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HP-Socket for Linx

    The exported API of HP-Socket for Linux is consistent with HP-Socket for Windows, but the implementation code is completely separated. HP-Socket for Linux uses the features of the C++14 standard, and thus need to be compiled by a compiler which version is GCC 5.x and above, and the compilation and execution environments of HP-Socket requires Linux kernel version 2.6.32 and above.


    Binary library files and sample executable files are available in the HP-Socket distribution. These files were compiled with GCC 6.3.1 under Linux kernel version 2.6.32. Alternatively, you can compile these files using the following two options:

  1. Visual C++ for Linux Development plug-in: The HP-Socket distribution contains a series of Visual Studio Solutions, which were used to compile HP-Socket library and demos, you can compile them by yourself after install and configure the Visual C++ for Linux Development plug-in.
  2. You can compile HP-Socket library files yourself using shell script. But only compile library files and will not compile sample executable files.
$ ./ -h
Usage: [...O.P.T.I.O.N.S...]
  -d|--with-debug-lib : compile debug libs (default: true)
  -j|--use-jemalloc   : use jemalloc in release libs
                      : (x86/x64 default: true, ARM default: false)
  -u|--udp-enabled    : enable UDP components (default: true)
  -t|--http-enabled   : enable HTTP components (default: true)
  -s|--ssl-enabled    : enable SSL components (default: true)
  -z|--zlib-enabled   : enable ZLIB related functions (default: true)
  -i|--iconv-enabled  : enable ICONV related functions (default: true)
  -c|--compiler       : compiler (default: g++)
  -p|--platform       : platform: x86 / x64 / ARM
                      : (default: current machine arch platform)  
  -e|--clean          : clean compilation intermediate temp files
  -r|--remove         : remove all compilation target files
  -v|--version        : print hp-socket version
  -h|--help           : print this usage message


    Use shell script to install HP-Socket library files and sample executable files to your system.

$ sudo ./ -h
Usage: [...O.P.T.I.O.N.S...]
  -p|--prefix    : install/uninstall path (default: /usr/local)
  -l|--libdir    : lib dir (x86/ARM default: 'lib', x64 default: 'lib64')
  -d|--with-demo : install demos or not (default: false)
  -u|--uninstall : execute uninstall operation from install path
  -v|--version   : print hp-socket version
  -h|--help      : print this usage message

    Note: The build script depends on the script/, src/, include/, and dependent/ directories of the distribution; the install script depends on the script/, include/, and lib/ directories of the distribution, if you want to install the sample executable files, it also need to depends on the demo/Release/ directory.

Android NDK

    HP-Socket provides Android NDK build script (build-android-ndk.bat on Windows). After installing and configuring the NDK, execute to build it. By default, the build script will build all of ABI's dynamic libraries and static libraries supported by the current NDK, and output the library files to lib/android-ndk/ directory. If you have special needs, please set the corresponding command line parameters for

    Build HP-Socket libraries use default settings:

$ cd HP-Socket/Linux
$ ./


    By default, the build script generates libraries for all non-deprecated ABIs. You can modify the APP_ABI parameter for to generate libraries for specific ABIs.

    (for example: only generate armeabi-v7a and x86 libraries):

$ ./ APP_ABI=armeabi-v7a,x86


    By default, all optional features (UDP, SSL, HTTP, ZLIB, ICONV) were enabled. You can set one or more _XXX_DISABLED=true parameters for to disable corresponding features.

  • _UDP_DISABLED=true   (disable UDP)
  • _SSL_DISABLED=true   (disable SSL)
  • _HTTP_DISABLED=true  (disable HTTP)
  • _ZLIB_DISABLED=true  (disable ZLIB)
  • _ICONV_DISABLED=true (disable ICONV)

    (for example: disable SSL and ICONV features):


    Note: If you disable one or more features, you need to define corresponding macros while compiling your application. for example: If you disable the SSL and ICONV features of HP-Socket library, when you compile the application that uses this library, need to define macro like: -D_SSL_DISABLED -D_ICONV_DISABLED.

Other Options

    For more details of command, please refer to the ndk-build official documentation.
    The following example demonstrates: building armeabi-v7a and x86_64 ABI targets; disabling UDP, ZLIB, and ICONV features; library files output to lib/android-ndk/ directory; obj files output to lib/Android-ndk/obj/ directory:

$ ./ APP_ABI=armeabi-v7a,x86_64 \
                         _UDP_DISABLED=true \
                         _ZLIB_DISABLED=true \
                         _ICONV_DISABLED=true \
                         NDK_LIBS_OUT=./lib/android-ndk \