Sample code for Langchain
The langchain-next-js folder contains an example of Langchain JS app. This app includes 3 use cases: chat, RAG and function calling. To deploy on Cloud Run, follow these steps:
- Install the gcloud CLI and Docker.
- Configure Docker authentication to Artifact Registry
gcloud auth configure-docker
- Build and push your app
docker build -t ./langchain-next-js
docker push
- Replace REGION and PROJECT with your own values in service.yaml
- Deploy on Cloud Run
gcloud run services replace --project=PROJECT --region=REGION service.yaml
The langchain-python folder contains examples of Langchain Python apps.
- The agents folder contains a Gemini demo in a multi-agent setting, for more information on how to run it refer to the README.
- The notebooks folder contains 3 Jupyter notebooks with text summarization examples and Q&A chatbots (both from local datastores and from web pages).
- The rag folder contains an example of RAG on Cloud Run. For more information on how to deploy, refer to the README.