Journey to distant planets and moons where we will explore how potential alien life may look like, nature and their hidden secrets.
This website is built for a WebJam I have participated in. The WebJam was organized by a very big and amazing discord community called Webdev and Web Design.
The theme of the project was "Nature", but mistakes were made. Initially, I thought to make a project where I will explore how alien nature may look like in planets & moons where life is possible. But, I ended up making a project about planets & moons where life may be possible, and not talking about Nature at all.
As the day of writing, this is the last day of submission, so I will keep updating the status of the project after submission.
The primary libraries & framework used in making of this website is:
- NextJS as the main React Framework.
- Preact in combination with NextJS for optimization & reducing bundle size
- Framer Motion for animations
- Stitches for UI components