This program provides a command-line interface for Canvas. The command
is canvaslms
and it has several subcommands in the same style as Git.
provides output in a format useful for POSIX tools, this
makes automating tasks much easier.
Start by login to your Canvas server
canvaslms login
Let's consider how to grade students logging into the student-shell SSH server. We store the list of students' Canvas and KTH IDs in a file.
canvaslms users -c DD1301 -s | cut -f 1,2 > students.csv
Then we check who has logged into student-shell.
ssh last | cut -f 1 -d " " | sort | uniq \
> logged-in.csv
Finally, we check who of our students logged in.
for s in $(cut -f 2 students.csv); do
grep $s logged-in.csv && \
Finally, we can set their grade to P and add the comment "Well done!" in
Canvas. We set the grades for the two assignments whose titles match the
regular expression (Preparing the terminal|The terminal)
canvaslms grade -c DD1301 -a "(Preparing the terminal|The terminal)" \
-u $(grep $s students.csv | cut -f 1) \
-g P -m "Well done!"
Just install the PyPI package:
python3 -m pip install canvaslms
Some subcommands use pandoc
, so you will likely have to install
pandoc on your system manually.