Clone the repo
Get expression data:
- to get all data (adult and fetal) directly from Allen institute run:
- this should download zip files and unzip them into folders in the ./data/raw/ directory
Edit the config.py file to point to the data folder (the download_expression_data.sh script will create a data subfolder in the current folder).
Setup python3.6 environment with essential dependencies in requirements.txt
- Use conda environments create an env named molecularAN:
conda create -n molecularAN python=3.6
source activate molecularAN
pip install -r requirements.txt
- also install rpy2, this code might be needed for osx users (thanks to Clemens Brunner)
export LDFLAGS=-L/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/lib
export PATH=/usr/local/opt/llvm/bin:$PATH
conda install rpy2 --no-cache
- Process the Allen data to get the aggregated data:
python data_processing.py
You should have a matrix each for the adult and fetal brains.
- To get results tables:
python results_tables.py
- Download SVGs to be used for figures:
python svg_download.py atlas_name
where atlas_name is adult, fetal15, fetal21 or fetal21_brainstem
- To generate SVGs:
python modify_svg.py