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[BUG] Snapshot ignores configured retention period #1589




Important: This issue is resolved in the current master branch code, but I have confirmed the bug exists in versions 1.0.0, 2.1.0, and 2.2.0. However, I have not found a GitHub issue that identifies the bug.

Describe the problem

I'm encountering a bug with the vacuum command. We have a large delta table and want to preserve 21 days of version history. I've set the delta.deletedFileRetentionDuration table property to interval 21 days. When we run the vacuum command with a 504 hour retention period (21 days) we end up with corrupted snapshots that were created within the 21 day period. By "corrupted" I mean that when a version that is, say, 10 days old is read there is a FileNotFoundException for certain part-* files that have now been deleted unexpectedly.

After digging deeper by running vacuum commands in dry-run mode I've concluded that the deleted files were (1) "removed" in a snapshot version greater than 7 days ago and (2) created over 21 days ago. This led me to believe that the default value of DeltaConfig.TOMBSTONE_RETENTION is being used somehow.

I believe that the ultimate culprit is a circular dependency between DeltaLog and SnapshotManagement. SnapshotManagement.getSnapshotAtInit depends on DeltaLog.metadata via the minFileRetentionTimestamp property. However, DeltaLog.metadata also depends on the snapshot being populated (def metadata = if (snapshot == null) Metadata() else snapshot.metadata). When DeltaConfigs.TOMBSTONE_RETENTION.fromMetaData(metadata) is called on the default metadata (Metadata()), it returns the default value of interval 1 week, rather than the configured table value, which is interval 21 days in my case.

The dependency chain can be summarized like this:

SnapshotManagement:getSnapshotAtInit --> 
DeltaLog:minFileRetentionTimestamp --> 
DeltaLog:tombstoneRetentionMillis --> 
DeltaConfigs.getMilliSeconds(DeltaConfigs.TOMBSTONE_RETENTION.fromMetaData(metadata)) --> 
def metadata = if (snapshot == null) Metadata() else snapshot.metadata -->
where snapshot is SnapshotManagement::protected var currentSnapshot: CapturedSnapshot = getSnapshotAtInit(lastCheckpoint)

The ultimate result of this is the snapshot that VacuumCommand.gc uses to generate validFiles filters out files that were removed over 7 days ago, which allows them to be unexpectedly deleted if your retention period is set to > 7 days.

Steps to reproduce

I've confirmed that the snapshot only has 7 days of removed files by doing something like this:

val deltaLog = DeltaLog.forTable(spark, "s3://path-to-table")
val snapshot = deltaLog.update()
val removedFiles = snapshot.state
	.filter(_.remove != null)
val earliestTimestamp = removedFiles(0)

Observed results

The earliestTimestamp value is 7 days ago.

Expected results

It should be ~21 days ago.

Note: To double check that the default TOMBSTONE_RETENTION value is in fact what is causing this behavior, I cloned the delta project, checked out tag v2.1.0, and changed the default value to 21 days, then ran the above steps again. I then had 21 days of removed file history in the snapshot.

Further details

I first posted this question in the deltalake-questions Slack channel here and discussed with @scottsand-db: Vacuum Issue

Environment information

  • Delta Lake version: 2.1.0
  • Spark version: 3.3.0
  • Scala version: 2.12

Willingness to contribute

The Delta Lake Community encourages bug fix contributions. Would you or another member of your organization be willing to contribute a fix for this bug to the Delta Lake code base?

  • Yes. I can contribute a fix for this bug independently.
    • I would need approval from my company, which would take some time.
  • Yes. I would be willing to contribute a fix for this bug with guidance from the Delta Lake community.
    No. I cannot contribute a bug fix at this time.



allisonport-db commented on Feb 11, 2023


Seems like this was fixed in 9fc7da8. I'm backporting the fix to 2.x branches


allisonport-db commented on Apr 6, 2023

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      [BUG] Snapshot ignores configured retention period · Issue #1589 · delta-io/delta