For more information on this example, please see this article:
ASCET-DEVELOPER is a model-based development and auto code generation tool for industrial control applications. For more information, including how to get an evaluation see:
Arm Development Studio is a comprehensive embedded C/C++ dedicated software development solution specifically for the Arm architecture, including the industry leading Arm Compiler. For more information, including how to get a fully featured 30-day evaluation, see:
The example provided has been written to support the NXP S32K144EVB evaluation board:
using the on-board CMSIS-DAP debug interface
For technical assistance with ASCET, please contact ETAS :
Country specific tech support links are mentioned here
For questions on Arm Development Studio, public forums are available:
else contact
Unzip the downloaded package from ETAS Download server to your host PC.
Install below packages under folder install
- Experiment Environment
- Virtual Prototype
Start ASCET and create a new workspace
To simplify path naming, navigate to File > Preferences > ESDL > Code Generation and change ‘Default Representation Name’ to EVB
Download the file from this repository
Import the ASCET project from the menu system: File > Import > General > Existing Projects into Workspace Select the file and click Finish
Change the folder into which code is generated match the Arm Development Studio workspace project. For this, from the menu system select
Run > Run Configurations
For example "C:\S32K144_ArmIDE_ASCET\S32K144EVB_ARM"
Click ‘Apply’. The code will now be auto-generated into your Development Studio project, within the ./src folder
Run the ASCET launch after you have setup Arm Development Studio IDE in steps mentioned below. The launch can also be directly executed by selecting the launch file in: Project Explorer > right click > Run As > ECU Code Generation
For further instructions on how to write an ASCET Program and other functionality, open the user help (Menu Help > Help Contents). Navigate to chapter ASCET-DEVELOPER User Guide > Getting Started and do the Tutorial (Highly recommended)
Download file from this repository.
Import projects (InterpolationS32 and S32K144EVB_ARM) from the zip archive into workspace via File > Import > General > Existing Projects into Workspace
Clean and rebuild the S32K144EVB_ARM project. InterpolationS32 is a library used by this example (rebuilding library may take some time).
For more information on using Development Studio IDE functionality, see:
Reflash EVB Debug processor to CMSIS-DAP as described in section 9 (page 8) of the below document:
Move jumper J107 to connect pins 1 and 2 (instead of 2 and 3)
Connect the USB cable from your PC to the board
Provide a 12V supply on the IN 12V socket (required for CAN interface)
Additional inputs optional
Open the CMSIS Pack Manager perspective, and locate and install Keil.S32_SDK_DFP. This provides necessary information to connect to and debug the evaluation board.
Double-click on debug configuration (S32K144EVB.launch) and browse for the CMSIS-DAP connection to the board. Click debug to connect to target, and download the built image.
Subsequent connections can simply be done directly from the Debug Control pane.
Click continue to run the code on the target.
For more information on using Arm Debugger, see the Development Studio User Guide and other documentation: