Applications for executing h2 database queries through the console and running queries to fix the CloudBeaver database
Use mvn clean install to build executable jar.
--db-path - path to cloudbeaver database
--db-user - cloudbeaver database username
--db-password-path - path to .database.credentials.dat
--db-password - database password(use only password or db-password-path, not both)
--db-custom-query - execute custom sql query
--db-execute-11-migration-fix - mark that scripts to fix broken migration must be executed
java -jar h2-query-executor-1.0.0.jar --db-path=/var/cloudbeaver/workspace/.data/ --db-user=cb-data --db-password-path=/var/cloudbeaver/workspace/.data/.database-credentials.dat --db-custom-query="show tables"