- Lighthouse - Communications coordinator
- Communications peer library
- Example client
Install libs
yarn install
Set up a lighthouse instance on localhost:9000
yarn bazel run comms/lighthouse:server
Set up a client server on localhost:3001
yarn bazel run comms/peer-react-app:devserver
Open the client
open localhost:3001
Build the image
docker build . -t decentraland/katalyst:latest
Modify the .env file to set your configuration
Run it locally:
docker run -ti --rm --name comms --env-file .env -p 9000:9000 katalyst:latest comms docker run -ti --rm --name content --env-file .env -p 6969:6969 katalyst:latest content docker run -ti --rm --name lambdas --env-file .env -p 7070:7070 katalyst:latest lambdas
Run it with compose:
docker-compose up
Give it a try:
curl http://localhost:9000/hello curl http://localhost:6969/status
Try the following endpoints for a minimal monitoring of the rooms state.
List of rooms
curl localhost:9000/rooms
List of rooms joined curreently by user
curl localhost:9000/rooms\?userId=${USER_ID}
Join user to room
curl -X PUT localhost:9000/rooms/${ROOM_ID} -d '{ "id": "${USER_ID}" }' -H "Content-Type: application/json"
Leave user from room
curl -X DELETE localhost:9000/rooms/${ROOM_ID}/users/${USER_ID}
List of users in room
curl localhost:9000/rooms/${ROOM_ID}
For monitoring see the following doc