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About the CodeSnippets Tests project

This project provides tests and demos of snippets from the DelphiDabbler Code Snippets Database.

Directory Structure

The project has the following directories:



  • this file:
  • project group files for Delphi 2006..XE1 that group together all the sub-projects that are stored in sub-directories of Src.


Contains the TestArraysCat2 project that provides DUnit tests for snippets from the database's Arrays category. Currently tests are only available for the TArrayUtils advanced record.


Contains the TestDateCat2 project that provides DUnit tests for selected snippets from the database's Date and Time category.


Contains the TestDriveCat2 project that implements a GUI application that exercises and demonstrates all the code from the database's Drive Management category.


Contains the TestHexCat2 project that provides DUnit tests for all the snippets from the database's Hex Utilities category.


Contains the TestCatMaths2 project that provides DUnit tests for selected snippets from the database's Mathematics category.


Contains the TestCatString2 project that provides DUnit tests for selected snippets from the database's String Management category.


Contains the TextWinSysCat2 project that provides a GUI application that exercises and demonstrates all the code from the database's Windows System category.


These test files originated as a zip file on Google Drive that were transferred to the delphidabbler/code-snippets repository on GitHub. The tests are located in the repository's tests sub-directory.

All subsequent changes to the files were made on GitHub. At present the GitHub repository differs from the original code on Google Drive.


  1. There are different versions of the group project file for different Delphi versions: CodeSnippetsTestsbdsgroup for Delphi 2006, CodeSnippetsTests.groupproj for Delphi 2007-2010 and CodeSnippetsTestsXE.groupproj for Delphi XE.

  2. There are different versions of project files for different Delphi versions. They are one or more of <NAME>.bdsproj for Delphi 2006, <NAME>.dproj for Delphi 2007 to 2010 and <NAME>XE.dproj for Delphi XE, where <NAME> is the base name of the project, for example TestDateCat or TestCatMaths. 2 3 4 5 6 7