More of my previously researched papers will be added to the list when I get time. These papers will need to be revisited by @arjunsk in the Paper Reading Group.
"It is not that I'm so smart. But I stay with the questions much longer." - Albert Einstein
- Google Spanner Paper - Distributed
Strict Serializable Transaction
using True Time - Caliv - Dist Txn - sequencing layer, scheduling layer, pre-determined order
- HLC eBay - Session Guarantees with Raft and HLC ‘19 - Session Consistency
- Percolator - TiKV - 2PC, Ts oracle
"The best way to predict the future is to invent it." – Alan Kay
- PolarDB Serverless: BTree - RDMA, PolarDB Txn Flow, Page Array
- FORD - Hash Index - One Sided RDMA, Dist OCC Txn, HitchHiked Locking
- Sherman - BTree Index: HW features, Classic CC, XLOCK to resolve W-W conflict, Lock-free search with version to resolve R/W conflict
- RACE - Extendable HashIndex: Lock free remote CC, Pilaf Cuckoo Hashing
“You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
- Elkan's Kmeans - Fast
Algorithm using Triangle Inequality Property - A method for implementing Lock-Free shared Data Structures - Coordination Technique, Caching Algo