###About PhoneGap/Cordova Plugin for IntelliJ
PhoneGap/Cordova plugin for IntelliJ IDEA
#####Supported Cordova-based Frameworks: Cordova, PhoneGap, Ionic
- Project wizard
- Run configuration
- Code Completion for event types (only in javascript)
- Plugin Manager
- Auto exclude 'platforms' directory
###How to use ####(0) Install PhoneGap/Cordova plugin for IntelliJ Preference -> Plugins -> Search "PhoneGap/Cordova Plugin"
Restart IntelliJ IDEA
####(1) Install NodeJS and PhoneGap/Cordova/Ionic Please install from Node.js Official site
For PhoneGap
$npm install -g phonegap
For Cordova
$npm install -g cordova
For Ionic
$npm install -g ionic
####(2) Install SDKs If you want to create Android app. You must install Android SDK and set PATH.
If you want to create iOS app. You must install Xcode and commandline tools and ios-sim.
#####(2)-1 Install Xcode and commandline tools
See https://developer.apple.com/xcode/
#####(2)-2 Install ios-sim
$npm install -g ios-sim
####(3) Create PhoneGap Project
see https://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/IntelliJIDEA/PhoneGap%2C+Cordova+and+Ionic
####(4) Run PhoneGap app Run -> Edit Configuration -> Create new PhoneGap/Cordova run Configuration -> run
- Code completion for PhoneGap function, event (onDeviceReady(), onSuccess(), ..etc)
- WindowsPhone support
- weinre support
- Windows Phone support
- nvm support