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Distributed Exchange Design Fundamentals


There are several notable aspects of the DEX design that were chosen to permit peer-to-peer trades with the mechanics of order execution existing entirely on the separate blockchains via atomic swaps. These are:

  • Asset-specific order quantity increments and transaction fee rates
  • Epoch-based pseudorandom order matching, with epoch duration configured per-market
  • Client identities based on public key infrastructure (PKI)
  • An open and rigidly-defined interface for integration of arbitrary assets
This section describes each of these design aspects.

Exchange Variables

There are a number of exchange-wide, market-specific, asset-specific, and user specific variables that must be known by the client. These settings should be requested by the user immediately after connecting via the config request.

Global Variables

The api version (apiver) is the server's communications API version. Check before attempting to trade.

The dex public key (pubkey) is the public side of a key pair and uniquely identifies the dex. It can be used to verify messages from the dex.

The cancel rate for a user is the ratio of their canceled order count to completed order count. This only applies to cancels made within two epochs of the order being booked. After orders have sat for one epoch, they can be canceled for free. A user's cancellation rate must remain below the configured cancellation threshold (cancelmax) to avoid penalty.

The broadcast timeout (btimeout) is the amount of time a client has to broadcast a transaction. For the maker, the broadcast time is measured from the time of match notification. For the taker, timeout is measured from the time when the maker's swap receives its swapconfth confirmation (see Asset Variables).

The bin sizes (binSizes) are the bin sizes for candlestick data sets. i.e. "24h", "1h", "5m". Use in conjuction with epoch report notes to monitor trade history.

The config has three subsections detailed more below. They are asset variables (assets), market variables (markets), and bond asset variables (bondAssets).

Asset Variables

The version (version) is the asset version. Check before trading. A higher version indicates updated swap configurations.

Every asset is assigned a unique integer ID (id) that will be used to identify the asset in serialized structures. Whenever possible, the ID is the same as the BIP-0044 registered coin type index [6]. The symbol (symbol) is also found there.

The swap confirmations (swapconf) is the number of confirmations required during settlement on the first swap transaction, before the second swap transaction is broadcast, as well as on the second swap transaction, before the first redemption is broadcast.

The max fee rate (maxfeerate) is the greatest fee the server may expect the client to pay on initiation transactions. This can be used by the client to determine how much needs to be reserved to trade.

The unit info (unitinfo) contains information on unit names and includes the following variables:

  • The atomic unit (atomicUnit) is the unit the asset package will use in communications. i.e. Sats for btc and gwei for eth.
  • The conventional denomination (conventional) is the most commonly used denomination unit (unit) and its conversion factor (conversionFactor). i.e. BTC at 1e8 Sats or ETH at 1e9 gwei.
  • The alternatives (denominations) are other possible unit and conversion factor combinations. i.e. µBTC at 1e2 Sats. They may not exist for some assets.

Market Variables

The name (name) is the market's name, composed of the base and quote asset symbols, lower case, with a hyphen inbetween. i.e. dcr_btc.

The base (base) and quote (quote) are the BIP-0044 registered coin type index [6] of the base and quote assets that make up the market.

The lot size (lotsize) for a market serves as both the minimum order quantity and the order quantity increment for limit orders and market buy orders, which are quantified in the market's base asset. In particular, for lot size l, the requested order quantity, Q, must satisfy


A trade's rate r is in units of the quote asset, and must be specified in integer multiples of the rate step (ratestep) shown here as p.


The epoch duration (epochlen) is the length of one epoch.

If the client connects shortly after a trade suspension, it's possible that trading will not commence until a future epoch. This information can be found in the config response's market status (status) which inclues a few variables:

  • If the market has been or will be susupended, the start epoch (start epoch) will be populated for each market and contains which epoch index trading did or will begin.
  • A final epoch (finalepoch) may also be present if the dex is scheduled to go into trade suspension. If this variable is present, there may also be a persists (persistbook) boolean that is true when booked orders will not be purged after market suspension.
The market buy buffer (buybuffer) defines the minimum order size for a market buy order.

Bond Asset Variables

The version (version) is the bond version. A higher version indicates updated bond construction.

The id (id) is the bond asset's BIP-0044 registered coin type index [6]

The confirmations (confs) are the confirmations needed in order for the bond to be considered valid.

The amount (amount) is how much is required for one bond, and the amount posted must be divisible by this amount. The amount will be in the asset's asset's atomic unit.

Configuration Data Request

Request route: config, originator: client

The config request payload can be null. The DEX will respond with its current configuration.


field type description
cancelmax float the cancellation threshold
btimeout int the broadcast timeout
apiver int the server's api version
pubkey bytes the server's public ecdsa key
binSizes [string] bin sizes for candlestick data sets (i.e. ["24h", "1h", "5m"])
bondAssets map[string]object map of coin ticker symbols to Bond Asset objects (definition below)
assets [object] list of Asset objects (definition below)
markets [object] list of Market objects (definition below)

Asset object

field type description
version int the asset's version
symbol string ticker symbol
id int a unique per-asset ID
maxfeerate int the maximum fee rate for transactions (atoms/byte)
swapconf int minimum confirmations for swap transactions
unitinfo object a Unit Info object (definition below)

Unit Info object

field type description
atomicUnit string the title of the smallest communicatable unit of the asset. i.e. Sats
conventional object the most common Conversion Factor object (definition below)
denominations [object] list of other optional Conversion Factor objects. May be empty (definition below)

Conversion Factor object

field type description
unit string the title of the denomination. i.e. BTC
conversionFactor int the number of atomic units in the denomination. i.e. 1e8

Market object

field type description
name string market name
base int base asset ID
quote int quote asset ID
lotsize int lot size (atoms)
ratestep int the price rate increment (atoms)
epochlen int the epoch duration (milliseconds)
buybuffer float the market buy buffer
status object a Market Status object (definition below)

Market Status object

field type description
startepoch int the epoch number at which trading did or will commence. May be in the future e.g. after maintenance
finalepoch int the epoch number at which trading will be suspended. Only present when a suspension is scheduled
persistbook bool whether or not booked orders will be persisted through a scheduled suspension. Only present when a suspension is scheduled


The DEX collects no trading fees. Collecting fees from trades executed via atomic swaps (where the server is never in control of funds and settlement occurs directly on-chain) would add considerable complexity to the swap process and incentivize DEX operators to facilitate wash trading. Instead, time locked bonds are considered during registration. Locked funds discourage certain spam attacks and enable punitive actions when conduct rules are violated.

Transaction Fees

The clients will cover on-chain transaction fees at a minimum fee rate set by the DEX operator. Failure to provide the specified fee rate in a transaction will result in a conduct violation.

As part of any submitted order, a client is required to demonstrate control of funds that will back the atomic swap, and ensure that the backing funds are sufficient to create the swap contract transactions transferring the full order quantity as well as covering the network's transaction fees at the specified rate.

Total on-chain fees associated with an order will increase as the number of swap transactions required to settle the order increases. Maximum fees paid vary linearly with order size, but the actual fees realized can be significantly less than the maximum. See the atomic settlement section for examples of simple and complex matches and how that affects the swap transaction sizes.

Fee rates can vary greatly between assets. For many assets, low fees are possible without increasing the time until mined. Transaction fees tend to rise as an asset pushes the limits of on-chain scaling. For high-fee assets, the DEX operator must find a balance between lower fees, which are preferable from an accounting standpoint, and higher fees, which can decrease settlement time by increasing the speed at which transactions are mined.

Epoch-based Order Matching

In order to devalue predatory behavior exhibited by certain high-frequency trading algorithms, received orders are not processed continuously, but rather after a shuffling step with all other orders received in a fixed duration period called an epoch. The goal of this algorithm is to ensure that an individual client cannot obtain a deterministic latency advantage over other clients when executing trades. Limiting this possibility mitigates advantages gained from front-running, spoofing, and other manipulative trading practices.

Epoch Time

For a given epoch duration d > 0 in milliseconds, and current UNIX epoch timestamp t (in milliseconds since Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 UTC), the current order matching epoch index, i, and epoch range are computed as


where / is integer division. For example, at the time of writing, t = 1562008475123 , which for d = 8000 (8 seconds) corresponds to epoch number i = 195251059 spanning [1562008472000, 1562008480000). This convention allows epoch start and end times for any epoch duration to be known without querying the server.

A clock synchronization protocol such as NTP will be used to ensure server and client clocks are synchronized within acceptable tolerances.

Pseudorandom Order Matching

When the epoch ends, a match cycle begins. The preimage for each order is collected and the orders are sorted lexicographically by their order IDs.

A random seed is derived from the Blake-256 hash of the concatenated order preimages.


where || indicates concatenation and pi is the preimage of the ith order.

The integer series produced by evaluating the hash as a series of 8-byte big-endian integers is used to seed a Mersenne Twister (mt19937) random number generator.

Shuffling is then performed using the The Fisher-Yates algorithm on the N orders, where at each step i : i < N, the order at index i is swapped with the order at index j,


ri is the ith number in the seeded mt19937 series.

Orders are processed one at a time. Each order is matched according to its type.

1. If the order is a cancel order, any corresponding standing limit order is removed from the list and the cancel order is considered filled. If a cancellation is processed before the order that it cancels, the cancellation will fail, and will need to be re-submitted. That is, cancel orders do not affect down-queue orders, only standing orders.

2. If the order is a limit order with time in force standing that cannot match immediately (a maker), it is added to the standing orders. It is immediately able to match orders further down the queue.

3. If the order is a taker, it is matched against the best available standing order. Clients for both orders are notified and the settlement process begins. The orders are set aside for monitoring. If a limit order with time in force standing on either side of the match is only partially filled, it is added to the standing orders with the appropriate modifications and is immediately available for matching again.

Any unmatched quantity on a limit order with time in force immediate is left unfilled. Market orders and immediate limit orders cannot match orders further down the queue.

When a limit order from the queue matches a standing limit order on the book, the match is assigned the price rate of the maker's order (the standing order's price rate).

The process continues with the next order in the list and iterates until all orders have been processed.

The preimages and seed are published at the start of the matching process. In addition, a checksum defined as the Blake-256 hash of the concatenation of the lexicographically sorted commitments of all orders in the epoch queue, is sent to the client. Because the client already has the commitments from their order book subscription, the checksum allows the client to check that the orders underlying the preimages are indeed the same set received in their order notification feed, and that no received orders were omitted from either preimage collection or shuffling.

For the special case of an epoch with no orders, the checksum will be null.

Identities based on Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Key Pairs

The server and the clients are identified and authenticated using ECDSA [7] public keys, with matching private keys used to sign and authorize orders and other messages. Establishing client identity with public keys keeps the notion of client identity to a minimum, while providing a number of other security benefits throughout the order placement and execution processes.

All data submitted to the exchange server from a client must be signed with the client's private key and authenticated by the server using the corresponding public key, so using client public keys directly for identity purposes is a natural simplification that obviates the need for client user names and passwords.

Further, since Politeia, Decred's governance platform, also employs PKI, the same identities may be used on both services to facilitate time-stamping exchange data via Politeia. For example, given common identities between the DEX and Politeia, anchoring data related to DEX client and server conduct on the Decred blockchain may be useful for establishing a reputation system.

Blockchain Interaction

Clients need wallets that support atomic swaps and the ability to broadcast transactions to each of the blockchain networks involved in the swap.

DEX operators need access to trusted full nodes for each of the assets supported. While operation via a surrogate blockchain data service such as a block explorer is potentially feasible, it would entail significant security risks. Initial development will require that the server have a direct connection to full nodes of each asset's blockchain.

Adding New Assets

Adding support for an asset is accomplished by writing a Go package with types that implement a particular set of interfaces, defined here and here. There are then two ways to import the asset backend into the server software.

  1. The package is compiled with -buildmode=plugin and imported at runtime by specifying the plugin in the server configuration.
  2. The backend is added to the dcrdex repository, and imported directly at compile time.
With the exception of a small handful of assets which will be implemented during initial phases of DEX development, it is expected that development communities will release their own appropriately vetted plugins.

API Version

Since DEX v0.2, the dex server has an Application Programming Interface version. Clients should check this version before attempting to communicate further with the server. An unknown or incompatible version means that communications will fail, possibly resulting in penalties or a ban.


The server's pre-versioning api version with an apiver value of 0.