令行形式(在没有资源描述 Yaml 文件时),需要指定服务所在地区以及服务名称,例如
s cli fc remove trigger --region cn-hangzhou --service-name fc-deploy-service --function-name fc-deploy-function --trigger-name fc-deploy-trigger
Trigger [fc-deploy-trigger] deleted successfully.
remove domain
当执行命令remove domain -h
/remove domain --help
Remove domain
Delete domain
s remove domain <options>
--region [string] [C-Required] Specify the fc region, value: cn-hangzhou/cn-beijing/cn-beijing/cn-hangzhou/cn-shanghai/cn-qingdao/cn-zhangjiakou/cn-huhehaote/cn-shenzhen/cn-chengdu/cn-hongkong/ap-southeast-1/ap-southeast-2/ap-southeast-3/ap-southeast-5/ap-northeast-1/eu-central-1/eu-west-1/us-west-1/us-east-1/ap-south-1
--domain [string] [C-Required] Specify the fc custom domain
-y, --assume-yes [Optional] Assume that the answer to any question which would be asked is yes
Global Options
-h, --help [Optional] Help for command
-a, --access [string] [Optional] Specify key alias
--debug [Optional] Output debug informations
Options Help
Required: Required parameters in YAML mode and CLI mode
C-Required: Required parameters in CLI mode
Y-Required: Required parameters in Yaml mode
Optional: Non mandatory parameter
✋ The difference between Yaml mode and CLI mode:
Examples with Yaml
$ s remove domain
Examples with CLI
$ s cli fc remove domain --region cn-hangzhou --domain
参数全称 | 参数缩写 | Yaml模式下必填 | Cli模式下必填 | 参数含义 |
region | - | 选填 | 必填 | 地区,取值范围:cn-hangzhou, cn-beijing, cn-beijing, cn-hangzhou, cn-shanghai, cn-qingdao, cn-zhangjiakou, cn-huhehaote, cn-shenzhen, cn-chengdu, cn-hongkong, ap-southeast-1, ap-southeast-2, ap-southeast-3, ap-southeast-5, ap-northeast-1, eu-central-1, eu-west-1, us-west-1, us-east-1, ap-south-1 |
domain | - | 选填 | 必填 | 自定义域名 |
assume-yes | y | 选填 | 选填 | 在交互时,默认选择y |
access | a | 选填 | 选填 | 本次请求使用的密钥,可以使用通过config命令 配置的密钥信息,以及配置到环境变量的密钥信息 |
debug | - | 选填 | 选填 | 打开debug 模式,将会输出更多日志信息 |
help | h | 选填 | 选填 | 查看帮助信息 |
- 有资源描述文件(Yaml)时,可以直接执行
s remove domain
删除 Yaml 中声明的所有自定义域名,可以通过增加--domain domain
删除指定的自定义域名; - 纯命令行形式(在没有资源描述 Yaml 文件时),需要指定服务所在地区以及服务名称,例如
s cli fc remove domain --region cn-hangzhou --domain
Custom domain [] deleted successfully.
remove version
当执行命令remove version -h
/remove version --help
Remove version
Delete service version
s remove version <options>
--region [string] [C-Required] Specify the fc region, value: cn-hangzhou/cn-beijing/cn-beijing/cn-hangzhou/cn-shanghai/cn-qingdao/cn-zhangjiakou/cn-huhehaote/cn-shenzhen/cn-chengdu/cn-hongkong/ap-southeast-1/ap-southeast-2/ap-southeast-3/ap-southeast-5/ap-northeast-1/eu-central-1/eu-west-1/us-west-1/us-east-1/ap-south-1
--service-name [string] [C-Required] Specify the fc service name
--version-id [number] [Required] The version Id
Global Options
-h, --help [Optional] Help for command
-a, --access [string] [Optional] Specify key alias
--debug [Optional] Output debug informations
Options Help
Required: Required parameters in YAML mode and CLI mode
C-Required: Required parameters in CLI mode
Y-Required: Required parameters in Yaml mode
Optional: Non mandatory parameter
✋ The difference between Yaml mode and CLI mode:
Examples with Yaml
$ s remove version --version-id 1
Examples with CLI
$ s cli fc remove version --region cn-hangzhou --service-name serviceName --version-id 1
参数全称 | 参数缩写 | Yaml模式下必填 | Cli模式下必填 | 参数含义 |
region | - | 选填 | 必填 | 地区,取值范围:cn-hangzhou, cn-beijing, cn-beijing, cn-hangzhou, cn-shanghai, cn-qingdao, cn-zhangjiakou, cn-huhehaote, cn-shenzhen, cn-chengdu, cn-hongkong, ap-southeast-1, ap-southeast-2, ap-southeast-3, ap-southeast-5, ap-northeast-1, eu-central-1, eu-west-1, us-west-1, us-east-1, ap-south-1 |
service-name | - | 选填 | 必填 | 服务名 |
version-id | - | 必填 | 必填 | 版本Id |
access | a | 选填 | 选填 | 本次请求使用的密钥,可以使用通过config命令 配置的密钥信息,以及配置到环境变量的密钥信息 |
debug | - | 选填 | 选填 | 打开debug 模式,将会输出更多日志信息 |
help | h | 选填 | 选填 | 查看帮助信息 |
- 有资源描述文件(Yaml)时,可以直接执行
s remove version --version-id versionId
的版本; - 纯命令行形式(在没有资源描述 Yaml 文件时),需要指定服务所在地区以及服务名称,例如
s cli fc remove version --region cn-hangzhou --service-name fc-deploy-service --version-id 1
VersionId [1] deleted successfully.
remove alias
当执行命令remove alias -h
/remove alias --help
Remove alias
Delete alias
s remove alias <options>
--region [string] [C-Required] Specify the fc region, value: cn-hangzhou/cn-beijing/cn-beijing/cn-hangzhou/cn-shanghai/cn-qingdao/cn-zhangjiakou/cn-huhehaote/cn-shenzhen/cn-chengdu/cn-hongkong/ap-southeast-1/ap-southeast-2/ap-southeast-3/ap-southeast-5/ap-northeast-1/eu-central-1/eu-west-1/us-west-1/us-east-1/ap-south-1
--service-name [string] [C-Required] Specify the fc service name
--alias-name [string] [Required] Specify the fc alias name
Global Options
-h, --help [Optional] Help for command
-a, --access [string] [Optional] Specify key alias
--debug [Optional] Output debug informations
Options Help
Required: Required parameters in YAML mode and CLI mode
C-Required: Required parameters in CLI mode
Y-Required: Required parameters in Yaml mode
Optional: Non mandatory parameter
✋ The difference between Yaml mode and CLI mode:
Examples with Yaml
$ s remove alias --alias-name aliasName
Examples with CLI
$ s cli fc remove alias --region cn-hangzhou --service-name serviceName --alias-name aliasName
参数全称 | 参数缩写 | Yaml模式下必填 | Cli模式下必填 | 参数含义 |
region | - | 选填 | 必填 | 地区,取值范围:cn-hangzhou, cn-beijing, cn-beijing, cn-hangzhou, cn-shanghai, cn-qingdao, cn-zhangjiakou, cn-huhehaote, cn-shenzhen, cn-chengdu, cn-hongkong, ap-southeast-1, ap-southeast-2, ap-southeast-3, ap-southeast-5, ap-northeast-1, eu-central-1, eu-west-1, us-west-1, us-east-1, ap-south-1 |
service-name | - | 选填 | 必填 | 服务名 |
alias-name | - | 必填 | 必填 | 别名 |
access | a | 选填 | 选填 | 本次请求使用的密钥,可以使用通过config命令 配置的密钥信息,以及配置到环境变量的密钥信息 |
debug | - | 选填 | 选填 | 打开debug 模式,将会输出更多日志信息 |
help | h | 选填 | 选填 | 查看帮助信息 |
- 有资源描述文件(Yaml)时,可以直接执行
s remove alias --alias-name aliasName
删除指定别名; - 纯命令行形式(在没有资源描述 Yaml 文件时),需要指定服务所在地区以及服务名称,例如
s cli fc remove alias --region cn-hangzhou --service-name fc-deploy-service --alias-name pre
AliasName [pre] deleted successfully.
remove provision
当执行命令remove provision -h
/remove provision --help
Remove provision
Delete provision
s remove provision <options>
--region [string] [C-Required] Specify the fc region, value: cn-hangzhou/cn-beijing/cn-beijing/cn-hangzhou/cn-shanghai/cn-qingdao/cn-zhangjiakou/cn-huhehaote/cn-shenzhen/cn-chengdu/cn-hongkong/ap-southeast-1/ap-southeast-2/ap-southeast-3/ap-southeast-5/ap-northeast-1/eu-central-1/eu-west-1/us-west-1/us-east-1/ap-south-1
--service-name [string] [C-Required] Specify the fc service name
--function-name [string] [C-Required] Specify the fc function name
--qualifier string [Required] Specify the qualifier parameter. Only supports LATEST and alias
Global Options
-h, --help [Optional] Help for command
-a, --access [string] [Optional] Specify key alias
--debug [Optional] Output debug informations
Options Help
Required: Required parameters in YAML mode and CLI mode
C-Required: Required parameters in CLI mode
Y-Required: Required parameters in Yaml mode
Optional: Non mandatory parameter
✋ The difference between Yaml mode and CLI mode:
Examples with Yaml
$ s remove provision --qualifier alias
Examples with CLI
$ s cli fc remove provision --region cn-hangzhou --service-name serviceName --function-name functionName --qualifier alias
参数全称 | 参数缩写 | Yaml模式下必填 | Cli模式下必填 | 参数含义 |
region | - | 选填 | 必填 | 地区,取值范围:cn-hangzhou, cn-beijing, cn-beijing, cn-hangzhou, cn-shanghai, cn-qingdao, cn-zhangjiakou, cn-huhehaote, cn-shenzhen, cn-chengdu, cn-hongkong, ap-southeast-1, ap-southeast-2, ap-southeast-3, ap-southeast-5, ap-northeast-1, eu-central-1, eu-west-1, us-west-1, us-east-1, ap-south-1 |
service-name | - | 选填 | 必填 | 服务名 |
function-name | - | 选填 | 必填 | 版本描述 |
qualifier | 选填 | 选填 | 配置预留的版本,仅支持服务的 LATEST 和别名。如果指定qualifier ,则仅清除此qualifier 下的预留资源;如果未指定,将清除此服务下所有版本的预留资源 |
access | a | 选填 | 选填 | 本次请求使用的密钥,可以使用通过config命令 配置的密钥信息,以及配置到环境变量的密钥信息 |
debug | - | 选填 | 选填 | 打开debug 模式,将会输出更多日志信息 |
help | h | 选填 | 选填 | 查看帮助信息 |
- 有资源描述文件(Yaml)时,可以直接执行
s remove provision --qualifier qualifier
获取预留实例详情; - 纯命令行形式(在没有资源描述 Yaml 文件时),需要指定服务所在地区以及服务名称,例如
s cli fc remove provision --region cn-hangzhou --service-name fc-deploy-service --qualifier release
Proivision qualifier [release] deleted successfully.
remove ondemand
当执行命令remove ondemand -h
/remove ondemand --help
Remove ondemand
Delete ondemand resouece
s remove ondemand <options>
--region [string] [C-Required] Specify the fc region, value: cn-hangzhou/cn-beijing/cn-beijing/cn-hangzhou/cn-shanghai/cn-qingdao/cn-zhangjiakou/cn-huhehaote/cn-shenzhen/cn-chengdu/cn-hongkong/ap-southeast-1/ap-southeast-2/ap-southeast-3/ap-southeast-5/ap-northeast-1/eu-central-1/eu-west-1/us-west-1/us-east-1/ap-south-1
--service-name [string] [C-Required] Specify the fc service name
--function-name [string] [C-Required] Specify the fc function name
--qualifier [string] [Required] If qualifier is specified, only all onDemand resources under this alias will be cleared; if not specified, all versions of onDemand resources under this service will be cleared
Global Options
-h, --help [Optional] Help for command
-a, --access [string] [Optional] Specify key alias
--debug [Optional] Output debug informations
Options Help
Required: Required parameters in YAML mode and CLI mode
C-Required: Required parameters in CLI mode
Y-Required: Required parameters in Yaml mode
Optional: Non mandatory parameter
✋ The difference between Yaml mode and CLI mode:
Examples with Yaml
$ s remove ondemand
Examples with CLI
$ s cli fc remove ondemand --region cn-hangzhou --service-name serviceName
参数全称 | 参数缩写 | Yaml模式下必填 | Cli模式下必填 | 参数含义 |
region | - | 选填 | 必填 | 地区,取值范围:cn-hangzhou, cn-beijing, cn-beijing, cn-hangzhou, cn-shanghai, cn-qingdao, cn-zhangjiakou, cn-huhehaote, cn-shenzhen, cn-chengdu, cn-hongkong, ap-southeast-1, ap-southeast-2, ap-southeast-3, ap-southeast-5, ap-northeast-1, eu-central-1, eu-west-1, us-west-1, us-east-1, ap-south-1 |
service-name | - | 选填 | 必填 | 服务名 |
function-name | - | 必填 | 必填 | 函数名 |
qualifier | - | 选填 | 选填 | 版本,支持LATEST和别名;如果指定qualifier ,则仅清除此qualifier 下的按量资源;如果未指定,将清除此服务下所有版本的按量资源 |
access | a | 选填 | 选填 | 本次请求使用的密钥,可以使用通过config命令 配置的密钥信息,以及配置到环境变量的密钥信息 |
debug | - | 选填 | 选填 | 打开debug 模式,将会输出更多日志信息 |
help | h | 选填 | 选填 | 查看帮助信息 |
- 有资源描述文件(Yaml)时,可以直接执行
s remove ondemand
删除指定别名; - 纯命令行形式(在没有资源描述 Yaml 文件时),需要指定服务所在地区以及服务名称,例如
s cli fc remove ondemand
Ondemand [*] deleted successfully.
remove layer
当执行命令remove layer -h
/remove layer --help
Remove layer
Delete layer
s remove layer <options>
--region [string] [C-Required] Specify the fc region, value: cn-hangzhou/cn-beijing/cn-beijing/cn-hangzhou/cn-shanghai/cn-qingdao/cn-zhangjiakou/cn-huhehaote/cn-shenzhen/cn-chengdu/cn-hongkong/ap-southeast-1/ap-southeast-2/ap-southeast-3/ap-southeast-5/ap-northeast-1/eu-central-1/eu-west-1/us-west-1/us-east-1/ap-south-1
--layer-name [string] [Required] Delete all versions of the specified layer
--version-id [number] [Optional] Only delete the version of the specified layer
Global Options
-h, --help [Optional] Help for command
-a, --access [string] [Optional] Specify key alias
--debug [Optional] Output debug informations
Options Help
Required: Required parameters in YAML mode and CLI mode
C-Required: Required parameters in CLI mode
Y-Required: Required parameters in Yaml mode
Optional: Non mandatory parameter
✋ The difference between Yaml mode and CLI mode:
Examples with Yaml
$ s layer delete --layer-name layerName
Examples with CLI
$ s cli fc layer delete --region cn-hangzhou --layer-name layerName
参数全称 | 参数缩写 | Yaml模式下必填 | Cli模式下必填 | 参数含义 |
region | - | 选填 | 必填 | 地区,取值范围:cn-hangzhou, cn-beijing, cn-beijing, cn-hangzhou, cn-shanghai, cn-qingdao, cn-zhangjiakou, cn-huhehaote, cn-shenzhen, cn-chengdu, cn-hongkong, ap-southeast-1, ap-southeast-2, ap-southeast-3, ap-southeast-5, ap-northeast-1, eu-central-1, eu-west-1, us-west-1, us-east-1, ap-south-1 |
layer-name | - | 选填 | 必填 | 层名称 |
version-id | - | 选填 | 选填 | 指定层版本。如果指定--version-id,仅删除指定指定层的版本;否则删除层的所有的版本 |
access | a | 选填 | 选填 | 本次请求使用的密钥,可以使用通过config命令 配置的密钥信息,以及配置到环境变量的密钥信息 |
debug | - | 选填 | 选填 | 打开debug 模式,将会输出更多日志信息 |
help | h | 选填 | 选填 | 查看帮助信息 |
- 有资源描述文件(Yaml)时,可以直接执行
s remove layer --layer-name layerName
删除层; - 纯命令行形式(在没有资源描述 Yaml 文件时),需要指定服务所在地区,例如
s cli fc remove layer --region cn-hangzhou --layer-name demo
Layer [demo] deleted successfully.
s remove
/s remove service
:{ "Statement": [ { "Action": [ "fc:ListOnDemandConfigs", "fc:DeleteFunctionOnDemandConfig", "fc:ListProvisionConfigs", "fc:PutProvisionConfig", "fc:ListAliases", "fc:DeleteAlias", "fc:ListServiceVersions", "fc:DeleteServiceVersion", "fc:ListTriggers", "fc:DeleteTrigger", "fc:ListFunctions", "fc:DeleteFunction", "fc:DeleteService" ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "*" } ], "Version": "1" }
s remove function
:{ "Statement": [ { "Action": [ "fc:ListTriggers", "fc:DeleteTrigger", "fc:DeleteFunction" ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "*" } ], "Version": "1" }
s remove trigger
:{ "Statement": [ { "Action": [ "fc:DeleteTrigger" ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "*" } ], "Version": "1" }
s remove version
: 系统策略:AliyunFCReadOnlyAccess
{ "Version": "1", "Statement": [ { "Action": "fc:DeleteServiceVersion", "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "acs:fc:<region>:<account-id>:services/<serviceName>/versions/<version-id>" } ] }
s remove provision
: 系统策略:AliyunFCReadOnlyAccess
{ "Version": "1", "Statement": [ { "Action": "fc:PutProvisionConfig", "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "acs:fc:<region>:<account-id>:services/services/<serviceName>.<qualifier>/functions/<functionName>" } ] }
s remove ondemand
: 系统策略:AliyunFCReadOnlyAccess
{ "Version": "1", "Statement": [ { "Action": "fc:DeleteFunctionOnDemandConfig", "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "acs:fc:<region>:<account-id>:services/services/<serviceName>.<qualifier>/functions/<functionName>" } ] }
s remove layer
: 系统策略:AliyunFCReadOnlyAccess
{ "Version": "1", "Statement": [ { "Action": "fc:DeleteLayerVersion", "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "acs:fc:<region>:<account-id>:layers/<layerName>/versions/*" } ] }