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Fixed Precision Unsigned 256-bit Integer Arithmetic

This package implements highly optimized allocation free fixed precision unsigned 256-bit integer arithmetic.

The following is a brief overview of the main features and benefits:

  • Strong focus on performance and correctness
    • Every operation is faster than the stdlib big.Int equivalent and most operations, including the primary math operations, are significantly faster (see performance comparison benchmarks)
  • Allocation free
    • All non-formatting operations with the specialized type are allocation free
  • Supports boolean comparison, bitwise logic, and bitwise shift operations
  • All operations are performed modulo 2^256
  • Ergonomic API with unary-style arguments as well as some binary variants
    • eg: n.SetUint64(1).Lsh(64).SubUint64(1) is equivalent to n = 1<<64 - 1
    • eg: n.Div2(n1, n2) is equivalent to n = n1/n2
  • Conversion-free support for interoperation with native uint64 integers
  • Direct conversion to and from little and big endian byte arrays
  • Full support for formatted output and common base conversions
    • Producing formatted output uses fewer allocations than big.Int
  • 100% test coverage
  • Comprehensive benchmarks

The primary big.Int operations that are NOT currently provided:

  • Modular arithmetic with moduli other than 2^256
  • Signed arithmetic
    • A caller could fairly easily implement it with 2's complement if desired since Negate is provided
  • Remainders from division

These operations may be implemented in the future if the need arises.

Note About Standard Library math/big.Int Conversions

This package provides convenience methods for converting to and from standard library big.Ints, however, callers should make an active effort to avoid that unless it is absolutely necessary as conversion to big.Int requires an unavoidable allocation in most circumstances and big.Int is also slower for every operation, often to a significant degree. Further, big.Ints often cause further allocations while performing arithmetic, notably multiplication and division.

Regarding the aforementioned allocations, standard library big.Ints internally require heap allocations to operate, so conversion to a new big.Int necessarily causes an allocation. This means the ToBig method will always incur at least one allocation.

One feature of big.Ints is that they attempt to reuse their internal buffer when possible, so the number of allocations due to conversion can sometimes be reduced if reusing the same variable is an option. This package provides a PutBig method which allows callers to reuse an existing big.Int for this purpose.

Do note however that even when reusing a big.Int, it will naturally still require an allocation for the internal buffer unless it has already previously allocated one large enough to be reused.

Categorized Uint256 Summary

This section summarizes the majority of the available operations provided by category. See the full documentation for additional details about individual methods and additional available methods.

Arithmetic Methods

Operation Native Equiv Methods
Add Assign n += x Add, AddUint64
Add n = x + y Add2
Subtract Assign n -= x Sub, SubUint64
Subtract n = x - y Sub2
Multiply Assign n *= x Mul, MulUint64
Multiply n = x * y Mul2
Divide Assign n /= x Div
Divide n = x / y Div2
Square Assign n *= n Square
Square n = x * x SquareVal
Negate Assign n = -n Negate
Negate n = -x NegateVal

Comparison Methods

Operation Native Equiv Methods
Equality x == y Eq, EqUint64
Less Than x < y Lt, LtUint64
Less Or Equal x <= y LtEq, LtEqUint64
Greater Than x > y Gt, GtUint64
Greater Or Equal x >= y GtEq, GtEqUint64
Comparison n/a Cmp, CmpUint64

Bitwise Methods

Operation Native Equiv Method
And Assign n &= x And
Or Assign n |= x Or
Xor Assign n ^= x Xor
Not Assign n = ^x Not
Left Shift Assign n <<= x Lsh
Left Shift n = x << y LshVal
Right Shift Assign n >>= x Rsh
Right Shift n = x >> y RshVal
Bit Length n/a BitLen

Conversion Methods

Operation Methods
From Big Endian SetBytes, SetByteSlice
To Big Endian Bytes, PutBytes, PutBytesUnchecked
From Little Endian SetBytesLE, SetByteSliceLE
To Little Endian BytesLE, PutBytesLE, PutBytesUncheckedLE
From math/big.Int SetBig
To math/big.Int ToBig, PutBig

Misc Convenience Methods

Operation Method
Can represent with uint32? IsUint32
Value modulo 2^32 Uint32
Can represent with uint64? IsUint64
Value modulo 2^64 Uint64
Set to 0 Zero
Is equal to zero? IsZero
Is the value odd? IsOdd

Output Formatting Methods

Operation Method
Binary/Octal/Decimal/Hex Text
Standard Formatted output (fmt.Formatter) Format
Standard Unformatted output (fmt.Stringer) String

Uint256 Performance Comparison

The following benchmark results demonstrate the performance of most operations as compared to standard library big.Ints. The benchmarks are from a Ryzen 7 1700 processor and are the result of feeding benchstat 10 iterations of each.

Arithmetic Methods

Name big.Int Time/Op Uint256 Time/Op Delta vs big.Int
Add 158ns ± 2% 2ns ± 1% -98.67%
AddUint64 44.4ns ± 3% 3.4ns ± 2% -92.27%
Sub 53.9ns ± 1% 2.1ns ± 1% -96.12%
SubUint64 44.8ns ± 1% 3.4ns ± 2% -92.37%
Mul 419ns ± 1% 10ns ± 2% -97.64%
MulUint64 263ns ± 1% 4ns ± 1% -98.30%
Square 418ns ± 0% 7ns ± 2% -98.39%
Div/num_lt_den 75.4ns ± 1% 3.4ns ± 1% -95.51%
Div/num_eq_den 253ns ± 2% 4ns ± 3% -98.56%
Div/1_by_1_near 53.8ns ± 2% 4.5ns ± 2% -91.63%
Div/1_by_1_far 31.4ns ± 2% 14.6ns ± 2% -53.64%
Div/2_by_1_near 36.9ns ± 1% 10.1ns ± 2% -72.63%
Div/2_by_1_far 49.1ns ± 1% 28.8ns ± 1% -41.29%
Div/3_by_1_near 43.2ns ± 1% 13.7ns ± 3% -68.24%
Div/3_by_1_far 57.0ns ± 1% 43.6ns ± 1% -23.59%
Div/4_by_1_near 49.7ns ± 4% 18.0ns ± 1% -63.87%
Div/4_by_1_far 65.2ns ± 4% 57.8ns ± 2% -11.41%
Div/2_by_2_near 237ns ± 1% 22ns ± 3% -90.81%
Div/2_by_2_far 237ns ± 1% 30ns ± 3% -87.17%
Div/3_by_2_near 258ns ± 1% 29ns ± 1% -88.60%
Div/3_by_2_far 257ns ± 1% 50ns ± 2% -80.42%
Div/4_by_2_near 312ns ± 2% 40ns ± 3% -87.27%
Div/4_by_2_far 310ns ± 1% 71ns ± 3% -77.19%
Div/3_by_3_near 239ns ± 2% 21ns ± 2% -91.39%
Div/3_by_3_far 242ns ± 4% 33ns ± 3% -86.33%
Div/4_by_3_near 279ns ± 6% 31ns ± 1% -89.01%
Div/4_by_3_far 271ns ± 1% 46ns ± 3% -82.99%
Div/4_by_4_near 252ns ± 3% 20ns ± 3% -91.99%
Div/4_by_4_far 249ns ± 2% 36ns ± 2% -85.65%
DivRandom 202ns ± 1% 23ns ± 1% -88.43%
DivUint64 129ns ± 1% 47ns ± 0% -63.34%
Negate 47.3ns ± 2% 1.5ns ± 2% -96.91%

Comparison Methods

Name big.Int Time/Op Uint256 Time/Op Delta vs big.Int
Eq 12.7ns ± 1% 2.1ns ± 1% -83.72%
Lt 12.6ns ± 1% 3.0ns ± 1% -75.96%
Gt 12.6ns ± 1% 3.0ns ± 1% -75.91%
Cmp 12.6ns ± 1% 7.7ns ± 1% -39.01%
CmpUint64 5.93ns ± 2% 3.70ns ± 1% -37.60%

Bitwise Methods

Name big.Int Time/Op Uint256 Time/Op Delta vs big.Int
Lsh/bits_0 7.15ns ± 3% 2.58ns ± 1% -63.94%
Lsh/bits_1 14.8ns ± 1% 4.2ns ± 1% -71.40%
Lsh/bits_64 16.7ns ± 1% 2.7ns ± 1% -84.00%
Lsh/bits_128 16.9ns ± 2% 2.7ns ± 0% -84.21%
Lsh/bits_192 16.6ns ± 1% 2.6ns ± 1% -84.19%
Lsh/bits_255 16.3ns ± 2% 2.8ns ± 2% -83.11%
Lsh/bits_256 16.9ns ± 2% 2.6ns ± 2% -84.77%
Rsh/bits_0 8.76ns ± 2% 2.57ns ± 1% -70.63%
Rsh/bits_1 14.4ns ± 2% 4.3ns ± 2% -70.28%
Rsh/bits_64 12.8ns ± 1% 2.9ns ± 2% -77.31%
Rsh/bits_128 11.8ns ± 0% 2.9ns ± 2% -75.51%
Rsh/bits_192 10.5ns ± 2% 2.6ns ± 1% -75.17%
Rsh/bits_255 10.5ns ± 3% 2.8ns ± 2% -73.89%
Rsh/bits_256 5.50ns ± 1% 2.58ns ± 2% -53.15%
Not 25.4ns ± 2% 3.3ns ± 2% -86.79%
Or 17.9ns ± 5% 3.4ns ± 6% -80.94%
And 16.7ns ± 2% 3.4ns ± 0% -79.93%
Xor 17.9ns ± 1% 3.4ns ± 2% -80.91%
BitLen/bits_64 2.24ns ± 1% 1.94ns ± 3% -13.04%
BitLen/bits_128 2.25ns ± 2% 1.96ns ± 2% -13.17%
BitLen/bits_192 2.25ns ± 1% 1.60ns ± 1% -28.65%
BitLen/bits_255 2.26ns ± 2% 1.61ns ± 1% -29.04%

Conversion Methods

Name big.Int Time/Op Uint256 Time/Op Delta vs big.Int
SetBytes 9.09ns ±13% 3.05ns ± 1% -66.43%
SetBytesLE 59.9ns ± 4% 3.1ns ± 2% -94.76%
Bytes 61.3ns ± 1% 13.8ns ± 3% -77.49%
BytesLE 83.5ns ± 2% 13.9ns ± 2% -83.32%

Misc Convenience Methods

Name big.Int Time/Op Uint256 Time/Op Delta vs big.Int
Zero 2.99ns ± 2% 1.29ns ± 1% -56.82%
IsZero 1.78ns ± 0% 1.63ns ± 2% -8.23%
IsOdd 3.62ns ± 4% 1.64ns ± 1% -54.65%

Output Formatting Methods

Name big.Int Time/Op Uint256 Time/Op Delta vs big.Int
Text/base_2 579ns ± 3% 496ns ± 2% -14.37%
Text/base_8 266ns ± 1% 227ns ± 1% -14.58%
Text/base_10 536ns ± 1% 458ns ± 2% -14.58%
Text/base_16 205ns ± 2% 180ns ± 4% -11.90%
Format/base_2 987ns ±15% 852ns ± 2% -13.64%
Format/base_8 620ns ± 6% 544ns ± 3% -12.31%
Format/base_10 888ns ± 1% 726ns ± 1% -18.25%
Format/base_16 565ns ± 1% 449ns ± 1% -20.41%

Installation and Updating

This package is part of the module. Use the standard go tooling for working with modules to incorporate it.


  • Basic Usage
    Demonstrates calculating the result of a dividing a max unsigned 256-bit integer by a max unsigned 128-bit integer and outputting that result in hex with leading zeros.


Package uint256 is licensed under the copyfree ISC License.