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Delta Kernel User Guide

What is Delta Kernel?

Delta Kernel is a library for operating on Delta tables. Specifically, it provides simple and narrow APIs for reading and writing to Delta tables without the need to understand the Delta protocol details. You can use this library to do the following:

  • Read Delta tables from your applications.
  • Build a connector for a distributed engine like Apache Spark™, Apache Flink, or Trino for reading massive Delta tables.

In this user guide, we are going to walk through the following:

Read a Delta table in a single process

In this section, we will walk through how to build a very simple single-process Delta connector that can read a Delta table using the default TableClient implementation provided by Delta Kernel.

You can either write this code yourself in your project, or you can use the examples present in the Delta code repository.

Step 1: Set up Delta Kernel for your project

You need to and dependencies. Following is an example Maven pom file dependency list.



Step 2: Full scan on a Delta table

The main entry point is which is a programmatic representation of a Delta table. Say you have a Delta table at the directory myTablePath. You can create a Table object as follows:

import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;

String myTablePath = <my-table-path>; // fully qualified table path. Ex: file:/user/tables/myTable
Configuration hadoopConf = new Configuration();
TableClient myTableClient = DefaultTableClient.create(hadoopConf);
Table myTable = Table.forPath(myTableClient, myTablePath);

Note the default TableClient we are creating to bootstrap the myTable object. This object allows you to plug in your own libraries for computationally intensive operations like Parquet file reading, JSON parsing, etc. You can ignore it for now. We will discuss more about this later when we discuss how to build more complex connectors for distributed processing engines.

From this myTable object you can create a Snapshot object which represents the consistent state (a.k.a. a snapshot consistency) in a specific version of the table.

Snapshot mySnapshot = myTable.getLatestSnapshot(myTableClient);

Now that we have a consistent snapshot view of the table, we can query more details about the table. For example, you can get the version and schema of this snapshot.

long version = mySnapshot.getVersion(myTableClient);
StructType tableSchema = mySnapshot.getSchema(myTableClient);

Next, to read the table data, we have to build a Scan object. In order to build a Scan object, create a ScanBuilder object which optionally allows selecting a subset of columns to read or setting a query filter. For now, ignore these optional settings.

Scan myScan = mySnapshot.getScanBuilder(myTableClient).build()

// Common information about scanning for all data files to read.
Row scanState = myScan.getScanState(myTableClient)

// Information about the list of scan files to read
CloseableIterator<FilteredColumnarBatch> scanFiles = myScan.getScanFiles(myTableClient)

This Scan object has all the necessary metadata to start reading the table. There are two crucial pieces of information needed for reading data from a file in the table.

  • myScan.getScanFiles(TableClient): Returns scan files as columnar batches (represented as an iterator of FilteredColumnarBatches, more on that later) where each selected row in the batch has information about a single file containing the table data.
  • myScan.getScanState(TableClient): Returns the snapshot-level information needed for reading any file. Note that this is a single row and common to all scan files.

For each scan file the physical data must be read from the file. Which columns to read are specified in the scan file state. Once the physical data is read, you have to call ScanFile.transformPhysicalData(...) with the scan state and the physical data read from scan file. This API takes care of transforming (e.g. adding partition columns) the physical data into logical data of the table. Here is an example of reading all the table data in a single thread.

CloserableIterator<FilteredColumnarBatch> fileIter = scanObject.getScanFiles(myTableClient);

Row scanStateRow = scanObject.getScanState(myTableClient);

while(fileIter.hasNext()) {
  FilteredColumnarBatch scanFileColumnarBatch =;

  // Get the physical read schema of columns to read from the Parquet data files
  StructType physicalReadSchema =
    ScanStateRow.getPhysicalDataReadSchema(tableClient, scanStateRow);

  try (CloseableIterator<Row> scanFileRows = scanFileColumnarBatch.getRows()) {
    while (scanFileRows.hasNext()) {
      Row scanFileRow =;

      // From the scan file row, extract the file path, size and modification time metadata
      // needed to read the file.
      FileStatus fileStatus = InternalScanFileUtils.getAddFileStatus(scanFileRow);

      // Open the scan file which is a Parquet file using connector's own
      // Parquet reader or default Parquet reader provided by the Kernel (which
      // is used in this example).
      CloseableIterator<ColumnarBatch> physicalDataIter =
          Optional.empty() /* optional predicate the connector can apply to filter data from the reader */

      // Now the physical data read from the Parquet data file is converted to a table
      // logical data. Logical data may include the addition of partition columns and/or
      // subset of rows deleted
      try (
         CloseableIterator<FilteredColumnarBatch> transformedData =
             physicalDataIter)) {
        while (transformedData.hasNext()) {
          FilteredColumnarBatch logicalData =;
          ColumnarBatch dataBatch = logicalData.getData();

          // Not all rows in `dataBatch` are in the selected output.
          // An optional selection vector determines whether a row with a
          // specific row index is in the final output or not.
          Optional<ColumnVector> selectionVector = dataReadResult.getSelectionVector();

          // access the data for the column at ordinal 0
          ColumnVector column0 = dataBatch.getColumnVector(0);
          for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < column0.getSize(); rowIndex++) {
            // check if the row is selected or not
            if (selectionVector.isEmpty() || selectionVector.get().getBoolean(rowIndex)) {
              // Assuming the column type is String.
              // If it is a different type, call the relevant function on the `ColumnVector`

	  // access the data for column at ordinal 1
	  ColumnVector column1 = dataBatch.getColumnVector(1);
	  for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < column1.getSize(); rowIndex++) {
            // check if the row is selected or not
            if (selectionVector.isEmpty() || selectionVector.get().getBoolean(rowIndex)) {
              // Assuming the column type is Long.
              // If it is a different type, call the relevant function on the `ColumnVector`
	  // .. more ..

A few working examples to read Delta tables within a single process are available here.

Important Note

  • All the Delta protocol-level details are encoded in the rows returned by Scan.getScanFiles API, but you do not have to understand them in order to read the table data correctly. All you need is to get the Parquet file status from each scan file row and read the data from the Parquet file into the ColumnarBatch format. The physical data is converted into the logical data of the table using Scan.transformPhysicalData. Transformation to logical data is dictated by the protocol and the metadata of the table and the scan file. As the Delta protocol evolves this transformation step will evolve with it and your code will not have to change to accommodate protocol changes. This is the major advantage of the abstractions provided by Delta Kernel.

  • Observe that the same TableClient instance myTableClient is passed multiple times whenever a call to Delta Kernel API is made. The reason for passing this instance for every call is because it is the connector context, it should maintained outside of the Delta Kernel APIs to give the connector control over the TableClient.

Step 3: Improve scan performance with file skipping

We have explored how to do a full table scan. However, the real advantage of using the Delta format is that you can skip files using your query filters. To make this possible, Delta Kernel provides an expression framework to encode your filters and provide them to Delta Kernel to skip files during the scan file generation. For example, say your table is partitioned by columnX, you want to query only the partition columnX=1. You can generate the expression and use it to build the scan as follows:



TableClient myTableClient = DefaultTableClient.create(new Configuration());

Predicate filter = new Predicate(
  Arrays.asList(new Column("columnX"), Literal.forInteger(1)));

Scan myFilteredScan = mySnapshot.buildScan(tableClient)
  .withFilter(myTableClient, filter)

// Subset of the given filter that is not guaranteed to be satisfied by
// Delta Kernel when it returns data. This filter is used by Delta Kernel
// to do data skipping as much as possible. The connector should use this filter
// on top of the data returned by Delta Kernel in order for further filtering.
Optional<Predicate> remainingFilter = myFilteredScan.getRemainingFilter();

The scan files returned by myFilteredScan.getScanFiles(myTableClient) will have rows representing files only of the required partition. Similarly, you can provide filters for non-partition columns, and if the data in the table is well clustered by those columns, then Delta Kernel will be able to skip files as much as possible.

Build a Delta connector for a distributed processing engine

Unlike simple applications that just read the table in a single process, building a connector for complex processing engines like Apache Spark™ and Trino can require quite a bit of additional effort. For example, to build a connector for an SQL engine you have to do the following

  • Understand the APIs provided by the engine to build connectors and how Delta Kernel can be used to provide the information necessary for the connector + engine to operate on a Delta table.
  • Decide what libraries to use to do computationally expensive operations like reading Parquet files, parsing JSON, computing expressions, etc. Delta Kernel provides all the extension points to allow you to plug in any library without having to understand all the low-level details of the Delta protocol.
  • Deal with details specific to distributed engines. For example,
    • Serialization of Delta table metadata provided by Delta Kernel.
    • Efficiently transforming data read from Parquet into the engine in-memory processing format.

In this section, we are going to outline the steps needed to build a connector.

Step 0: Validate the prerequisites

In the previous section showing how to read a simple table, we were briefly introduced to the TableClient. This is the main extension point where you can plug in your implementations of computationally-expensive operations like reading Parquet files, parsing JSON, etc. For the simple case, we were using a default implementation of the helper that works in most cases. However, for building a high-performance connector for a complex processing engine, you will very likely need to provide your own implementation using the libraries that work with your engine. So before you start building your connector, it is important to understand these requirements and plan for building your own table client.

Here are the libraries/capabilities you need to build a connector that can read the Delta table

  • Perform file listing and file reads from your storage/file system.
  • Read Parquet files in columnar data, preferably in an in-memory columnar format.
  • Parse JSON data
  • Read JSON files
  • Evaluate expressions on in-memory columnar batches

For each of these capabilities, you can choose to build your own implementation or reuse the default implementation.

Step 1: Set up Delta Kernel in your connector project

In the Delta Kernel project, there are multiple dependencies you can choose to depend on.

  1. Delta Kernel core APIs - This is a must-have dependency, which contains all the main APIs like Table, Snapshot, and Scan that you will use to access the metadata and data of the Delta table. This has very few dependencies reducing the chance of conflicts with any dependencies in your connector and engine. This also provides the TableClient interface which allows you to plug in your implementations of computationally expensive operations, but it does not provide any implementation of this interface.
  2. Delta Kernel default- This has a default implementation called DefaultTableClient and additional dependencies such as Hadoop. If you wish to reuse all or parts of this implementation, then you can optionally depend on this.

Set up Java projects

As discussed above, you can import one or both of the artifacts as follows:

<!-- Must have dependency -->

<!-- Optional depdendency -->

Step 2: Build your own TableClient

In this section, we are going to explore the TableClient interface and walk through how to implement your own implementation so that you can plug in your connector/engine-specific implementations of computationally-intensive operations, threading model, resource management, etc.

Important Note

During the validation process, if you believe that all the dependencies of the default TableClient implementation can work with your connector and engine, then you can skip this step and jump to Step 3 of implementing your connector using the default client. If later you have the need to customize the helper for your connector, you can revisit this step.

Step 2.1: Implement the TableClient interface

The TableClient interface combines a bunch of sub-interfaces each of which is designed for a specific purpose. Here is a brief overview of the subinterfaces. See the API docs (Java) for a more detailed view.

interface TableClient {
   * Get the connector provided {@link ExpressionHandler}.
   * @return An implementation of {@link ExpressionHandler}.
  ExpressionHandler getExpressionHandler();

   * Get the connector provided {@link JsonHandler}.
   * @return An implementation of {@link JsonHandler}.
  JsonHandler getJsonHandler();

   * Get the connector provided {@link FileSystemClient}.
   * @return An implementation of {@link FileSystemClient}.
  FileSystemClient getFileSystemClient();

   * Get the connector provided {@link ParquetHandler}.
   * @return An implementation of {@link ParquetHandler}.
  ParquetHandler getParquetHandler();

To build your own TableClient implementation, you can choose to either use the default implementations of each sub-interface or completely build every one from scratch.

class MyTableClient extends DefaultTableClient {

  FileSystemClient getFileSystemClient() {
    // Build a new implementation from scratch
    return new MyFileSystemClient();
  // For all other sub-clients, use the default implementations provided by the `DefaultTableClient`.

Next, we will walk through how to implement each interface.

Step 2.2: Implement FileSystemClient interface

The FileSystemClient interface contains basic file system operations like listing directories, resolving paths into a fully qualified path and reading bytes from files. Implementation of this interface must take care of the following when interacting with storage systems such as S3, Hadoop, or ADLS:

  • Credentials and permissions: The connector must populate its FileSystemClient with the necessary configurations and credentials for the client to retrieve the necessary data from the storage system. For example, an implementation based on Hadoop's FileSystem abstractions can be passed S3 credentials via the Hadoop configurations.
  • Decryption: If file system objects are encrypted, then the implementation must decrypt the data before returning the data.

Step 2.3: Implement ParquetHandler

As the name suggests, this interface contains everything related to reading Parquet files. It has been designed such that a connector can plug in a wide variety of implementations, from a simple single-threaded reader to a very advanced multi-threaded reader with pre-fetching and advanced connector-specific expression pushdown. Let's explore the methods to implement, and the guarantees associated with them.

This method takes as input FileStatuss which contains metadata such as file path, size etc. of the Parquet file to read. The columns to be read from the Parquet file are defined by the physical schema. To implement this method, you may have to first implement your own ColumnarBatch and ColumnVector which is used to represent the in-memory data generated from the Parquet files.

When identifying the columns to read, note that there are multiple types of columns in the physical schema (represented as a StructType).

  • Data columns: Columns that are expected to be read from the Parquet file. Based on the StructField object defining the column, read the column in the Parquet file that matches the same name or field id. If the column has a field id (stored as in the StructField metadata) then the field id should be used to match the column in the Parquet file. Otherwise, the column name should be used for matching.
  • Metadata columns: These are special columns that must be populated using metadata about the Parquet file (StructField#isMetadataColumn tells whether a column in StructType is a metadata column). To understand how to populate such a column, first match the column name against the set of standard metadata column name constants. For example,
    • StructFileld#isMetadataColumn() returns true and the column name is StructField.METADATA_ROW_INDEX_COLUMN_NAME, then you have to a generate column vector populated with the actual index of each row in the Parquet file (that is, not indexed by the possible subset of rows returned after Parquet data skipping).
Requirements and guarantees

Any implementation must adhere to the following guarantees.

  • The schema of the returned ColumnarBatches must match the physical schema.
    • If a data column is not found and the StructField.isNullable = true, then return a ColumnVector of nulls. Throw an error if it is not nullable.
  • The output iterator must maintain ordering as the input iterator. That is, if file1 is before file2 in the input iterator, then columnar batches of file1 must be before those of file2 in the output iterator.
Performance suggestions
  • The representation of data as ColumnVectors and ColumnarBatches can have a significant impact on the query performance and it's best to read the Parquet file data directly into vectors and batches of the engine-native format to avoid potentially costly in-memory data format conversion. Create a Kernel ColumnVector and ColumnarBatch wrappers around the engine-native format equivalent classes.

Step 2.4: Implement ExpressionHandler

The ExpressionHandler interface has all the methods needed for handling expressions that may be applied on columnar data.

This method generates an object of type ExpressionEvaluator that can evaluate the expression on a batch of row data to produce a result of a single column vector. To generate this function, the getEvaluator() method takes as input the expression and the schema of the ColumnarBatches of data on which the expressions will be applied. The same object can be used to evaluate multiple columnar batches of input with the same schema and expression the evaluator is created for.

This is for creating an expression evaluator for Predicate type expressions. The Predicate type expressions return a boolean value as output.

The returned object is of type PredicateEvaluator. This is a special interface for evaluating Predicate on input batch returns a selection vector containing one value for each row in input batch indicating whether the row has passed the predicate or not. Optionally it takes an existing selection vector along with the input batch for evaluation. The result selection vector is combined with the given existing selection vector and a new selection vector is returned. This mechanism allows running an input batch through several predicate evaluations without rewriting the input batch to remove rows that do not pass the predicate after each predicate evaluation. The new selection should be the same or more selective as the existing selection vector. For example, if a row is marked as unselected in the existing selection vector, then it should remain unselected in the returned selection vector even when the given predicate returns true for the row.

This method allows creating ColumnVector for boolean type values given as input. This allows the connector to maintain all ColumnVectors created in the desired memory format.

Requirements and guarantees

Any implementation must adhere to the following guarantees.

  • Implementation must handle all possible variations of expressions. If the implementation encounters an expression type that it does not know how to handle, then it must throw a specific language-dependent exception.
  • The ColumnarBatches on which the generated ExpressionEvaluator is going to be used are guaranteed to have the schema provided during generation. Hence, it is safe to bind the expression evaluation logic to column ordinals instead of column names, thus making the actual evaluation faster.

Step 2.5: Implement JsonHandler

This client interface allows the connector to use plug-in their own JSON handling code and expose it to the Delta Kernel.

This method takes as input FileStatuss of the JSON files and returns the data in a series of columnar batches. The columns to be read from the JSON file are defined by the physical schema, and the return batches must match that schema. To implement this method, you may have to first implement your own ColumnarBatchand ColumnVector which is used to represent the in-memory data generated from the JSON files.

When identifying the columns to read, note that there are multiple types of columns in the physical schema (represented as a StructType).

This method allows parsing a ColumnVector of string values which are in JSON format into the output format specified by the outputSchema. If a given column in outputSchema is not found, then a null value is returned. It optionally takes a selection vector which indicates what entries in the input ColumnVector of strings to parse. If an entry is not selected then a null value is returned as parsed output for that particular entry in the output.

This method allows parsing JSON encoded (according to Delta schema serialization rules) StructType schema into a StructType. Most implementations of JsonHandler do not need to implement this method and instead use the one in the default JsonHandler implementation.

Step 2.6: Implement ColumnarBatch and ColumnVector

ColumnarBatch and ColumnVector are two interfaces to represent the data read into memory from files. This representation can have a significant impact on query performance. Each engine likely has a native representation of in-memory data with which it applies data transformation operations. For example, in Apache Spark™, the row data is internally represented as UnsafeRow for efficient processing. So it's best to read the Parquet file data directly into vectors and batches of the native format to avoid potentially costly in-memory data format conversions. So the recommended approach is to build wrapper classes that extend the two interfaces but internally use engine-native classes to store the data. When the connector has to forward the columnar batches received from the kernel to the engine, it has to be smart enough to skip converting vectors and batches that are already in the engine-native format.

Step 3: Build read support in your connector

In this section, we are going to walk through the likely sequence of Kernel API calls your connector will have to make to read a table. The exact timing of making these calls in your connector in the context of connector-engine interactions depends entirely on the engine-connector APIs and is therefore beyond the scope of this guide. However, we will try to provide broad guidelines that are likely (but not guaranteed) to apply to your connector-engine setup. For this purpose, we are going to assume that the engine goes through the following phases when processing a read/scan query - logical plan analysis, physical plan generation, and physical plan execution. Based on these broad characterizations, a typical control and data flow for reading a Delta table is going to be as follows:

Step Typical query phase when this step occurs
Resolve the table snapshot to query Logical plan analysis phase when the plan's schema and other details need to be resolved and validated
Resolve files to scan based on query parameters Physical plan generation, when the final parameters of the scan are available. For example:
  • Schema of data to read after pruning away unused columns
  • Query filters to apply after filter rearrangement
Distribute the file information to workers Physical plan execution, only if it is a distributed engine.
Read the columnar data using the file information Physical plan execution, when the data is being processed by the engine

Let's understand the details of each step.

Step 3.1: Resolve the table snapshot to query

The first step is to resolve the consistent snapshot and the schema associated with it. This is often required by the connector/ engine to resolve and validate the logical plan of the scan query (if the concept of logical plan exists in your engine). To achieve this, the connector has to do the following.

  • Resolve the table path from the query: If the path is directly available, then this is easy. Otherwise, if it is a query based on a catalog table (for example, a Delta table defined in Hive Metastore), then the connector has to resolve the table path from the catalog.
  • Initialize the TableClient object: Create a new instance of the TableClient that you have chosen in [Step 2](#build-your-own TableClient).
  • Initialize the Kernel objects and get the schema: Assuming the query is on the latest available version/snapshot of the table, you can get the table schema as follows:

TableClient myTableClient = new MyTableClient();
Table myTable = Table.forPath(myTablePath);
Snapshot mySnapshot = myTable.getLatestSnapshot(myTableClient);
StructType mySchema = mySnapshot.getSchema(myTableClient);

If you want to query a specific version of the table (that is, not the schema), then you can get the required snapshot as myTable.getSnapshot(version).

Step 3.2: Resolve files to scan

Next, we need to build a Scan object using more information from the query. Here we are going to assume that the connector/engine has been able to extract the following details from the query (say, after optimizing the logical plan):

  • Read schema: The columns in the table that the query needs to read. This may be the full set of columns or a subset of columns.
  • Query filters: The filters on partitions or data columns that can be used skip reading table data.

To provide this information to Kernel, you have to do the following:

  • Convert the engine-specific schema and filter expressions to Kernel schema and expressions: For schema, you have to create a StructType object. For the filters, you have to create an Expression object using all the available subclasses of Expression.
  • Build the scan with the converted information: Build the scan as follows:

StructType readSchema = ... ;  // convert engine schema
Predicate filterExpr = ... ;   // convert engine filter expression

Scan myScan = mySnapshot.buildScan(tableClient)
  .withFilter(myTableClient, filterExpr)
  .withReadSchema(myTableClient, readSchema)
  • Resolve the information required to file reads: The generated Scan object has two sets of information.
    • Scan files: myScan.getScanFiles() returns an iterator of ColumnarBatches. Each batch in the iterator contains rows and each row has information about a single file that has been selected based on the query filter.
    • Scan state: myScan.getScanState() returns a Row that contains all the information that is common across all the files that need to be read.
Row myScanStateRow = myScan.getScanState();
CloseableIterator<FilteredColumnarBatch> myScanFilesAsBatches = myScan.getScanFiles();

while (myScanFilesAsBatches.hasNext()) {
  FilteredColumnarBatch scanFileBatch =;

  CloseableIterator<Row> myScanFilesAsRows = scanFileBatch.getRows();  

As we will soon see, reading the columnar data from a selected file will need to use both, the scan state row, and a scan file row with the file information.

Requirements and guarantees

Here are the details you need to ensure when defining this scan.

  • The provided readSchema must be the exact schema of the data that the engine will expect when executing the query. Any mismatch in the schema defined during this query planning and the query execution will result in runtime failures. Hence you must build the scan with the readSchema only after the engine has finalized the logical plan after any optimizations like column pruning.
  • When applicable (for example, with Java Kernel APIs), you have to make sure to call the close() method as you consume the ColumnarBatches of scan files (that is, either serialize the rows or use them to read the table data).

Step 3.3: Distribute the file information to the workers

If you are building a connector for a distributed engine like Spark/Presto/Trino/Flink, then your connector has to send all the scan metadata from the query planning machine (henceforth called the driver) to task execution machines (henceforth called the workers). You will have to serialize and deserialize the scan state and scan file rows. It is the connector job to implement serialization and deserialization utilities for a Row. If the connector wants to split reading one scan file into multiple tasks, it can add additional connector specific split context to the task. At the task, the connector can use its own Parquet reader to read the specific part of the file indicated by the split info.

Custom Row Serializer/Deserializer

Here are steps on how to build your own serializer/deserializer such that it will work with any Row of any schema.

  • Serializing

    • First serialize the row schema, that is, StructType object.
    • Then, use the schema to identify types of each column/ordinal in the Row and use that to serialize all the values one by one.
  • Deserializing

    • Define your own class that extends the Row interface. It must be able to handle complex types like arrays, nested structs and maps.
    • First deserialize the schema.
    • Then, use the schema to deserialize the values and put them in an instance of your custom Row class.

// In the driver where query planning is being done
Byte[] scanStateRowBytes = RowUtils.serialize(scanStateRow);
Byte[] scanFileRowBytes = RowUtils.serialize(scanFileRow);

// Optionally the connector adds a split info to the task (scan file, scan state) to
// split reading of a Parquet file into multiple tasks. The task gets split info
// along with the scan file row and scan state row.
Split split = ...; // connector specific class, not related to Kernel

// Send these over to the worker

// In the worker when data will be read, after rowBytes have been sent over
Row scanStateRow = RowUtils.deserialize(scanStateRowBytes);
Row scanFileRow = RowUtils.deserialize(scanFileRowBytes);
Split split = ... deserialize split info ...;

Step 3.4: Read the columnar data

Finally, we are ready to read the columnar data. You will have to do the following:

  • Read the physical data from Parquet file as indicated by the scan file row, scan state, and optionally the split info
  • Convert the physical data into logical data of the table using the Kernel's APIs.
Row scanStateRow = ... ;
Row scanFileRow = ... ;
Split split = ...;

// Additional option predicate such as dynamic filters the connector wants to
// pass to the reader when reading files.
Predicate optPredicate = ...;

// Get the physical read schema of columns to read from the Parquet data files
StructType physicalReadSchema =
  ScanStateRow.getPhysicalDataReadSchema(tableClient, scanStateRow);

// From the scan file row, extract the file path, size and modification metadata
// needed to read the file.
FileStatus fileStatus = InternalScanFileUtils.getAddFileStatus(scanFileRow);

// Open the scan file which is a Parquet file using connector's own
// Parquet reader which supports reading specific parts (split) of the file.
// If the connector doesn't have its own Parquet reader, it can use the
// default Parquet reader provider which at the moment doesn't support reading
// a specific part of the file, but reads the entire file from the beginning.
CloseableIterator<ColumnarBatch> physicalDataIter =
  split, // what part of the Parquet file to read data from
  optPredicate /* additional predicate the connector can apply to filter data from the reader */

// Now the physical data read from the Parquet data file is converted to logical data
// the table represents.
// Logical data may include the addition of partition columns and/or
// subset of rows deleted
CloseableIterator<FilteredColumnarBatch> transformedData =
  • Resolve the data in the batches: Each FilteredColumnarBatch has two components:
    • Columnar batch (returned by FilteredColumnarBatch.getData()): This is the data read from the files having the schema matching the readSchema provided when the Scan object was built in the earlier step.
    • Optional selection vector (returned by FilteredColumnarBatch.getSelectionVector()): Optionally, a boolean vector that will define which rows in the batch are valid and should be consumed by the engine.

If the selection vector is present, then you will have to apply it to the batch to resolve the final consumable data.

  • Convert to engine-specific data format: Each connector/engine has its own native row / columnar batch formats and interfaces. To return the read data batches to the engine, you have to convert them to fit those engine-specific formats and/or interfaces. Here are a few tips that you can follow to make this efficient.
    • Matching the engine-specific format: Some engines may expect the data in an in-memory format that may be different from the data produced by getData(). So you will have to do the data conversion for each column vector in the batch as needed.
    • Matching the engine-specific interfaces: You may have to implement wrapper classes that extend the engine-specific interfaces and appropriately encapsulate the row data.

For best performance, you can implement your own Parquet reader and other TableClient implementations to make sure that every ColumnVector generated is already in the engine-native format thus eliminating any need to convert.

Now you should be able to read the Delta table correctly.