A mouse jiggler program implemented in python.
- Python 3.x installation.
- An IDE prefered.
- A virtual environment - optional.
- python packages(pip package):
- pyautogui
- random
- time
- threading
- keyboard
Here, pyautogui, keyboard package you need to get from pip install , other packages are readily available with python installation.
- Install python 3.x or more.
- clone the repository or copy the code.
- create a virtual environment (optional)
- command:
python -m venv <your-virtual-environment-name>
- Activate your virtual environment:
- command(macos/linux) :
source <path-to-your-virtual-env>/bin
- command(windows):
- command(macos/linux) :
- command:
- Install the packages
pip install keyboard pyautogui
- Execute the Script.
- command:
python main.py
- command:
usecase: No usage definition needed. 😉
Optional enhancement: -
- you can further optimise the code and create a os specific executable for the program.
- Currently, the program terminates when you press esc on you keyboard. You can further customize and enhance the program termination logic.
- The program is using python in-build threading library to run the module in a multi-threading enviornment. If anyone have experience and have worked with multi-threading in python. they are invited to enhance the threading behaviour of the program.