This tool can be used to measure the performance of a Kubernetes cluster. It provides features to measure the following metrics:
- Control plane: measure API-responsiveness and pod startup time.
- Workers: measure performance of CPU, memory, network, local disks and persistent volumes.
Download the latest release from the releases page. Then unpack it:
$ unzip
Find the unpacked binary and move it to its desired destination:
$ mv kubernetes-performance-darwin-amd64 /usr/local/bin/kubernetes-performance
Now you should be able to run kubernetes-performance.
The control plane performance is measured by saturating the cluster with pods and measuring the pod startup time. The number of pods is specified with --replicas
. This can be used to determine if a cluster adheres to the SLA as specified by the Kubernetes project:
- "API-responsiveness": 99% of all our API calls return in less than 1 second
- "Pod startup time": 99% of pods (with pre-pulled images) start within 5 seconds
Run the tests with:
$ kubernetes-performance saturate --replicas 10
The pod startup times are reported in pod-startup-times.json.
To determine the API-responsiveness make sure Prometheus is pre-installed on the cluster. Use the following Prometheus query to determine the responsiveness, grouped by request type:
histogram_quantile(0.99, sum(rate(apiserver_request_duration_seconds_bucket{verb!="WATCH", subresource!="proxy"}[1m])) by (verb, scope, le))
The performance of the workers is measured by scheduling a pod per worker and run sysbench, fio and iperf3 on the worker. Then the logs are collected and reported locally in *.log.
Run a CPU benchmark with the following command:
$ kubernetes-performance run "sysbench cpu run --time=10 --threads=4"
Run a memory benchmark with the following command:
$ kubernetes-performance run "sysbench memory run --memory-block-size=1M --memory-total-size=4G --threads=4"
The performance of disks can be measured both for local storage and persistent volumes. To test the performance of an emptyDir use:
$ kubernetes-performance run "fio --name=randrw --rw=randrw --direct=1 --ioengine=libaio --bs=4k --iodepth=256 --numjobs=4 --size=1G --runtime=30 --group_reporting --filename=/emptydir/test" --create-empty-dir
To benchmark a persistent volume, the tool provides the ability to claim a persistent volume of a specific storage class. For example to test the performance of a persistent volume from the storage class faster use:
$ kubernetes-performance run "fio --name=randrw --rw=randrw --direct=1 --ioengine=libaio --bs=4k --iodepth=256 --numjobs=4 --size=512Mi --runtime=30 --group_reporting --filename=/pvc/test" --claim-pvc --storage-class=faster
To benchmark the performance of a cluster a minimum of two nodes are required. The tool wil schedule a iperf3 server on the first node and a iperf3 client on the second node. Run a benchmark with:
$ kubernetes-performance network
Reports of both the server and client are reported in *.log.
Contributions are welcome, see for more details. By contributing to this project, you accept and agree the the terms and conditions as specified in the Contributor Licence Agreement.
The software is distributed under the EUPLv1.2 licence, see the LICENCE file.