This list is intended to show the general usage of elm-mdl, providing a reference of implementations and also better documentation on how elm-mdl is being used in various ways.
Do you know any projects / applications that should be added here? Submit an issue or a pull request.
- Hydra frontend - Hydra frontend rewritten with UX in mind.
- Elephant-guide - A simple Webpack setup for writing Elm apps.
- Phoenix-Elm-Chat - Elm and Phoenix Chat Client.
- This is a chat application that we build out in episodes on the Elm and Elixir tracks for DailyDrip
- GitHub repository
- YouTube video
- Visit DailyDrip to learn more
- Bloggero-elm-mdl - Bloggero -- engine for static blogs with single page interface.
- Billbored - A billboard to post and share shit with ur friends.
- Calliope - Experimental Elm / Electron App, embedding ACE Editor.
- Lifetrack - A SaaS lifelogging/journal tool for tracking and analyzing life metrics.
- Midwife-emr-internal-docs - Midwife-EMR Documentation as presented from within the application.
- Smugglers - The frontend for
- Has a live site - not sure what this is, but seems to have a lot of elm-mdl code.
- GitHub repository
- Force gravity - Small two player app written entirely in Elm.
- Starcity Web - This is the main web application for Starcity.
- NDC Oslo 2016 video listing - Scripts and viewer to facilitate better navigation to NDC Oslo 2016 videos.
- Will be updated to use Lists instead of table
- GitHub repository
- Live demo/site
- Elm-BMI - BMI Calculator written in Elm.
- Elm-SPA-Template - a template for a single page app using elm-mdl
Disclaimer - elm-mdl does not endorse or suggest that these projects are "best practice". They are only listed here as a reference.
- Name - Description.
- Comment
- GitHub repository
- Live demo/site