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您可以通过local -h/local --help参数,唤起帮助信息。例如执行s local -h后,可以看到:


  Run your serverless application locally for quick development & testing.


  $ s local <sub-command> 


  invoke   Local start fc event function, you can get help through [s local invoke -h]
  start    Local invoke fc http function, you can get help through [s local start -h]


  • invoke: 本地调试/测试事件函数,可以通过s local invoke -h获取帮助文档
    Local Invoke
      Local invoke fc event function 
    Usage for fc component
      $ s local invoke <options> 
    Usage for fc-local-invoke component
      $ s invoke <options>
      -e, --event <event>              Support Event data(strings) or a file containing event data passed to the     
                                       function during invocation.                                                   
      -f, --event-file <path>          A file containing event data passed to the function during invoke.            
      -s, --event-stdin                Read from standard input, to support script pipeline.                         
      -m, --mode <mode>                Invoke mode, including api, server and normal:                                
                                       - api: start api server for invokeFunction api invoking.                      
                                       - server: start server container for invoking function in the other terminal  
                                       - normal: default mode, invoke event function and then close the container.   
      -c, --config ide/debugger        Select which IDE to use when debugging and output related debug config tips   
                                       for the IDE. Options:'vscode', 'pycharm'.                                     
      -d, --debug-port <port>          Specify the sandboxed container starting in debug mode, and exposing this     
                                       port on localhos.                                                             
      --debug-args <debugArgs>         Additional parameters that will be passed to the debugger                     
      --debugger-path <debuggerPath>   The path of the debugger on the host                                          
      --tmp-dir <tmpDir>               The temp directory mounted to /tmp , default to                               
    Global Options
      -h, --help    Display help for command. 
    Examples with Yaml for fc component
      $ s local invoke [--debug-port 9000] [--config vscode]         
      $ s exec -- local invoke [--debug-port 9000] [--config vscode]
    Examples with Yaml for fc-local-invoke component
      $ s invoke [--debug-port 9000] [--config vscode]         
      $ s exec -- invoke [--debug-port 9000] [--config vscode]
  • start: 本地调试/测试HTTP函数,可以通过s local start -h获取帮助文档
    Local Start
      Local invoke fc http function 
    Usage for fc component
      $ s local start <options> 
    Usage for fc-local-invoke component
      $ s start <options>
      -c, --config ide/debugger        Select which IDE to use when debugging and output related debug config tips   
                                       for the IDE. Options:'vscode', 'pycharm'.                                     
      -d, --debug-port <port>          Specify the sandboxed container starting in debug mode, and exposing this     
                                       port on localhos.                                                             
      --debug-args <debugArgs>         Additional parameters that will be passed to the debugger                     
      --debugger-path <debuggerPath>   The path of the debugger on the host                                          
      --tmp-dir <tmpDir>               The temp directory mounted to /tmp , default to                               
    Global Options
      -h, --help    Display help for command. 
    Examples with Yaml for fc component
      $ s local start [--debug-port 9000] [--config vscode]         
      $ s exec -- local start [--debug-port 9000] [--config vscode] 
    Examples with Yaml for fc-local-invoke component
      $ s start [--debug-port 9000] [--config vscode]         
      $ s exec -- start [--debug-port 9000] [--config vscode]


当我们下载好Serverless Devs开发者工具, 并完成阿里云密钥配置之后,我们可以根据自身的需求进行函数的本地调用。



如果是HTTP触发器函数,只需执行s local start即可进行测试:

[2021-06-07T18:51:46.531] [INFO ] [FC-LOCAL-INVOKE] - Trigger for start is:
name: httpTrigger
type: http
  authType: anonymous
    - GET

[2021-06-07T18:51:46.539] [INFO ] [FC-LOCAL-INVOKE] - HttpTrigger httpTrigger of fc-deploy-service/http-trigger-function was registered
	url: http://localhost:8000/2016-08-15/proxy/fc-deploy-service/http-trigger-function/
	methods: GET
	authType: anonymous
[2021-06-07T18:51:46.543] [INFO ] [S-CLI] - Project fc-deploy-test successfully to execute 
  status: succeed

function compute app listening on port 8000!

如果在当前的yaml中有多个项目,也可以指定某个项目进行测试,例如s <projectName> local start


其他事件函数的测试,往往需要确定事件类型,例如oss的事件,cdn的事件......这些事件的格式,往往需要我们通过线上的帮助文档获取,此时我们可以通过fc-event 组件获取。


s cli fc-event oss


      OSS event template created successfully.
      👓 Event Template Path: event-template/oss-event.json
      You could user fc/fc-api component invoke method and specify the event.
      E.g: [s projectName invoke --event-file  event-template/oss-event.json]
      More information about OSS Trigger: 


s local invoke --event-file  event-template/oss-event.json