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Uniswap V3 Pool's price history for every chain, not depending on available liquidity


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Sidechain Oracles


Sidechain Oracles is a mechanism to provide a Uniswap V3 Pool's price history to chains where the pair may not be available or doesn't have a healthy liquidity to rely on.

The set of contracts is designed to update and broadcast the oracle information every time some cooldown period has expired, or whenever the twap has changed significantly since the last update.


DataFeed: source of truth on mainnet, queries the UniV3Pool and stores the result, also permissionless broadcasts data to bridges

DataFeedStrategy: defines with which timestamps and when the history of a pool should be permissionless updated: by cooldown period, or twap difference

StrategyJob: adds a layer of rewards for calling the update of the strategy (when possible) or the broadcast transaction (when new information is fetched)

IBridgeAdapter: abstract and allowlisted, standardizes the message broadcast and delivers to DataReceiver, the bridge provider should instantiate both a Sender and a Receiver

DataReceiver: receives the message broadcast by DataFeed, proxies it to the SidechainOracle, or triggers the factory to deploy one first

OracleSidechain: stores an extension of OracleLibrary and updates it with each data batch, uses a nonce to ensure consistency

OracleFactory: deploys a new instance of an oracle on a precomputed address for each token0 token1 fee combination

Permissionless execution

  • When either time has passed since the last update, or twap has changed since the last observation, DataFeedStrategy allows any signer to trigger a data fetch
  • On the strategy, the set of timestamps is defined and passed to the DataFeed
  • The DataFeed queries the UniV3Pool at the set of timestamps and stores the keccak of the result
  • The DataFeed allows the broadcast of any known datasets (validating the keccak) to other chains (allowlisted by pool & chain ID)

Rewarded execution

  • When DataFeedStrategy allows a fetch, a keeper can work StrategyJob fetch method to trigger it and get rewarded for the gas spent
  • When a new data batch is fetched, a keeper can work the StrategyJob broadcast method to push the information to allowlisted chains, and get rewarded for the gas spent

Receiving execution

  • On the sidechain, when a new data batch is received, the receiver pushes the information to the corresponding oracle
  • The oracle updates the observation array looping through the (twap,timestamp)[] array
  • If a data batch arrives and no oracle exists for that pair, the receiver will trigger the OracleFactory to deploy the oracle, and then write the batch
  • If a data batch arrives with a nonce different than the oracle's next one, the transaction will revert

On-chain Truth Mechanism

Using a UniswapV3Pool as a source of truth allows the bridging of its price history to a receiver contract, replicating the OracleLibrary behavior. Any contract on the receiving chain can choose to calculate a twap, the same way it would query the pool observe([t,0]), by addressing the query to a pre-computable address: the oracle. Contracts can also query slot0.sqrtPriceX96 or slot0.tick, and will get a time-weighted average of the last time-period.

The pool is consulted at timestamps defined by the strategy, and the DataFeed calculates the twap between those timestamps, and allows the bridging of the calculated oracle insertions, backfilling as if big swaps happened in those timestamps moving the tick to the correspondent twap for that period.

The DataFeed also stores in the cache the last state of the pool observed to fill in the gaps between sets of timestamps, or to overcome manually (permissioned) whenever the pool returns an !OLD error, and keep the consistency of information.

Math Representation

The UniV3Pool price is recorded on a tickCumulative variable, that can be represented as the primitive of tick, integrated from the first swap of the pool, until the consulted t. It is accessed through observe(uint32[] secondsAgo), or accessing each observation by index observations(uint256 index).

The mathematical mechanism aims to create a clone of the tickCumulative $C(t)$ curve by understanding it as the primitive of twap(t), and letting the OracleLibrary integrate the result into the $C'(t)$ of the oracle.

$$C = \int_0^t tick*dt$$

To calculate the time-weighted average between any two timestamps, one should compare the tickCumulative and divide by the time difference.

$$twap_a^b = {{C(b)-C(a)}\over{t(b)-t(a)}} = {{C_a^b}\over{\Delta t_a^b}}$$

$$C(t) = twap_0^t * \Delta t_0^t$$

$$C_a^b = twap_a^b * \Delta t_a^b$$

In the pool contract, it is updated each time a swap makes the tick change, such that the value of $C(t)$ is always accessible, correct, and updated $$C_n = C_{n-1} + slot0.tick * (now - t_{n-1})$$

By accepting $C$ as the primitive of $tick(t)$, one can also build another $C'$ function that replicates, at least exactly in a particular set of points, the behavior of $C$, by using the time-weighted averages between that set of points. On the oracle, it is stored in batches every time data is received.

$${C'}_ {n} = C_{n-1} + twap * (t_n - t_{n-1})$$

$$slot0_n = twap_n$$

This implies that data after the last datapoint of the last received batch is extrapolated from the last twap.

$$C'(t) = tickCumulative(t_{n}) + slot0_n * \Delta t_n^t$$

Notice also, that integrating a function into a primitive also adds the integration constant $K$, that equals, in this case, to the tickCumulative of the pool, at the time of the first oracle observation. Since $C$ in the pool integrates from the pool genesis, and $C'$ in the oracle integrates since oracle genesis. But any difference of $C'$ should not be sensible to $K$, since it cancels out.

$$C' = C + K$$

$$C(t) = C'(t) + C(t_{genesis})$$

Given that the integration of a curve can be separated in the integration of its parts, and each integration can be calculated with the twap: $$\int_A^Btick*dt = twap_A^B * \Delta t_A^B$$

$$C' = \int_a^ztickdt = \int_a^btdt + \int_b^ctdt + ... + \int_y^ztdt$$

$$(twap_a^b * \Delta t_a^b) + twap_b^c * \Delta t_b^c + ...$$

On the pool $C$ is exactly $tick(t) * \Delta t_{genesis}^t$ , as it generates a new insertion each time tick changes. The resolution of the pool depends on the information, being at least 1s (if two consecutive 1s blocks have a tick-moving swap). On the sidechain, the twap calculation will both optimistically interpolate information between datapoints, and optimistically extrapolate the data from the last available datapoint. The resolution will depend on the periodLength set by the Strategy, as it will be calculated as $\sum twap_a^b * \Delta t_a^b$ , trying to make $\Delta t$ of a homogeneous length. This setting should be set considering the resolution obtained, and the required consultations to the pool's binarySearch required to provide such resolution.

All of the information that exists between bridged points $a, b, c, ...$ is reduced to an average between those points, which means that any twap change inside those periods is filtered by the sensitivity of the strategy resolution.

$C(t)$ UniV3Pool observe()

  • always accessible
  • always correct
  • always updated

$C'(t)$ SirechainOracle observe()

  • always accessible
  • only correct in $a, b, c, ...$
  • optimistically extrapolates the last state

Fetch Strategy

There are three parameters that define the maintenance of the strategy:

  • periodLength is the target length of the bridged twap periods
  • strategyCooldown time since the last update required to trigger another update
  • twapPeriod the target length of the twap calculated to compare pool and oracle, and trigger an update given a threshold
  • twapThreshold amount of ticks of difference between oracle and pool twaps (with a length of twapPeriod) to trigger an update of the oracle

Twap trigger

Any twap (of a given length) can be queried from the pool as

$$ twap_{mainnet} = {{C(now) - C(now-length)}\over{length}}$$

From mainnet (the chain that has the pool to consult), the tickCumulative observed at the sidechain, after the last observation can be inferred as

$$C_{cache}(now) = cache.tickCumulative + cache.twap * (now - t_{cache})$$

$$ twap*{sidechain} = {{C*{cache}(now) - C(now-length)}\over{length}}$$

Having $C_{cache}$ and $C_{mainnet}$ the same integration constant K, because no transformation is made between them. Being able to use then $C$ to consult any timestamp prior to cache.

Any twap difference that surpasses a certain threshold allows any signer to trigger a pool history observation and update, prioritizing the choosing of secondsAgo in a way that uses a time length of periodLength as the last observation period (the one that gets extrapolated).

Timestamps calculation

Timestamps should be chosen in a way that their result is indistinct from whenever someone chooses to update the oracle. Off-by-1-second transactions should not generate two different results. Bringing also the latest possible timestamp is important for the precision of the extrapolation. As the information that builds a twap query is less guessed and more updated.

With those design constraints, given a length of time to query, an array is made such that only the 1st item is allowed to be inferior to periodLength, while all the rest should be of length periodLength.

Given a hypothetical time to cover of 3.14s (since t=10s) in periods of 1s, the array [0.14, 1, 1, 1] will be built, being t = [10.14, 11.14, 12.14, 13.14]. Avoiding in such way, that the oracle extrapolation would be built with $twap_{13}^{13.14}$, using $twap_{12.14}^{13.14}$ of 1s instead. In this way, should a significant tick change have happened in the seconds $t_{13}^{13.14}$, its effect will be less significant on the sidechain extrapolation because it will be averaged with $t_{12.14}^{13.14}$.

When calculating twaps, it's mainly important to calculate it referenced to now. Old information can strongly affect $C'$, but is always diluted with $t$.

In the example above, if a strong tick difference had happened at $t_{10}^{10.14}$, its effect would have strongly changed ${C'}_{10}^{10.14}$ (an existent time period).

As twap is always calculated with now, in ${C'}_{10}^{13.14}$ it would have less of an effect.

NOTE: A more gas-efficient array-filling strategy can be built by making more extended periods on old datapoints and linearly or logarithmically shifting until most recent one has periodLength


Clone the repo in your preferred way, and fill the .env file using the .env.example as a reference. The environment is yet set to work with testnets, using Goerli to OP Goerli bridge as default.

For a dummy setup (without bridging) run:

yarn deploy:setup-dummy
yarn deploy:fetch
yarn deploy:bridge-dummy

For a cross-chain setup run:

yarn deploy:setup
yarn deploy:fetch
yarn deploy:bridge

For a Keep3r rewarded setup run:

yarn deploy:setup
yarn deploy:work

For 1 tag manual-deployment and bridging yarn deploy --network mumbai --tags manual-send-test-observation

In /utils/constants.ts, one can find the configuration of the strategies chosen by chain. The default for Goerli is set to refresh each 1/2 day, using periods of 1hr, and comparing a 2hr twap with 500 ticks (+-5%) threshold.

Address Registry


Goerli (sender and receiver)
Contract Address
DataFeed 0x8Fb68E83831c7e8622e10C154CC0d24856440809
DataFeedStrategy 0x606e25c67B8d6550075C8085083c763769Cfe2BE
StrategyJob 0x606e25c67B8d6550075C8085083c763769Cfe2BE
Connext SenderAdapter 0xF73E6BC8ca4Fec5e9773C4f22E8EBEEEd12733d6
Connext ReceiverAdapter 0x05a6CEF3f938E8E9b3112CB44e8B9771638989Ed
DataReceiver 0xa09683377E5cE0bB7eEa90D2b64e3644f7eA1B8a
OracleFactory 0x0594Dc74043b93Bdb371f01187704C98D45bd4E6
OP Goerli (receiver)
Contract Address
Connext ReceiverAdapter 0x4D81A5C9F7706377df368D1716460da03faEcBcb
DataReceiver 0x768c227320165A71A4001fE23A0C38CD6B5585c0
OracleFactory 0xB8aD440Ad7A3298C73258b1Fc202A081Db9107cb
Mumbai (manual sender)
Contract Address
DataFeed 0x1c9Bc091f070A10E23B2a90eA543AD38AA3De1EE
Connext SenderAdapter 0x4C8589e7D1d91e454F5f30C3e1bb3e197B5Bf368
Whitelisted pipelines:
Chain - Pool Chain - OracleSidechain
Goerli - 0x317ceCd3eB02158f97DF0B67B788edCda4E066e5 OP Goerli - 0x4ECFF2c532d47D7be3D957E4a332AB134cad1fd9
Mumbai - 0xd69f1635dc28a11E05841AE25Fd1572FD0EF1eF4 Goerli - 0x050BBA5E4abde750Ea5610D8412cD46171C665e7
Goerli - 0x317ceCd3eB02158f97DF0B67B788edCda4E066e5 Goerli - 0xED7f635EE962537b4DB13a1e1c3922EC65366fE2


Uniswap V3 Pool's price history for every chain, not depending on available liquidity







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