This application is a clone of Discord so this is not intended for commercial use. This monorepo consists of:
- Backend app.
- Web app.
- Database package.
- Models package.
- tsconfig package.
- Utils package.
Visit the website from here.
This project is inspired by this video ❤️
- Login and registration using email and password using Passport.js.
- Backend API for the web app using Express.js.
- Create and join servers with customization like changing server name and image.
- Create and join text, voice, and video channels in the server.
- Send messages in the text channels.
- Send direct messages to mutuals.
- Customize the user's profile by changing your username and profile picture.
- Customize the server's roles and permissions.
- Join voice and video channels and talk with friends using LiveKit.
- Send emojis and attachments in the chat.
- PostgreSQL hosted on
- Redis database hosted on Upstash.
- Infinite scrolling for messages.
- Responsive design for mobile and desktop.
- Light and dark mode using shadcn/ui.
- Websockets for real-time communication.
- Manage server members by kicking and banning them.
- Edit and delete messages.
- Explore featured servers.
- Edit and delete the server's channels.
- Add, edit, and remove channel categories.
- Status indicator for online and offline users.
- Invite and join servers using invite links.
- React.js
- Next.js 14
- TypeScript
- shadcn/ui
- Express.js
- Zod
- Tailwind CSS
- Prisma
- PlanetScale
- react-hook-form
- react-toastify
- LiveKit
- Upstash
- Redis
- Socket.IO
- UploadThing
- Passportjs
Clone the monorepo and navigate to it:
git clone
cd discord-clone
This monorepo uses pnpm
as a package manager, use the following to install:
pnpm i
These environment variables are required for the app to work:
# for web
# for backend workspace
# for database package
You can check .env.example
in each workspace/package for more information.
Use this command to start the development servers (Next.js & Express.js) in parallel:
pnpm dev
This project is made by @devkarim.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - feel free to explore, modify, and share.