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Armada Quickstart

The purpose of this guide is to install a minimal local Armada deployment for testing and evaluation purposes.


  • Linux OS
  • Git
  • Docker
  • Helm v3
  • Kind
  • Kubectl

N.B. Ensure the current user has permission to run the docker command without sudo.


This guide will install Armada on 3 local Kubernetes clusters; one server and two executor clusters.

Set the ARMADA_VERSION environment variable and clone this repository with the same version tag as you are installing. For example to install version v0.0.5:

export ARMADA_VERSION=v0.0.5
git clone --branch $ARMADA_VERSION

All commands are intended to be run from the root of the repository.

Server deployment

kind create cluster --name quickstart-armada-server --config ./docs/quickstart/kind-config-server.yaml
export KUBECONFIG=$(kind get kubeconfig-path --name="quickstart-armada-server")

# Configure Helm
helm repo add stable

# Install Redis
helm install redis stable/redis-ha -f docs/quickstart/redis-values.yaml

# Install Prometheus
helm install prometheus-operator stable/prometheus-operator -f docs/quickstart/server-prometheus-values.yaml

# Install Armada server
helm template ./deployment/armada --set image.tag=$ARMADA_VERSION -f ./docs/quickstart/server-values.yaml | kubectl apply -f -

Executor deployments

First executor:

kind create cluster --name quickstart-armada-executor-0 --config ./docs/quickstart/kind-config-executor-0.yaml
export DOCKERHOSTIP=$(ip -4 addr show docker0 | grep -Po 'inet \K[\d.]+')
export KUBECONFIG=$(kind get kubeconfig-path --name="quickstart-armada-executor-0")	

# Configure Helm
helm repo add stable

# Install Prometheus
helm install prometheus-operator stable/prometheus-operator -f docs/quickstart/executor-prometheus-values.yaml --set prometheus.service.nodePort=30002

# Install executor
helm template ./deployment/executor --set image.tag=$ARMADA_VERSION --set applicationConfig.apiConnection.armadaUrl="$DOCKERHOSTIP:30000" --set applicationConfig.apiConnection.forceNoTls=true --set prometheus.enabled=true | kubectl apply -f -
helm template ./deployment/executor-cluster-monitoring -f docs/quickstart/executor-cluster-monitoring-values.yaml --set interval=5s | kubectl apply -f -

Second executor:

kind create cluster --name quickstart-armada-executor-1 --config ./docs/quickstart/kind-config-executor-1.yaml
export DOCKERHOSTIP=$(ip -4 addr show docker0 | grep -Po 'inet \K[\d.]+')
export KUBECONFIG=$(kind get kubeconfig-path --name="quickstart-armada-executor-1")	

# Configure Helm
helm repo add stable

# Install Prometheus
helm install prometheus-operator stable/prometheus-operator -f docs/quickstart/executor-prometheus-values.yaml --set prometheus.service.nodePort=30003

# Install executor
helm template ./deployment/executor --set image.tag=$ARMADA_VERSION --set applicationConfig.apiConnection.armadaUrl="$DOCKERHOSTIP:30000" --set applicationConfig.apiConnection.forceNoTls=true --set prometheus.enabled=true | kubectl apply -f -
helm template ./deployment/executor-cluster-monitoring -f docs/quickstart/executor-cluster-monitoring-values.yaml --set interval=5s | kubectl apply -f -

Grafana configuration

export DOCKERHOSTIP=$(ip -4 addr show docker0 | grep -Po 'inet \K[\d.]+')
curl -X POST -i http://admin:prom-operator@localhost:30001/api/datasources -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name":"cluster-0","type":"prometheus","url":"http://'$DOCKERHOSTIP':30002","access":"proxy","basicAuth":false}'
curl -X POST -i http://admin:prom-operator@localhost:30001/api/datasources -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name":"cluster-1","type":"prometheus","url":"http://'$DOCKERHOSTIP':30003","access":"proxy","basicAuth":false}'
curl -X POST -i http://admin:prom-operator@localhost:30001/api/dashboards/import --data-binary @./docs/quickstart/grafana-armada-dashboard.json -H "Content-Type: application/json"

CLI installation

The following steps download the armadactl CLI to the current directory:

curl -LO$ARMADA_VERSION/$armadaCtlTar.gz
gunzip $armadaCtlTar.gz && tar xf $armadaCtlTar && rm $armadaCtlTar
chmod u+x armadactl


Create queues, submit some jobs and monitor progress:

./armadactl --armadaUrl=localhost:30000 create-queue queue-a --priorityFactor 1
./armadactl --armadaUrl=localhost:30000 create-queue queue-b --priorityFactor 2
./armadactl --armadaUrl=localhost:30000 submit ./docs/quickstart/job-queue-a.yaml
./armadactl --armadaUrl=localhost:30000 submit ./docs/quickstart/job-queue-b.yaml
./armadactl --armadaUrl=localhost:30000 watch job-set-1

Log in to the Grafana dashboard at http://localhost:30001/ using the default credentials of admin / prom-operator. Navigate to the Armada Overview dashboard to get a view of jobs progressing through the system.

Try submitting lots of jobs and see queues build and get processed:

for i in {1..50}
  ./armadactl --armadaUrl=localhost:30000 submit ./docs/quickstart/job-queue-a.yaml
  ./armadactl --armadaUrl=localhost:30000 submit ./docs/quickstart/job-queue-b.yaml

Example output:


$ ./armadactl --armadaUrl=localhost:30000 watch job-set-1
Watching job set job-set-1
Nov  4 11:43:36 | Queued:   0, Leased:   0, Pending:   0, Running:   0, Succeeded:   0, Failed:   0, Cancelled:   0 | event: *api.JobSubmittedEvent, job id: 01drv3mey2mzmayf50631tzp9m
Nov  4 11:43:36 | Queued:   1, Leased:   0, Pending:   0, Running:   0, Succeeded:   0, Failed:   0, Cancelled:   0 | event: *api.JobQueuedEvent, job id: 01drv3mey2mzmayf50631tzp9m
Nov  4 11:43:36 | Queued:   1, Leased:   0, Pending:   0, Running:   0, Succeeded:   0, Failed:   0, Cancelled:   0 | event: *api.JobSubmittedEvent, job id: 01drv3mf7b6fd1rraeq1f554fn
Nov  4 11:43:36 | Queued:   2, Leased:   0, Pending:   0, Running:   0, Succeeded:   0, Failed:   0, Cancelled:   0 | event: *api.JobQueuedEvent, job id: 01drv3mf7b6fd1rraeq1f554fn
Nov  4 11:43:38 | Queued:   1, Leased:   1, Pending:   0, Running:   0, Succeeded:   0, Failed:   0, Cancelled:   0 | event: *api.JobLeasedEvent, job id: 01drv3mey2mzmayf50631tzp9m
Nov  4 11:43:38 | Queued:   0, Leased:   2, Pending:   0, Running:   0, Succeeded:   0, Failed:   0, Cancelled:   0 | event: *api.JobLeasedEvent, job id: 01drv3mf7b6fd1rraeq1f554fn
Nov  4 11:43:38 | Queued:   0, Leased:   1, Pending:   1, Running:   0, Succeeded:   0, Failed:   0, Cancelled:   0 | event: *api.JobPendingEvent, job id: 01drv3mey2mzmayf50631tzp9m
Nov  4 11:43:38 | Queued:   0, Leased:   0, Pending:   2, Running:   0, Succeeded:   0, Failed:   0, Cancelled:   0 | event: *api.JobPendingEvent, job id: 01drv3mf7b6fd1rraeq1f554fn
Nov  4 11:43:41 | Queued:   0, Leased:   0, Pending:   1, Running:   1, Succeeded:   0, Failed:   0, Cancelled:   0 | event: *api.JobRunningEvent, job id: 01drv3mf7b6fd1rraeq1f554fn
Nov  4 11:43:41 | Queued:   0, Leased:   0, Pending:   0, Running:   2, Succeeded:   0, Failed:   0, Cancelled:   0 | event: *api.JobRunningEvent, job id: 01drv3mey2mzmayf50631tzp9m
Nov  4 11:44:17 | Queued:   0, Leased:   0, Pending:   0, Running:   1, Succeeded:   1, Failed:   0, Cancelled:   0 | event: *api.JobSucceededEvent, job id: 01drv3mf7b6fd1rraeq1f554fn
Nov  4 11:44:26 | Queued:   0, Leased:   0, Pending:   0, Running:   0, Succeeded:   2, Failed:   0, Cancelled:   0 | event: *api.JobSucceededEvent, job id: 01drv3mey2mzmayf50631tzp9m


Armada Grafana dashboard

Note that the jobs in this demo simply run the sleep command so do not consume much resource.