🔮 Generate and Tweet your favorites random quotes. Visit the project by clicking here.
- User Story #1: I can see a wrapper element with a corresponding
. - User Story #2: Within
, I can see an element with a correspondingid="text"
. - User Story #3: Within
, I can see an element with a correspondingid="author"
. - User Story #4: Within
, I can see a clickable element with a correspondingid="new-quote"
. - User Story #5: Within
, I can see a clickable element with a correspondingid="tweet-quote"
. - User Story #6: On first load, my quote machine displays a random quote in the element with
. - User Story #7: On first load, my quote machine displays the random quote's author in the element with
. - User Story #8: When the #new-quote button is clicked, my quote machine should fetch a new quote and display it in the #text element.
- User Story #9: My quote machine should fetch the new quote's author when the
button is clicked and display it in the#author
element. - User Story #10: I can tweet the current quote by clicking on the
a element. This a element should include the "twitter.com/intent/tweet" path in it's href attribute to tweet the current quote. - User Story #11: The #quote-box wrapper element should be horizontally centered. Please run tests with browser's zoom level at 100% and page maximized.
Copyright © 2020, Davi Guimarães.