Zoom is the current solution for VA, please see Platform documentation on using Zoom for research
Can't find what you're looking for? Reach out to #vfs-platform-support on Slack.
GoToMeeting is for user research sessions **only** and must be left available for user research sessions. GoToMeeting accounts and sessions **must** be reserved in advance by coordinating with our recruiting contract, Perigean. These are not accounts that you can just hop into.
Type "how to reserve gotomeeting" into Slack to get instructions on how to reserve a GoToMeeting session.
Here is the link: https://global.gotomeeting.com/
Perigean should have sent you login information for your session. Use their accounts to login.
It is recommended that you do a practice session and try passing the mouse control to yourself, so you can see what your participants' experience will be.
After logging in, you will be logged in as a presenter (be sure to enter your name). As a presenter, you are able to:
- Share your full screen or window
- Give mouse control to participants
- Mute all observers on the call
- Record any meetings/and or feedback sessions
- Be sure you have silenced the sounds (be-boops) as observers enter or exit the session (you can check to make sure the sounds are silienced by going to the audion section of the GoToMeeting)
- Control Panel and click on the drop-down on the far right (the symobl is a circle with a upside down triangle) be sure the 'Play Enty/Exit Chimes'is unchecked.
After you end a meeting/or feedback session, there will be a window that pops up where you can convert the recording.
- click Convert and your entire recording will be saved in a folder on your computer. **Video files often contain PII and PHI. You are responsible for securely discarding all recordings one week after your synthesis is concluded. Follow best practices for securely deleting your files. **
- Do not upload this file to GitHub or Slack. Best practice: make sure you have a full transcript of your session, then snip out the best audio clips, use video editing software to remove PII and PHI, and upload only what you need to your research folder in Github.
- How to know when a participant is on the web and not the app: The particpant will not be able to gain mouse control
- Your user needs to be on the desktop version of the application in order to take mouse control of a prototype or to share their screen. If you share your screen and then pass mouse control to the participant, it will trigger them to download the software, and will bring them right back into the meeting automagically.
- If the participant is on the GTM app and they are still unable to get mouse contro, indicates the participant is using a tablet or phone, and you have to do the scrolling for them
- If participants call in via phone in addition to using their computer audio, they sometimes have an echo. Advise them to hang up or mute their computer audio.
- Google Chrome tends to work the best for GoToMeeting. IE does NOT work.