TheGraph subgraph to get ESD data
Data can be queried in the subgraph by Epoch. The id field is the epoch number All monetary values are given in 10^18
Fields that can be queried for each epoch:
- id: Epoch number
The totals at the start of each epoch:
- startTotalBonded
- startTotalStaged
- startTotalDebt
- startTotalRedeemable
- startTotalCoupons
- startTotalNet
Block data for when the epoch was started (someone made the advance() call the contract requires:
- startTimestamp
- startBlock
Coupon data that reflects the state for the coupons emitted during that epoch:
- expiredCoupons: total expired coupons that where purchased during the epoch.
- outstandingCoupons: total outstanding coupons that were emitted during the epoch
- couponsExpiration: expiration epoch for the coupons emitted during the epoch
Data about the supply variation and the price of the oracle
- oraclePrice: oraclePrice consulted at the beginning of the epoch
- deltaSupply: Supply variation for the epoch (In response to oracle price)
- bootstrappingAt: Boolean Whether the epoch is from the bootstrapping period or not