Out-of-distribution with language supervision
is the main file. Currently we have three options:
evaluate zero shot performance of CLIP: call
zero_shot_evaluation_CLIP(image_dataset_name, test_labels, ckpt)
fine-tune CLIP image encoder and test (linear probe): call
play with SkImages: call
New dataset from ImageNet:
- 10 Classes from ImageNet-1k
- location: inst-01 /nobackup/ImageNet
- classes: n04552348 (plane), n04285008 (car/automobile), n01530575 (bird), n02123597 (cat), n02422699 (antelope), n02107574 (dog) ,n01641577 (frog) , n01728572 (snake), n03095699 (ship), n03417042 (truck)
- Tasks:
- generate Captions
- fine tune with multi-modal contrastive loss
Q: What are desirable properties of pre-trained CLIP?
- It recognizes objects (not background)! -> it's been shown that CLIP is robust across background shift
- It associates image representations with label descriptions
- If the true label is available, it assigns high confidence
Q: Problems of pre-trained CLIP?
- If the true labels are not there, it can still be overconfident
Q: [detection side] Now we have text embedding, how to design a better detection score?
- feature-based approach:
- NIPS-2021 cheating approach (assume OOD labels are known)
- Inner product based
- only using ID labels
- find a fixed sef of template labels?
- Mahalanobis score
- improved Mahalanobis score
- challenge: there is a mismatch between text and img feature spaces, although they have the same dimension
- logit-based approach: (to check if text embeddings are useful)
- based on pre-trained CLIP - > linear probe
- based on pre-trained ViT (without pre-training with text encoder) -> linear probe
Q: [fine-tuning side] Now we have an ID dataset, how to make CLIP aware of ID and OOD?
- baseline #1: just train with contrastive loss with ID only
- baseline #2: add K+1 class as "OOD" and use an auxiliary pool
- challenge: CLIP is good at recognizing concrete objects; is it still good for abstract notions such as "OOD"?
- baseline #3: typical OE approach: use uniform distribution as proxy for outliers
- baseline #4: [grouping-based] similar to the MOS paper (say we have 8 big categories from ImageNet): some of them are ID (e.g. plants) and some of them are OOD (e.g. furniture). This is more abstract but more specific than “placeholder”. And during fine-tuning, we can assign ID and auxiliary outliers to those categories.