shrug-emoji Public
get an emoji and surround it with ascii shrugs. ¯\_(🥔)_/¯
talks Public
A collection of talks that I have written/given
Developer-Portal Public
Forked from thenewboston-blockchain/Developer-Portal -
thenewboston-js Public
Forked from thenewboston-blockchain/thenewboston-jsJavaScript library for thenewboston.
dt-mongo-utils Public
a collection of helper/utility functions for mongo, uses es6 native Promises.
udacity-capstone Public archive
Udacity Fullstack Nanodegree Capstone Project
02_trivia_api Public archive
Trivia API for Udacity Full stack Nanodegree
python-code-for-hk Public archive
python course code for hong kong
Project-Proposals Public
Forked from thenewboston-blockchain/ProjectsProposals for projects and apps for thenewboston.
Website Public
Forked from thenewboston-blockchain/WebsiteThe website and documentation for thenewboston.
purgecss Public
Forked from FullHuman/purgecssRemove unused CSS
swagger-brake Public
Forked from redskap/swagger-brakeSwagger contract checker for breaking API changes
react-native-vector-icons Public
Forked from oblador/react-native-vector-iconsCustomizable Icons for React Native with support for NavBar/TabBar, image source and full styling.
ia-materials Public
Forked from kodecocodes/ia-materialsThe projects and materials that accompany the iOS Apprentice book
nba-swiftui Public archive
Nba finals - SwiftUI Udemy course work by Nick Walter