- virage-platform — A vishing simulation platform designed for educating the vulnerable and helping them understand and recognize voice and email phishing attacks.
- dentolos19/finn — An AI-powered finanical assistant with simplicity and accessibility in mind. Made for hacksingapore 2024.
- iamsven2005/techjam — An AI-integrated personal assistant curated for shopping. Made for TikTok TechJam 2024.
- nyp-tech/nyptech — The home website for NYP Technopreneurship Club.
- nyp-tech/nyptech-go — The web service for shortening links and hosting files related to NYP Technopreneurship Club.
- nyp-tech/nyptech-news — The centralized newsletter for NYP SIT's special interest groups, powered by NYP Technopreneurship Club.