A basic dashboard template implemented using Remix and shadcn/ui, designed for quick project startup.
pnpm dlx create-remix@latest --template dev-templates/remix-dashboard-template
- Development with Vite
- Production-ready SQLite Database
- GitHub Actions for deploy on merge to production and staging environments
- Username/Password Authentication with cookie-based sessions
- All users required to use two-factor authentication (2FA) for login, ensuring a high level of security
- Database ORM with Prisma
- Styling with Tailwind and shadcn/ui
- Code formatting with Prettier
- Linting with ESLint
- Static Types with TypeScript
Initial setup:
pnpm i
NODE_ENV=development DATABASE_URL=file:./dev.db SESSION_SECRET=e33b3bfc-4c8c-41a3-b6fc-83a9905b90c8
Initial prisma generate:
pnpm run generate
Migrate and Seed Database:
pnpm run migrate pnpm run seed
Start dev server:
pnpm dev
This starts your app in development mode, rebuilding assets on file changes.
The database seed script create a new admin user you can use to get started:
- Username:
- Password:
production / developmentDATABASE_URL
Prisma's Connection URL format description. Connection URLsSESSION_SECRET
Secrets used for SESSION encryption. use random password generator to. Password Generator