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Slides and Code for "An Introduction to Audio Content Analysis," also taught at Georgia Tech as MUSI-6201. This introductory course on Music Information Retrieval is based on the text book "An Intr…
Python scripts accompanying the book "An Introduction to Audio Content Analysis" (
Simple collection of MIR datasets with metadata and links
Scientific Inkscape: Inkscape extensions for figure resizing and editing
The Excel add-in for creating LaTeX tables
A wrapper library around web-based computer vision models for the purpose of interacting with the web handsfree
Bundle for titles in LaTeX (sections, contents and page styles)
uMap lets you create maps with OpenStreetMap layers in a minute and embed them in your site.
Musical spectrum for the DeaDBeeF audio player
Spectrogram plugin for DeaDBeeF audio player
Waveform Seekbar plugin for DeaDBeeF audio player
Deezer source separation library including pretrained models.
Monospaced font family for user interface and coding environments
A refreshing and graceful Typora theme, like a gentle spring breeze.一款令人如沐春风的 Typora 灵动主题。
Typora dark theme inspired by Apple Notes
A dynamic user interface for adjusting theme, plugin, and snippet CSS variables within Obsidian
🍻 A CLI workflow for the administration of macOS applications distributed as binaries
Popular open source emoji libraries available as svg sprites
A tiny app based on the obscure but quite popular oblique strategies by Brian Eno & Peter Schmidt
Deck of cards to draw from when you've hit a creative brick wall