This repo is the finite state machine for dddmr_navigation that can control a mobile robot to move from one pose to another pose in 3D space. The p2p_move_base is different from the move_base in following aspects:
- The robot will rotate in place to the rough heading and then move out, which is similar to Nav2_Rotation_Shim_Controller
- The robot will wait for n seconds (waiting_patience) when the prune plan is being blocked, after n seconds if the obstacles remain, it will compute a new global plan to avoid the obstacles.
- Recovery behaviors are implemented as action servers, therefore, when a goal is being cancelled, it will first cancels recovery behavior (Move base does not allow user to interrupt recovery).
- Recovery behaviors are plugin-based see: dddmr_local_planner, allow user to customized recovery behaviors.
- TODO: make recovery behaviors configurable in yaml file. Current version only use rotate in place as recovery behavior.
The package runs in the docker, so we need to build the image first. We support both x64 (tested in intel NUC) and arm64 (tested in nvidia jetson jpack6).
cd ~
git clone
cd ~/dddmr_navigation && git submodule init && git submodule update
cd ~/dddmr_navigation/dddmr_docker/docker_file && ./build.bash
The following command will create an interactive docker container using the image we built. The we can launch the demo in the container.
cd ~/dddmr_navigation/dddmr_docker && ./run_demo.bash
cd ~/dddmr_navigation && source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash && colcon build --symlink-install --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
source install/setup.bash
ros2 launch p2p_move_base p2p_move_base_bag.launch
We need another terminal to play the bag file. Open another terminal and run following command to get into the container:
docker exec -it dddmr_ros2_dev bash
Once you are in the container, run:
cd ~/dddmr_navigation && source install/setup.bash
cd ~/dddmr_bags && ros2 bag play benanli_detention_basin_localization
Use 3D Pose Estimate to provide initial pose and use 3D Goal Pose to provide a goal.