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BlackHole is a modern macOS audio loopback driver that allows applications to pass audio to other applications with zero additional latency.
Drivers and libraries for the Xbox Kinect device on Windows, Linux, and OS X
Pure Data - a free real-time computer music system
Jamulus enables musicians to perform real-time jam sessions over the internet.
Adventure Kid Wave Forms are a collection of sampled one cycle waveforms for use in synthesizers or similar sound generators.
A library implementing the EBU R128 loudness standard.
Max/MSP external for scripting and live coding Max with s7 Scheme Lisp
Legacy firmware for the OWL programmable effects pedal, superceded by OpenWare.
Waveform Seekbar plugin for DeaDBeeF audio player
studio link - app - mirror repo only -> issues now
Musical spectrum for the DeaDBeeF audio player
a 64-bit version of the popular fiddle~ object by Miller Puckette for MaxMSP
Max/MSP interface to The Echo Nest's audio analysis API