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04. Operators and Expressions

Operators and Expressions

Problem 1. Odd or Even

  • Write an expression that checks if given integer is odd or even.


n Odd?
3 true
2 false
-2 false
-1 true
0 false

Problem 2. Divisible by 7 and 5

  • Write a boolean expression that checks for given integer if it can be divided (without remainder) by 7 and 5 in the same time.


n Divided by 7 and 5?
3 false
0 true
5 false
7 false
35 true
140 true

Problem 3. Rectangle area

  • Write an expression that calculates rectangle’s area by given width and height.


width height area
3 4 12
2.5 3 7.5
5 5 25

Problem 4. Third digit

  • Write an expression that checks for given integer if its third digit (right-to-left) is 7.


n Third digit 7?
5 false
701 true
1732 true
9703 true
877 false
777877 false
9999799 true

Problem 5. Third bit

  • Write a boolean expression for finding if the bit #3 (counting from 0) of a given integer.
  • The bits are counted from right to left, starting from bit #0.
  • The result of the expression should be either 1 or 0.


n binary representation bit #3
5 00000000 00000101 0
8 00000000 00001000 1
0 00000000 00000000 0
15 00000000 00001111 1
5343 00010100 11011111 1
62241 11110011 00100001 0

Problem 6. Point in Circle

  • Write an expression that checks if given point P(x, y) is within a circle K({0,0}, 5). //{0,0} is the centre and 5 is the radius


x y inside
0 1 true
-5 0 true
-4 5 false
1.5 -3 true
-4 -3.5 false
100 -30 false
0 0 true
0.2 -0.8 true
0.9 -4.93 false
2 2.655 true

Problem 7. Is prime

  • Write an expression that checks if given positive integer number n (n ≤ 100) is prime.


n Prime?
1 false
2 true
3 true
4 false
9 false
37 true
97 true
51 false
-3 false
0 false

Problem 8. Trapezoid area

  • Write an expression that calculates trapezoid's area by given sides a and b and height h.


a b h area
5 7 12 72
2 1 33 49.5
8.5 4.3 2.7 17.28
100 200 300 45000
0.222 0.333 0.555 0.1540125

Problem 9. Point in Circle and outside Rectangle

  • Write an expression that checks for given point P(x, y) if it is within the circle K( (1,1), 3) and out of the rectangle R(top=1, left=-1, width=6, height=2).


x y inside K & outside of R
1 4 yes
3 2 yes
0 1 no
4 1 no
2 0 no
4 0 no
2.5 1.5 yes
3.5 1.5 yes
-100 -100 no