Our Netflix clone project aims to recreate the immersive experience of the popular streaming platform, allowing users to browse, search, and watch their favorite movies and TV shows. Leveraging the power of modern web technologies, we've developed a comprehensive solution that combines the richness of Netflix's user interface with the flexibility of a customizable streaming service.
Table of Contents
Architectural Diagram
Home Page
Mini Portal
Detail Model
Grid Genre Page
Watch Page with customer contol bar
Create an account if you don't have on AWS.
And then follow the Documentation to create new AWS Account.
Finally, if you use v3 of TMDB API, create a file named
, and copy and paste the content of.env.example
. And then paste the API Key you just created. -
Create an account if you don't have on DockerHub, Because It is Open-Source.
And then follow the Documentation to create a new DockerHub Account.
Step 1: Launch EC2 (Ubuntu 22.04):
- Provision an EC2 instance on AWS with Ubuntu 22.04.
- Connect to the instance using SSH.
Step 2: Clone the Code:
Update all the packages and then clone the code.
Clone your application's code repository onto the EC2 instance:
git clone https://github.com/devopscloudlabs/Netflix-clone.git
Step 3: Install Docker and Run the App Using a Container:
Set up Docker on the EC2 instance:
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install docker.io -y sudo usermod -aG docker $USER # Replace with your system's username, e.g., 'ubuntu' newgrp docker sudo chmod 777 /var/run/docker.sock
Build and run your application using Docker containers:
docker build -t netflix-clone . docker run -d --name netflix -p 8081:80 netflix-clone:latest #to delete docker stop <containerid> docker rmi -f netflix-clone
It will show an error cause you need API key
Step 4: Get the API Key:
- Click on "Login" and create an account if you don't have on TMDB.
- Because its free to utilize the TMDB (The Movie Database) API, our clone fetches movie and TV show data, providing a vast catalog of content for users to explore..
- And then follow the Documentation.
- Open a web browser and navigate to TMDB (The Movie Database) website.
- Once logged in, go to your profile and select "Settings."
- Click on "API" from the left-side panel.
- Create a new API key by clicking "Create" and accepting the terms and conditions.
- Provide the required basic details and click "Submit."
- You will receive your TMDB API key.
Now recreate the Docker image with your api key:
docker build --build-arg TMDB_V3_API_KEY=your_api_key_here -t netflix-clone .
docker run --name netflix-clone-website --rm -d -p 80:80 netflix-clone
Phase 2: Security
Install SonarQube and Trivy:
SonarQube is a static code analysis tool used to assess and analyze code quality. It is typically integrated into a CI/CD pipeline to automatically check code for issues such as bugs, security vulnerabilities, code smells, and maintainability problems. Developers receive feedback on code quality early in the development process, allowing them to address issues before merging code into the main codebase.
Trivy is a container image vulnerability scanner. It helps identify security issues in container images. Trivy is integrated into CI/CD pipelines to scan container images for known vulnerabilities and security risks before deployment. By scanning container images, Trivy assists in ensuring that the deployed applications are not running with known vulnerabilities, thus enhancing the overall security posture.
docker run -d --name sonar -p 9000:9000 sonarqube:lts-community
To access:
publicIP:9000 (by default username & password is admin)
To install Trivy:
sudo apt-get install wget apt-transport-https gnupg lsb-release wget -qO - https://aquasecurity.github.io/trivy-repo/deb/public.key | sudo apt-key add - echo deb https://aquasecurity.github.io/trivy-repo/deb $(lsb_release -sc) main | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/trivy.list sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install trivy
to scan image using trivy
trivy image <imageid>
Integrate SonarQube and Configure:
- Integrate SonarQube with your CI/CD pipeline.
- Configure SonarQube to analyze code for quality and security issues.
Phase 3: CI/CD Setup
Install Jenkins for Automation:
- Install Jenkins on the EC2 instance to automate deployment: Install Java
sudo apt update -y sudo apt upgrade -y wget -O - https://packages.adoptium.net/artifactory/api/gpg/key/public | tee /etc/apt/keyrings/adoptium.asc echo "deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/adoptium.asc] https://packages.adoptium.net/artifactory/deb $(awk -F= '/^VERSION_CODENAME/{print$2}' /etc/os-release) main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/adoptium.list sudo apt update -y sudo apt install openjdk-17-jre -y java --version curl -fsSL https://pkg.jenkins.io/debian-stable/jenkins.io-2023.key | sudo tee \ /usr/share/keyrings/jenkins-keyring.asc > /dev/null echo deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/jenkins-keyring.asc] \ https://pkg.jenkins.io/debian-stable binary/ | sudo tee \ /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list > /dev/null sudo apt-get update -y sudo apt-get install jenkins -y sudo systemctl start jenkins sudo systemctl status jenkins
Access Jenkins in a web browser using the public IP of your EC2 instance.
Install Necessary Plugins in Jenkins:
Goto Manage Jenkins →Plugins → Available Plugins →
Install below plugins
1 Eclipse Temurin Installer (Install without restart)
2 SonarQube Scanner (Install without restart)
3 NodeJs Plugin (Install Without restart)
4 OWASP Dependency Check
5 Docker-
6 Kubernetes-
Goto Manage Jenkins → Tools → Install JDK(17) and NodeJs(16)→ Click on Apply and Save
Create the token
Goto Jenkins Dashboard → Manage Jenkins → Credentials → Add Secret Text. It should look like this
After adding sonar token
Click on Apply and Save
The Configure System option is used in Jenkins to configure different server
Global Tool Configuration is used to configure different tools that we install using Plugins
Install Dependency-Check and Docker Tools in Jenkins
Install Dependency-Check Plugin:
- Go to "Dashboard" in your Jenkins web interface.
- Navigate to "Manage Jenkins" → "Manage Plugins."
- Click on the "Available" tab and search for "OWASP Dependency-Check."
- Check the checkbox for "OWASP Dependency-Check" and click on the "Install without restart" button.
Configure Dependency-Check Tool:
- After installing the Dependency-Check plugin, you need to configure the tool.
- Go to "Dashboard" → "Manage Jenkins" → "Global Tool Configuration."
- Find the section for "OWASP Dependency-Check."
- Add the tool's name, e.g., "DP-Check."
- Save your settings.
Install Docker Tools and Docker Plugins:
- Go to "Dashboard" in your Jenkins web interface.
- Navigate to "Manage Jenkins" → "Manage Plugins."
- Click on the "Available" tab and search for "Docker."
- Check the following Docker-related plugins:
- Docker
- Docker Commons
- Docker Pipeline
- Docker API
- docker-build-step
- Click on the "Install without restart" button to install these plugins.
Add DockerHub Credentials:
- To securely handle DockerHub credentials in your Jenkins pipeline, follow these steps:
- Go to "Dashboard" → "Manage Jenkins" → "Manage Credentials."
- Click on "System" and then "Global credentials (unrestricted)."
- Click on "Add Credentials" on the left side.
- Choose "Secret text" as the kind of credentials.
- Enter your DockerHub credentials (Username and Password) and give the credentials an ID (e.g., "docker").
- Click "OK" to save your DockerHub credentials.
Now, you have installed the Dependency-Check plugin, configured the tool, and added Docker-related plugins along with your DockerHub credentials in Jenkins. You can now proceed with configuring your Jenkins pipeline to include these tools and credentials in your CI/CD process.
To deploy an application with Kubernetes, you can follow these steps,
- Install Kubernetes: Step 1: Launch TWO AWS EC2 Instance (Ubuntu 20.04):
- Provision 2 EC2 instances on AWS with Ubuntu 20.04. One for Master Node and Other for Worker Node.
- Connect to the instance using SSH.
Set Your GitHub Repository as a Source:
Installing Kubernetes on ubuntu 20.04 Kubectl install on jenkins machine sudo apt update sudo apt install curl curl -LO https://dl.k8s.io/release/$(curl -L -s https://dl.k8s.io/release/stable.txt)/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl sudo install -o root -g root -m 0755 kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl kubectl version --client
Master Node sudo hostnamectl set-hostname K8s-Master exec bash
Worker Node sudo hostnamectl set-hostname K8s-Worker exec bash
Both Master and Worker Nodes sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y docker.io sudo usermod –aG docker Ubuntu newgrp docker sudo chmod 777 /var/run/docker.sock sudo curl -s https://packages.cloud.google.com/apt/doc/apt-key.gpg | sudo apt-key add - sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list <<EOF deb https://apt.kubernetes.io/ kubernetes-xenial main EOF
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y kubelet kubeadm kubectl sudo snap install kube-apiserver
Master Node sudo kubeadm init --pod-network-cidr=
in case your in root exit from it and run below commands
mkdir -p $HOME/.kube sudo cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
$HOME/.kube/config sudo chown $ (id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/coreos/flannel/master/Documentation/kube-flannel.ymlWorker Node sudo kubeadm join : --token --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash
Master Node Kubectl get all
agent any
jdk 'jdk17'
nodejs 'node16'
environment {
SCANNER_HOME=tool 'sonar-scanner'
stages {
stage('clean workspace'){
stage('Checkout from Git'){
git branch: 'main', url: 'https://github.com/devopscloudlabs/Netflix-clone.git'
stage("Sonarqube Analysis "){
withSonarQubeEnv('sonar-server') {
sh ''' $SCANNER_HOME/bin/sonar-scanner -Dsonar.projectName=Netflix-Clone-App \
-Dsonar.projectKey=Netflix-Clone-App '''
stage("quality gate"){
steps {
script {
waitForQualityGate abortPipeline: false, credentialsId: 'Sonar-token'
stage('Install Dependencies') {
steps {
sh "npm install"
stage('OWASP FS SCAN') {
steps {
dependencyCheck additionalArguments: '--scan ./ --disableYarnAudit --disableNodeAudit', odcInstallation: 'DP-Check'
dependencyCheckPublisher pattern: '**/dependency-check-report.xml'
stage('TRIVY FS SCAN') {
steps {
sh "trivy fs . > trivyfs.txt"
stage("Docker Build & Push"){
withDockerRegistry(credentialsId: 'docker', toolName: 'docker'){
sh "docker build --build-arg TMDB_V3_API_KEY=cffd98e475df4af6af0e4ce156a5d0fe -t netflix ."
sh "docker tag netflix <DockerHub-Username>/<Image-Name:Version> "
sh "docker push <DockerHub-Username>/<Image-Name:Version> "
sh "trivy image <DockerHub-Username>/<Image-Name:Version> > trivyimage.txt"
stage('Deploy to container'){
sh 'docker run -d --name netflix -p 8081:80 <DockerHub-Username>/<Image-Name:Version>'
stage('Deploy to kubernetes'){
dir('Kubernetes') {
withKubeConfig(caCertificate: '', clusterName: '', contextName: '', credentialsId: 'k8s', namespace: '', restrictKubeConfigAccess: false, serverUrl: '') {
sh 'kubectl apply -f deployment.yml'
sh 'kubectl apply -f service.yml'
- Access your Application
- To Access the app make sure port 30007 is open in your security group and then open a new tab paste your NodeIP:30007, your app should be running.
Phase 7: Cleanup
- Cleanup AWS EC2 Instances:
- Terminate AWS EC2 instances that are no longer needed.