Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach (AIMA) by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig is the reference textbook on artificial intelligence.
This package implements some of the algorithms and data structures from the AIMA book in function-oriented CoffeeScript, which is compatible with JavaScript. The focus is on code understandability.
For using this package as a module in your own Node JavaScript project, install it with the node package manager:
npm install aima
import { Problem, makeEightPuzzle, aStarSearch } from 'aima'
const simpleEightPuzzle = makeEightPuzzle([
[1, 2, 7],
[6, 0, 4],
[8, 3, 5]
Put the above example code in example.mjs
and run it:
node example.mjs
- aima-checkers: Checkers rulebase.
- aima-checkers-gui: Graphical checkers browsergame for desktop and mobile.
- while-quine: Finding a Quine program for the WHILE language.
To my knowledge, there are exactly two other JavaScript projects related to AIMA:
aimacode/aima-javascript is an implementation maintained by AIMA co-author Peter Norvig. Its aim is to power some beautiful interactive visualizations. It is written in browser JavaScript rather than Node Java- / CoffeeScript. The aimacode organization also features repositories with AIMA implementations in other programming languages, notably Java and Python.
ajlopez/NodeAima is an abandoned implementation of only the vacuum world in Node JavaScript.
The existing code from these projects still has to be harnessed for this project!
Every contribution is very welcome: Modifications of existing code to make it more understandable and beautiful; additional algorithms and data structures from the book; additional problems and games; additional usage examples; additional documentation; anything else you have in mind. Please create an issue or a pull request!
Thank you very much in advance for your contribution :)
npm test
verifies all the assertions in the code. -
npm run build
removes all assertion statements from the code, as well as all lines which are ended by# testing only
. This way, the testing can be kept right next to the code it refers to, but it is excluded from the distributed package. The code is then transpiled to JavaScript into theindex.mjs
file. Theindex.mjs
file is the content for the NPM package, and also the basis for coverage reporting. -
npm run coverage
creates a coverage report. It is automatically run via Github actions on each push, and the resulting report is pushed to CodeCov. -
npm run dev
is a convenience shortcut for development. You can put CoffeeScript code into a new
,import * from './index.mjs'
and then run it withnpm run dev
. The temporary filedev.mjs
is needed for source map support, a technique which enables the JavaScript debugger to refer to the correct CoffeeScript lines, rather than to the lines in the transpiled JavaScript code. Using a separate file instead of developing insideREADME.litcoffee
spares you to re-run all the tests there when you just want to run your new tests.
import deepEqual from 'deep-equal'
import { strict as assert } from 'assert'
For testing subroutines which depend on random numbers, we use a seeded random number generator which can be called by rand.random()
import gen from 'random-seed' # testing only
seed = 'seedshrdlu4523' # testing only
rand = gen.create seed # testing only
Array::sum = (f = (x) -> x) ->
this.reduce (accumulator, element, index, array) ->
accumulator + f element, index, array
, 0
array = [ [100, 1000], [200, 2000], [300, 3000] ]
assert.equal (array.sum (x) -> x[1]), 6000
assert.equal (array.sum (x, i) -> x[1] + 10 * i), 6030
assert.equal (array.sum (x, i, array) -> x[1] + 10 * i + array[0][0]), 6330
Array::argmin = (f) ->
this.reduce (accumulator, element) ->
if (f element) < f accumulator
Array::argmax = (f) ->
this.reduce (accumulator, element) ->
if (f element) > f accumulator
array = [ [100, 3000], [200, 1000], [300, 2000] ]
assert.deepEqual (array.argmax (x) -> x[0]), [300, 2000]
assert.deepEqual (array.argmax (x) -> x[1]), [100, 3000]
assert.deepEqual (array.argmin (x) -> x[0]), [100, 3000]
assert.deepEqual (array.argmin (x) -> x[1]), [200, 1000]
Array::min = ->
this.argmin (x) -> x
Array::max = ->
this.argmax (x) -> x
array = [3, 5, 4, 1, 2]
assert.equal array.max(), 5
assert.equal array.min(), 1
factorial = (n) ->
.reduce (accumulator, current) ->
accumulator * current
assert.equal factorial(5), 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5
assert.equal factorial(10), factorial(5) * 6 * 7 * 8 * 9 * 10
Confer section 2.4, p. 47.
export class TableDrivenAgent
constructor: (@table = {}) ->
@percepts = []
action: (percept) ->
@percepts.push percept
Example: Table Vacuum Agent
tableVacuumAgent = new TableDrivenAgent
[ [ ['A', 'clean'] ] ]: 'right'
[ [ ['A', 'dirty'] ] ]: 'suck'
[ [ ['B', 'clean'] ] ]: 'left'
[ [ ['B', 'dirty'] ] ]: 'suck'
[ [ ['A', 'clean'], ['A', 'clean'] ] ]: 'right'
[ [ ['A', 'clean'], ['A', 'dirty'] ] ]: 'suck'
[ [ ['A', 'clean'], ['B', 'clean'] ] ]: 'left'
[ [ ['A', 'clean'], ['B', 'dirty'] ] ]: 'suck'
[ [ ['A', 'dirty'], ['A', 'clean'] ] ]: 'right'
[ [ ['A', 'dirty'], ['A', 'dirty'] ] ]: 'suck'
[ [ ['A', 'dirty'], ['B', 'clean'] ] ]: 'left'
[ [ ['A', 'dirty'], ['B', 'dirty'] ] ]: 'suck'
[ [ ['B', 'clean'], ['A', 'clean'] ] ]: 'right'
[ [ ['B', 'clean'], ['A', 'dirty'] ] ]: 'suck'
[ [ ['B', 'clean'], ['B', 'clean'] ] ]: 'left'
[ [ ['B', 'clean'], ['B', 'dirty'] ] ]: 'suck'
[ [ ['B', 'clean'], ['A', 'clean'] ] ]: 'right'
[ [ ['B', 'clean'], ['A', 'dirty'] ] ]: 'suck'
[ [ ['B', 'clean'], ['B', 'clean'] ] ]: 'left'
[ [ ['B', 'clean'], ['B', 'dirty'] ] ]: 'suck'
[ [ ['A', 'clean'], ['A', 'clean'], ['A', 'clean'] ] ]: 'right'
[ [ ['A', 'clean'], ['A', 'clean'], ['A', 'dirty'] ] ]: 'suck' #...
assert.equal tableVacuumAgent.action([ ['A', 'dirty'] ]), 'suck'
assert.equal tableVacuumAgent.action([ ['A', 'clean'] ]), 'right'
assert.equal tableVacuumAgent.action([ ['B', 'dirty'] ]), undefined
Confer section 2.4, p. 49.
export class SimpleReflexAgent
constructor: (@rules) ->
action: (percept) ->
state = @interpretInput percept
rule = @rules.find (rule) ->
rule.condition ...state
interpretInput: (percept) ->
Example: Reflex Vacuum Agent
reflexVacuumAgent = new SimpleReflexAgent [
condition: ([..., status ]) -> status == 'dirty'
action: 'suck'
condition: ([location, ...]) -> location == 'A'
action: 'right'
condition: ([location, ...]) -> location == 'B'
action: 'left'
assert.equal (reflexVacuumAgent.action [ ['A', 'dirty'] ]), 'suck'
assert.equal (reflexVacuumAgent.action [ ['A', 'clean'] ]), 'right'
assert.equal (reflexVacuumAgent.action [ ['B', 'dirty'] ]), 'suck'
assert.equal (reflexVacuumAgent.action [ ['C', 'dirty'] ]), 'suck'
assert.equal (reflexVacuumAgent.action [ ['C', 'clean'] ]), undefined
For the node structure, confer section 3.3.1, p. 79.
export class Problem
constructor: ({ @initialState, @actions, result }) ->
@_result = result
result: (state, action) ->
if @actions(state).some (a) -> deepEqual action, a
@_result state, action
rootNode: ->
state: @initialState
childNode: (node, action) -> {
state: @result node.state, action
parent: node
action: action
expand: (node) ->
@childNode(node, action) for action in @actions(node.state)
@solutionPath: (node) ->
if 'parent' of node
[...Problem.solutionPath(node.parent), node.state]
Confer section 3.1.1, p. 67.
export class SearchProblem extends Problem
constructor: ({ initialState, actions, result, stepCost, @heuristic = (-> 0), @goalTest }) ->
initialState: initialState,
actions: actions,
result: result
@_stepCost = stepCost
stepCost: (state, action) ->
this._stepCost state, action if (@actions state).some (a) -> deepEqual action, a
rootNode: -> {
pathCost: 0
heuristic: @heuristic @initialState
childNode: (node, action) -> {
...super node, action
pathCost: node.pathCost + @stepCost node.state, action
heuristic: @heuristic @result node.state, action
Confer section 3.2.1, p. 70.
export vacuumWorld = new SearchProblem
location: 'A'
A: 'dirty'
B: 'dirty'
actions: (state) -> [
result: (state, action) ->
if action == 'left'
else if action == 'right'
if state.location == 'A' and action == 'suck'
if state.location == 'B' and action == 'suck'
stepCost: (state, action) -> 1
goalTest: (state) ->
state.A == 'clean' and
state.B == 'clean'
state = vacuumWorld.initialState
assert.deepEqual state, { location: 'A', A: 'dirty', B: 'dirty' }
state = vacuumWorld.result state, 'suck'
assert.deepEqual state, { location: 'A', A: 'clean', B: 'dirty' }
state = vacuumWorld.result state, 'suck'
assert.deepEqual state, { location: 'A', A: 'clean', B: 'dirty' }
state = vacuumWorld.result state, 'left'
assert.deepEqual state, { location: 'A', A: 'clean', B: 'dirty' }
state = vacuumWorld.result state, 'right'
assert.deepEqual state, { location: 'B', A: 'clean', B: 'dirty' }
assert not vacuumWorld.goalTest state
state = vacuumWorld.result state, 'suck'
assert.deepEqual state, { location: 'B', A: 'clean', B: 'clean' }
assert vacuumWorld.goalTest state
Confer section 3.2.1, p. 71.
export makeEightPuzzle = (initialState) ->
moveIsValid = (zero) ->
zero.y in [0, 1, 2] and
zero.x in [0, 1, 2]
zero = (state) -> # position of zero
y: state.indexOf(state.filter((row) -> row.includes 0)[0])
x: state.filter( (row) -> row.includes 0)[0].indexOf 0
goalPosition = (nr) -> [
goalState.findIndex (row) -> row.includes(nr)
goalState.find( (row) -> row.includes(nr)).indexOf nr
manhattanDist = ([y1, x1], [y2, x2]) ->
Math.abs(y1 - y2) +
Math.abs(x1 - x2)
moves =
up: { y: -1, x: 0 }
down: { y: 1, x: 0 }
left: { y: 0, x: -1 }
right: { y: 0, x: 1 }
goalState = [
[0, 1, 2]
[3, 4, 5]
[6, 7, 8]
new SearchProblem
initialState: initialState
actions: (state) ->
.filter (key) -> moveIsValid
y: (zero state).y + moves[key].y
x: (zero state).x + moves[key].x
result: (state, action) -> (row, y) -> (nr, x) ->
# Shift zero to new position.
if y == (zero state).y + moves[action].y and
x == (zero state).x + moves[action].x
# Shift number to old position of zero.
else if nr == 0
state[(zero state).y + moves[action].y][(zero state).x + moves[action].x]
# Keep all other numbers.
stepCost: (state, action) -> 1
heuristic: (state) ->
state.sum (numbers, y) ->
numbers.sum (number, x) ->
manhattanDist [y, x], goalPosition number
goalTest: (state) ->
deepEqual state, goalState
simpleEightPuzzle = makeEightPuzzle [
[1, 4, 2]
[3, 0, 5]
[6, 7, 8]
state = simpleEightPuzzle.initialState
assert.deepEqual state, [
[1, 4, 2]
[3, 0, 5]
[6, 7, 8]
assert.equal (simpleEightPuzzle.heuristic state), 4
state = simpleEightPuzzle.result state, 'up'
assert.deepEqual state, [
[1, 0, 2]
[3, 4, 5]
[6, 7, 8]
assert.equal (simpleEightPuzzle.heuristic state), 2
assert not simpleEightPuzzle.goalTest state
state = simpleEightPuzzle.result state, 'left'
assert.deepEqual state, [
[0, 1, 2]
[3, 4, 5]
[6, 7, 8]
assert.equal (simpleEightPuzzle.heuristic state), 0
assert simpleEightPuzzle.goalTest state
complexEightPuzzle = makeEightPuzzle [
[7, 2, 4]
[5, 0, 6]
[8, 3, 1]
state = complexEightPuzzle.initialState
assert.equal (simpleEightPuzzle.heuristic state), 20
Incremental formulation of the 8-queens problem. Confer section 3.2.1, p. 72.
export incrementalEightQueensProblem = new SearchProblem
initialState: []
actions: (state) ->
y = state.length
if y < 8
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
.filter (x) ->
not isAttacked [y, x], state
else []
result: (state, action) -> [...state, action]
stepCost: (state, action) -> 0
goalTest: (state) -> state.length == 8
isAttacked = ([y0, x0], state) ->
state.some (x, y) ->
x == x0 or
y == y0 or
Math.abs(y - y0) == Math.abs(x - x0)
state = incrementalEightQueensProblem.initialState
state = incrementalEightQueensProblem.result state, 3
assert.deepEqual state, [3]
assert.deepEqual (incrementalEightQueensProblem.result state, 3), undefined
state = incrementalEightQueensProblem.result state, 5
assert.deepEqual state, [3, 5]
assert.deepEqual (incrementalEightQueensProblem.result state, 1), undefined
Confer section 3.2.1, p. 73.
export makeKnuthConjecture = (goal) ->
calc = (state) ->
state.reduce (total, operation) ->
if operation.isNumber
else if operation == 'factorial'
factorial total
else if operation == 'square_root'
Math.sqrt total
else if operation == 'floor'
Math.floor total
new SearchProblem
initialState: [4]
actions: (state) ->
if Number.isInteger calc(state)
['square_root', 'factorial']
['square_root', 'floor']
result: (state, action) -> [...state, action],
stepCost: (state, action) -> 1,
goalTest: (state) -> (calc state) == goal
simpleKnuthConjecture = makeKnuthConjecture 1
complexKnuthConjecture = makeKnuthConjecture 5
state = complexKnuthConjecture.initialState
assert.deepEqual state, [4]
state = complexKnuthConjecture.result state, 'factorial'
state = complexKnuthConjecture.result state, 'factorial'
state = complexKnuthConjecture.result state, 'square_root'
state = complexKnuthConjecture.result state, 'square_root'
state = complexKnuthConjecture.result state, 'square_root'
state = complexKnuthConjecture.result state, 'square_root'
state = complexKnuthConjecture.result state, 'square_root'
assert not complexKnuthConjecture.goalTest state
state = complexKnuthConjecture.result state, 'floor'
assert complexKnuthConjecture.goalTest state
Confer section 3.1, p. 68.
cities =
Zerind: 75
Sibiu: 140
Timisoara: 118
Arad: 75
Oradea: 71
Zerind: 71
Sibiu: 151
Arad: 140
Oradea: 151
Fagaras: 99
RimnicuVilcea: 80
Sibiu: 99
Bucharest: 211
Fagaras: 211
Urziceni: 85
Giurgiu: 90
Pitesti: 101
Bucharest: 85
Vaslui: 142
Hirsova: 98
Urziceni: 142
Iasi: 92
Vaslui: 92
Neamt: 87
Iasi: 87
Urziceni: 98
Eforie: 86
Hirsova: 86
Bucharest: 90
Bucharest: 101
Craiova: 138
RimnicuVilcea: 97
Pitesti: 138
Drobeta: 120
RimnicuVilcea: 146
Craiova: 120
Mehadia: 75
Drobeta: 120
Lugoj: 70
Mehadia: 70
Timisoara: 111
Lugoj: 111
Arad: 118
Sibiu: 80
Pitesti: 97
Craiova: 146
Arad: 366
Mehadia: 241
Bucharest: 0
Neamt: 234
Craiova: 160
Oradea: 380
Drobeta: 242
Pitesti: 100
Eforie: 161
RimnicuVilcea: 193
Fagaras: 176
Sibiu: 253
Giurgiu: 77
Timisoara: 329
Hirsova: 151
Urziceni: 80
Iasi: 226
Vaslui: 199
Lugoj: 244
Zerind: 374
Bucharest: 366
Bucharest: 241
Bucharest: 234
Bucharest: 160
Bucharest: 380
Bucharest: 242
Bucharest: 100
Bucharest: 161
Bucharest: 193
Bucharest: 176
Bucharest: 253
Bucharest: 77
Bucharest: 329
Bucharest: 151
Bucharest: 80
Bucharest: 226
Bucharest: 199
Bucharest: 244
Bucharest: 374
Confer section 3.2.2, p. 73.
export makeRouteFindingProblem = (graph, start, end) ->
new SearchProblem
initialState: start
actions: (state) ->
Object.keys graph.dist[state]
result: (state, action) ->
action if action of graph.dist[state]
stepCost: (state, action) ->
heuristic: (state) ->
goalTest: (state) ->
deepEqual state, end
routeFindingProblem = makeRouteFindingProblem cities, 'Arad', 'Bucharest'
state = routeFindingProblem.initialState
assert.equal state, 'Arad'
assert.equal (routeFindingProblem.stepCost state, 'Sibiu'), 140
state = routeFindingProblem.result state, 'Sibiu'
assert.equal state, 'Sibiu'
assert.equal (routeFindingProblem.stepCost state, 'RimnicuVilcea'), 80
state = routeFindingProblem.result state, 'RimnicuVilcea'
assert.equal state, 'RimnicuVilcea'
assert.equal (routeFindingProblem.stepCost state, 'Arad'), undefined
state = routeFindingProblem.result state, 'Arad'
assert.equal state, undefined
Confer section 3.2.2, p. 74.
export makeTouringProblem = (graph, start, end) ->
new SearchProblem
initialState: [start]
actions: (state) ->
Object.keys graph.dist[state[state.length - 1]]
.filter (city) -> not state.includes city
result: (state, action) ->
if action of graph.dist[state[state.length - 1]]
[...state, action]
stepCost: (state, action) ->
graph.dist[state[state.length - 1]][action]
heuristic: (state) ->
graph.straightLineDist[state[state.length - 1]][end]
goalTest: (state) ->
deepEqual state[state.length - 1], end
touringProblem = makeTouringProblem cities, 'Arad', 'Bucharest'
state = touringProblem.initialState
assert.deepEqual state, ['Arad']
assert.equal (touringProblem.stepCost state, 'Sibiu'), 140
state = touringProblem.result state, 'Sibiu'
assert.deepEqual state, ['Arad', 'Sibiu']
assert.equal (touringProblem.stepCost state, 'RimnicuVilcea'), 80
state = touringProblem.result state, 'RimnicuVilcea'
assert.deepEqual state, ['Arad', 'Sibiu', 'RimnicuVilcea']
assert.equal (touringProblem.stepCost state, 'Sibiu'), undefined
state = touringProblem.result state, 'Sibiu'
assert.deepEqual state, undefined
Confer section 3.2.2, p. 74.
export makeTravelingSalespersonProblem = (graph, start, end) ->
new SearchProblem
initialState: [start]
actions: (state) ->
Object.keys graph.dist[state[state.length - 1]]
.filter (city) -> not state.includes city
result: (state, action) -> [...state, action]
stepCost: (state, action) ->
graph.dist[state[state.length - 1]][action]
goalTest: (state) ->
state.length == (Object.keys graph.dist).length and
state[state.length - 1] == end
travelingSalespersonProblem = makeTravelingSalespersonProblem cities, 'Arad', 'Bucharest'
state = travelingSalespersonProblem.initialState
assert.deepEqual state, ['Arad']
assert.equal (travelingSalespersonProblem.stepCost state, 'Sibiu'), 140
state = travelingSalespersonProblem.result state, 'Sibiu'
assert.deepEqual state, ['Arad', 'Sibiu']
assert.equal (travelingSalespersonProblem.stepCost state, 'Arad'), undefined
state = travelingSalespersonProblem.result state, 'Arad'
assert.deepEqual state, undefined
Confer section 3.3, p. 77.
export makeTreeSearch = (Queue) ->
(problem) ->
frontier = new Queue
frontier.add problem.initialState.rootNode()
while frontier.length > 0
node = frontier.poll()
if problem.goalTest node.state
return node
(frontier.add child) for child of problem.expand node
Confer section 3.3, p. 77.
export makeGraphSearch = (Queue) ->
(problem) ->
frontier = new Queue
frontier.add problem.rootNode()
explored = new Set
while frontier.length() > 0
node = frontier.poll()
if problem.goalTest node.state
return node
explored.add node
for child in problem.expand node
if (not explored.has child) and
not frontier.some (node) -> node.state == child.state
frontier.add child
else if == 'PriorityQueue'
frontierChild = frontier
.find (node) -> deepEqual node.state, child.state
if typeof frontierChild != 'undefined' and
frontierChild.pathCost > child.pathCost
frontier.replace frontierChild, child
Confer section 3.3.1, p. 80.
export class Queue
constructor: ->
@queue = []
add: (item) ->
@queue.push item
some: (func) ->
@queue.some func
find: (func) ->
@queue.find func
replace: (a, b) ->
@queue[@queue.indexOf a] = b
length: ->
export class FifoQueue extends Queue
poll: ->
export class LifoQueue extends Queue
poll: ->
export makePriorityQueue = (mapFunc) ->
class PriorityQueue extends Queue
constructor: ->
@mapFunc = mapFunc
@sortFunc = (a, b) -> mapFunc(a) - mapFunc(b)
poll: ->
@queue = @queue.sort @sortFunc
sort: ->
@queue = @queue.sort @sortFunc
Confer section 3.4.1, p. 82.
export breadthFirstSearch = makeGraphSearch FifoQueue
assert.deepEqual (Problem.solutionPath breadthFirstSearch vacuumWorld), [
{ location: 'A', A: 'dirty', B: 'dirty' }
{ location: 'A', A: 'clean', B: 'dirty' }
{ location: 'B', A: 'clean', B: 'dirty' }
{ location: 'B', A: 'clean', B: 'clean' }]
assert.deepEqual (Problem.solutionPath breadthFirstSearch simpleEightPuzzle), [
[ [ 1, 4, 2 ]
[ 3, 0, 5 ]
[ 6, 7, 8 ] ]
[ [ 1, 0, 2 ]
[ 3, 4, 5 ]
[ 6, 7, 8 ] ]
[ [ 0, 1, 2 ]
[ 3, 4, 5 ]
[ 6, 7, 8 ] ] ]
assert.deepEqual (breadthFirstSearch incrementalEightQueensProblem).state, [
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]
[0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]
].map (row) -> row.indexOf 1
assert.deepEqual (breadthFirstSearch simpleKnuthConjecture).state, \
[4, 'square_root', 'square_root', 'floor']
assert.deepEqual (Problem.solutionPath breadthFirstSearch routeFindingProblem), \
[ 'Arad', 'Sibiu', 'Fagaras', 'Bucharest' ]
assert.deepEqual (breadthFirstSearch touringProblem).state, \
[ 'Arad', 'Sibiu', 'Fagaras', 'Bucharest' ]
assert.equal (breadthFirstSearch travelingSalespersonProblem), false
Confer section 3.4.2, p. 84.
export uniformCostSearch = makeGraphSearch makePriorityQueue (node) -> node.pathCost
assert.deepEqual (Problem.solutionPath uniformCostSearch vacuumWorld), [
{ location: 'A', A: 'dirty', B: 'dirty' }
{ location: 'A', A: 'clean', B: 'dirty' }
{ location: 'B', A: 'clean', B: 'dirty' }
{ location: 'B', A: 'clean', B: 'clean' }]
assert.deepEqual (Problem.solutionPath uniformCostSearch simpleEightPuzzle), [
[ [ 1, 4, 2 ]
[ 3, 0, 5 ]
[ 6, 7, 8 ] ]
[ [ 1, 0, 2 ]
[ 3, 4, 5 ]
[ 6, 7, 8 ] ]
[ [ 0, 1, 2 ]
[ 3, 4, 5 ]
[ 6, 7, 8 ] ]]
assert.deepEqual (uniformCostSearch incrementalEightQueensProblem).state, [
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]
[0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]
].map (row) -> row.indexOf 1
assert.deepEqual (uniformCostSearch simpleKnuthConjecture).state, \
[4, 'square_root', 'square_root', 'floor']
assert.deepEqual (Problem.solutionPath uniformCostSearch routeFindingProblem), \
[ 'Arad', 'Sibiu', 'RimnicuVilcea', 'Pitesti', 'Bucharest' ]
assert.deepEqual (uniformCostSearch touringProblem).state, \
[ 'Arad', 'Sibiu', 'RimnicuVilcea', 'Pitesti', 'Bucharest' ]
assert.equal (uniformCostSearch travelingSalespersonProblem), false
Confer section 3.4.3, p. 87.
export depthFirstSearch = makeGraphSearch LifoQueue
assert.deepEqual (depthFirstSearch incrementalEightQueensProblem).state, [
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]
[0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]
].map (row) -> row.indexOf 1
assert.deepEqual (depthFirstSearch touringProblem).state, [
] # depends on the (arbitrary) order of attributes in the cities graph
assert.equal (depthFirstSearch travelingSalespersonProblem), false
Confer section 3.4.4, p. 88.
export depthLimitedSearch = (problem, limit) ->
recursiveDepthLimitedSearch problem.rootNode(), problem, limit
recursiveDepthLimitedSearch = (node, problem, limit) ->
if problem.goalTest node.state
else if limit == 0
cutoffOccurred = false
for child in problem.expand node
result = recursiveDepthLimitedSearch child, problem, limit - 1
if result == 'cutoff'
cutoffOccurred = true
else if result
return result
if cutoffOccurred
assert.equal (depthLimitedSearch vacuumWorld, 2), 'cutoff'
assert.deepEqual (Problem.solutionPath (depthLimitedSearch vacuumWorld, 3)), [
{ location: 'A', A: 'dirty', B: 'dirty' }
{ location: 'A', A: 'clean', B: 'dirty' }
{ location: 'B', A: 'clean', B: 'dirty' }
{ location: 'B', A: 'clean', B: 'clean' }]
assert.equal (depthLimitedSearch simpleEightPuzzle, 1), 'cutoff'
assert simpleEightPuzzle.goalTest (depthLimitedSearch simpleEightPuzzle, 2).state
assert.deepEqual (depthLimitedSearch incrementalEightQueensProblem, 8).state, [
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]
[0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]
].map (row) -> row.indexOf 1
assert.equal (depthLimitedSearch simpleKnuthConjecture, 2), 'cutoff'
assert (depthLimitedSearch simpleKnuthConjecture, 3).state, 1
assert.deepEqual (Problem.solutionPath (depthLimitedSearch routeFindingProblem, 4)), \
['Arad', 'Sibiu', 'Fagaras', 'Bucharest']
assert.deepEqual (depthLimitedSearch touringProblem, 4).state, \
['Arad', 'Sibiu', 'Fagaras', 'Bucharest']
assert.equal (depthLimitedSearch travelingSalespersonProblem, 20), false
Confer section 3.4.5, p. 89.
export iterativeDeepeningSearch = (problem) ->
recursiveIterativeDeepeningSearch problem, 0
recursiveIterativeDeepeningSearch = (problem, depth) ->
result = depthLimitedSearch problem, depth
if result != 'cutoff'
recursiveIterativeDeepeningSearch problem, (depth + 1)
assert.deepEqual (Problem.solutionPath iterativeDeepeningSearch vacuumWorld), [
{ location: 'A', A: 'dirty', B: 'dirty' }
{ location: 'A', A: 'clean', B: 'dirty' }
{ location: 'B', A: 'clean', B: 'dirty' }
{ location: 'B', A: 'clean', B: 'clean' }]
assert.deepEqual (Problem.solutionPath iterativeDeepeningSearch simpleEightPuzzle), [
[ [ 1, 4, 2 ]
[ 3, 0, 5 ]
[ 6, 7, 8 ] ]
[ [ 1, 0, 2 ]
[ 3, 4, 5 ]
[ 6, 7, 8 ] ]
[ [ 0, 1, 2 ]
[ 3, 4, 5 ]
[ 6, 7, 8 ] ]]
assert.deepEqual (iterativeDeepeningSearch incrementalEightQueensProblem).state, [
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]
[0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]
].map (row) -> row.indexOf 1
assert.deepEqual (iterativeDeepeningSearch simpleKnuthConjecture).state, \
[4, 'square_root', 'square_root', 'floor']
assert.deepEqual (Problem.solutionPath iterativeDeepeningSearch routeFindingProblem), \
[ 'Arad', 'Sibiu', 'Fagaras', 'Bucharest' ]
assert.deepEqual (iterativeDeepeningSearch touringProblem).state, \
[ 'Arad', 'Sibiu', 'Fagaras', 'Bucharest' ]
assert.equal (iterativeDeepeningSearch travelingSalespersonProblem), false
Confer section 3.5.1, p. 92.
export greedySearch = makeGraphSearch \
makePriorityQueue (node) -> node.heuristic
assert.deepEqual (Problem.solutionPath greedySearch vacuumWorld), [
{ location: 'A', A: 'dirty', B: 'dirty' }
{ location: 'A', A: 'clean', B: 'dirty' }
{ location: 'B', A: 'clean', B: 'dirty' }
{ location: 'B', A: 'clean', B: 'clean' }]
assert.deepEqual (Problem.solutionPath greedySearch simpleEightPuzzle), [
[ [ 1, 4, 2 ]
[ 3, 0, 5 ]
[ 6, 7, 8 ] ]
[ [ 1, 0, 2 ]
[ 3, 4, 5 ]
[ 6, 7, 8 ] ]
[ [ 0, 1, 2 ]
[ 3, 4, 5 ]
[ 6, 7, 8 ] ]]
assert.deepEqual (greedySearch incrementalEightQueensProblem).state, [
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]
[0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]
].map (row) -> row.indexOf 1
assert.deepEqual (greedySearch simpleKnuthConjecture).state, \
[4, 'square_root', 'square_root', 'floor']
assert.deepEqual (Problem.solutionPath greedySearch routeFindingProblem), \
[ 'Arad', 'Sibiu', 'Fagaras', 'Bucharest' ]
assert.deepEqual (greedySearch touringProblem).state, \
[ 'Arad', 'Sibiu', 'Fagaras', 'Bucharest' ]
assert.equal (greedySearch travelingSalespersonProblem), false
Confer section 3.5.2, p. 93.
export aStarSearch = makeGraphSearch \
makePriorityQueue (node) -> node.pathCost + node.heuristic
assert.deepEqual (Problem.solutionPath aStarSearch vacuumWorld), [
{ location: 'A', A: 'dirty', B: 'dirty' }
{ location: 'A', A: 'clean', B: 'dirty' }
{ location: 'B', A: 'clean', B: 'dirty' }
{ location: 'B', A: 'clean', B: 'clean' }]
assert.deepEqual (Problem.solutionPath aStarSearch simpleEightPuzzle), [
[ [ 1, 4, 2 ]
[ 3, 0, 5 ]
[ 6, 7, 8 ] ]
[ [ 1, 0, 2 ]
[ 3, 4, 5 ]
[ 6, 7, 8 ] ]
[ [ 0, 1, 2 ]
[ 3, 4, 5 ]
[ 6, 7, 8 ] ]]
assert.deepEqual (aStarSearch incrementalEightQueensProblem).state, [
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]
[0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]
].map (row) -> row.indexOf 1
assert.deepEqual (aStarSearch simpleKnuthConjecture).state, \
[4, 'square_root', 'square_root', 'floor']
assert.deepEqual (Problem.solutionPath aStarSearch routeFindingProblem), \
[ 'Arad', 'Sibiu', 'RimnicuVilcea', 'Pitesti', 'Bucharest' ]
assert.deepEqual (aStarSearch touringProblem).state, \
[ 'Arad', 'Sibiu', 'RimnicuVilcea', 'Pitesti', 'Bucharest' ]
assert.equal (aStarSearch travelingSalespersonProblem), false
Confer section 4.1, p. 121.
export class OptimizationProblem extends Problem
constructor: ({ initialState, actions, result, @value }) ->
initialState: initialState,
actions: actions,
result: result
rootNode: -> {
value: @value @initialState
childNode: (node, action) -> {
...super node, action
value: @value @result node.state, action
Complete-state formulation of the 8-queens problem. From section 4.1.1, p. 122.
export completeStateEightQueensProblem = new OptimizationProblem
initialState: [
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
actions: (state) ->
state.reduce (total, row, y) ->
...[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
.filter (x) -> row[x] == 0
.map (x) -> [y, x]
, []
result: (state, [yMove, xMove]) -> (row, y) -> (tile, x) ->
if y == yMove
if x == xMove
value: (state) -> -nrAttackedQueens state
nrAttackedQueens = (state) ->
attacks = ([y1, x1], [y2, x2]) ->
y1 == y2 or
x1 == x2 or
y2 - y1 == x2 - x1
combinations \ (row, y) ->
[y, row.indexOf 1]
.sum ([q1, q2]) ->
attacks(q1, q2) * 1
combinations = (array) ->
array.reduce (prev, a, i) ->
.slice 0, i
.map (b) -> [a, b]
, []
state = completeStateEightQueensProblem.initialState
assert.equal (completeStateEightQueensProblem.actions state).length, 8 * (8 - 1)
assert.equal (completeStateEightQueensProblem.value state), -(8**2 - 8) / 2
state = completeStateEightQueensProblem.result state, [3, 6]
assert.deepEqual state, [
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
assert.equal (completeStateEightQueensProblem.value state), -(28 - 7)
Confer section 4.1.1, p. 122.
export hillClimbingSearch = (problem) ->
recursiveHillClimbingSearch problem, problem.rootNode()
recursiveHillClimbingSearch = (problem, current) ->
neighbor = (problem.expand current)
.argmax (x) -> x.value
if neighbor.value <= current.value
recursiveHillClimbingSearch problem, neighbor
solution = (hillClimbingSearch completeStateEightQueensProblem).state
assert.deepEqual solution, [
[0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]
Also known as Gradient Descent. From section 4.1.2, p. 126.
Parameter random
: A random number generator function. Use seeded function for testing!
export simulatedAnnealing = (problem, schedule, random = Math.random) ->
schedule ?= (time) -> 1 / time
randEl = (array) -> array[Math.floor(random() * array.length)]
current = problem.rootNode()
time = 1
temp = schedule 1
while temp > 0
temp = schedule time
if (temp == 0)
return current
next = randEl problem.expand current
evalSlope = next.value - current.value
if evalSlope > 0
current = next
else if (Math.E**(evalSlope / temp) * random()) > 0.5
current = next
time += 1
nSteps = 2
assert.equal \
(simulatedAnnealing completeStateEightQueensProblem, ((t) -> 1/t - 1/nSteps), rand.random).value, \
For nSteps = 100
, this solves the problem (value == -0
This is excluded from testing because it takes too long.
Confer section 5.1, p. 162.
export class Game extends Problem
constructor: ({
initialState, @player, actions, result, @terminalTest, utility, @heuristic = ((state) -> 0)
}) ->
initialState: initialState
actions: actions
result: result
@_utility = utility
utility: (state) ->
@_utility state if @terminalTest state
rootNode: -> {
player: @player @initialState
childNode: (node, action) -> {
...super node, action
player: @player @initialState
Confer section 5.1, p. 163.
export ticTacToe = new Game
initialState: [
[' ', ' ', ' ']
[' ', ' ', ' ']
[' ', ' ', ' ']
player: (state) ->
if (count state, 'x') > (count state, 'o')
actions: (state) -> [
[0, 0], [0, 1], [0, 2]
[1, 0], [1, 1], [1, 2]
[2, 0], [2, 1], [2, 2]
].filter ([y, x]) ->
state[y][x] == ' '
result: (state, [yMove, xMove]) -> (row, y) -> (tile, x) ->
if y == yMove and x == xMove
ticTacToe.player state
terminalTest: (state) ->
(threeInaRow state, 'x') or
(threeInaRow state, 'o')
utility: (state) ->
1 * (threeInaRow state, 'x')
threeInaRow = (state, p) -> [
[ [0, 0], [0, 1], [0, 2] ] # horizontal
[ [1, 0], [1, 1], [1, 2] ] # horizontal
[ [2, 0], [2, 1], [2, 2] ] # horizontal
[ [0, 0], [1, 0], [2, 0] ] # vertical
[ [0, 1], [1, 1], [2, 1] ] # vertical
[ [0, 2], [1, 2], [2, 2] ] # vertical
[ [0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 3] ] # diagonal
[ [0, 2], [1, 2], [2, 0] ] # diagonal
].some (row) ->
row.every ([y, x]) ->
state[y][x] == p
count = (state, x) ->
.filter (square) -> square == x
state = ticTacToe.initialState
state = ticTacToe.result state, [1, 0]
assert.deepEqual state, [
[' ', ' ', ' ']
['x', ' ', ' ']
[' ', ' ', ' ']
state = ticTacToe.result state, [2, 0]
assert.deepEqual state, [
[' ', ' ', ' ']
['x', ' ', ' ']
['o', ' ', ' ']
state = ticTacToe.result state, [1, 1]
assert.deepEqual state, [
[' ', ' ', ' ']
['x', 'x', ' ']
['o', ' ', ' ']
state = ticTacToe.result state, [2, 1]
assert.deepEqual state, [
[' ', ' ', ' ']
['x', 'x', ' ']
['o', 'o', ' ']
assert not ticTacToe.terminalTest state
assert.equal ticTacToe.utility(state), undefined
state = ticTacToe.result state, [1, 2]
assert.deepEqual state, [
[' ', ' ', ' ']
['x', 'x', 'x']
['o', 'o', ' ']
assert ticTacToe.terminalTest state
assert.equal ticTacToe.utility(state), 1
Confer section 5.2.1, p. 166. Pseudocode.
Changes to the pseudocode:
- A depth limit has been added (
by default). maximinDecision
has been added for player Min in analogy tominimaxDecision
for player Max. This is applicable to zero-sum games only. Note that the terms 'maximin' and 'minimax' are generally used inconsistently.- The notation is functional.
export minimaxDecision = (game, state, limit = Infinity) ->
game.actions state
.map (action) ->
action: action
outcome: minValue game, (game.result state, action), limit - 1
.argmax (x) -> x.outcome
export maximinDecision = (game, state, limit = Infinity) ->
game.actions state
.map (action) ->
action: action
outcome: maxValue game, (game.result state, action), limit - 1
.argmin (x) -> x.outcome
maxValue = (game, state, limit) ->
if game.terminalTest state
game.utility state
if limit < 1
game.heuristic state
game.actions state
.reduce (prev, current) ->
Math.max prev, (minValue game, (game.result state, current), limit - 1)
, -Infinity
minValue = (game, state, limit) ->
if game.terminalTest state
game.utility state
if limit < 1
game.heuristic state
game.actions state
.reduce (prev, current) ->
Math.min prev, (maxValue game, (game.result state, current), limit - 1)
, Infinity
The minimaxDecision
algorithm is tested at the end of the next section, together with the alphaBetaSearch
Confer section 5.3, p. 170. Pseudocode.
Changes to the pseudocode:
- A depth limit has been added (
by default). betaAlphaSearch
has been added for player Min in analogy toalphaBetaSearch
for player Max. This is applicable to zero-sum games only.
export alphaBetaSearch = (game, state, limit = Infinity) ->
game.actions state
.map (action) ->
action: action,
outcome: alphaBetaMinValue game, (game.result state, action), limit - 1, -Infinity, +Infinity
.argmax (x) -> x.outcome
export betaAlphaSearch = (game, state, limit = Infinity) ->
game.actions state
.map (action) ->
action: action,
outcome: alphaBetaMaxValue game, (game.result state, action), limit - 1, -Infinity, +Infinity
.argmin (x) -> x.outcome
alphaBetaMaxValue = (game, state, limit, alpha, beta) ->
if game.terminalTest state
game.utility state
if limit < 1
game.heuristic state
v = -Infinity
for action in game.actions state
v = Math.max v, (alphaBetaMinValue game, (game.result state, action), limit, alpha, beta)
if v >= beta
alpha = Math.max alpha, v
alphaBetaMinValue = (game, state, limit, alpha, beta) ->
if game.terminalTest state
game.utility state
if limit < 1
game.heuristic state
v = +Infinity
for action in game.actions state
v = Math.min v, (alphaBetaMaxValue game, (game.result state, action), limit, alpha, beta)
if v <= alpha
beta = Math.min beta, v
for algorithm in [minimaxDecision, alphaBetaSearch]
state = [
['x', 'o', 'x']
['o', 'x', 'x']
[' ', 'o', ' ']
# player 2
decision = algorithm ticTacToe, state
state = ticTacToe.result state, decision.action
assert.deepEqual state, [
['x', 'o', 'x']
['o', 'x', 'x']
['o', 'o', ' ']
assert not ticTacToe.terminalTest state
assert.equal ticTacToe.utility(state), undefined
# player 1
decision = algorithm ticTacToe, state
state = ticTacToe.result state, decision.action
assert.deepEqual state, [
['x', 'o', 'x']
['o', 'x', 'x']
['o', 'o', 'x']
assert ticTacToe.terminalTest state
assert.equal ticTacToe.utility(state), 1
Confer section 6.1, p. 202.
export class ConstraintSatisfactionProblem extends SearchProblem
constructor: ({ domains, constraints }) ->
get = (pairList, key) ->
pairList.find(([key2, value]) -> key == key2)[1]
initialState: []
actions: (state) ->
if state.length < domains.length
.map (value) ->
[domains[state.length][0], value]
result: (state, action) -> [...state, action]
stepCost: (state) -> 0
goalTest: (state) ->
state.length == domains.length and
(domains.every ([varName, domain]) ->
domain.some (v) ->
deepEqual v, (get state, varName)) and
constraints.every ([varList, constraint]) ->
varList.every (vars) ->
constraint \ (varName) ->
get state, varName
@domains = domains
@constraints = constraints
variables: ->
satisfied: (solution) ->
@goalTest solution
Confer section 6.1.1, p. 203.
export mapColoringProblem = new ConstraintSatisfactionProblem
domains: ['WA', 'NT', 'Q', 'NSW', 'V', 'SA', 'T'] \
.map (state) -> [state, ['red', 'green', 'blue'] ]
constraints: [
['SA' , 'WA' ]
['SA' , 'NT' ]
['SA' , 'Q' ]
['SA' , 'NSW']
['SA' , 'V' ]
['WA' , 'NT' ]
['NT' , 'Q' ]
['Q' , 'NSW']
['NSW', 'V' ]
(a, b) -> a != b
state = mapColoringProblem.initialState
assert.deepEqual state, []
assert not mapColoringProblem.satisfied state
assert.deepEqual (mapColoringProblem.actions state), [['WA', 'red'], ['WA', 'green'], ['WA', 'blue']]
state = mapColoringProblem.result state, ['WA', 'red']
assert.deepEqual state, [['WA', 'red']]
assert not mapColoringProblem.satisfied state
assert.deepEqual (mapColoringProblem.actions state), [['NT', 'red'], ['NT', 'green'], ['NT', 'blue']]
state = mapColoringProblem.result state, ['NT', 'green']
assert.deepEqual state, [['WA', 'red'], ['NT', 'green']]
assert not mapColoringProblem.satisfied state
assert.deepEqual (mapColoringProblem.actions state), [['Q', 'red'], ['Q', 'green'], ['Q', 'blue']]
solution = [
['WA' , 'blue' ]
['NT' , 'green']
['Q' , 'red' ]
['NSW', 'green']
['V' , 'red' ]
['SA' , 'blue' ]
['T' , 'red' ]
assert not mapColoringProblem.satisfied solution
solution = [
['WA' , 'red' ]
['NT' , 'green']
['Q' , 'red' ]
['NSW', 'green']
['V' , 'red' ]
['SA' , 'green' ]
['T' , 'red' ]
assert not mapColoringProblem.satisfied solution
solution = [
['WA' , 'red' ]
['NT' , 'green']
['Q' , 'red' ]
['NSW', 'green']
['V' , 'blue' ]
['SA' , 'blue' ]
['T' , 'red' ]
assert not mapColoringProblem.satisfied solution
solution = [
['WA' , 'red' ]
['NT' , 'green']
['Q' , 'red' ]
['NSW', 'green']
['V' , 'red' ]
['SA' , 'blue' ]
['T' , 'red' ]
assert mapColoringProblem.satisfied solution
assert.deepEqual (depthFirstSearch mapColoringProblem).state, [
['WA' , 'blue' ]
['NT' , 'green']
['Q' , 'blue' ]
['NSW', 'green']
['V' , 'blue' ]
['SA' , 'red' ]
['T' , 'blue' ]
Constraint-satisfaction formulation of the eight-queens problem. Confer section 6.1.3, p. 205.
export constraintSatisfactionEightQueensProblem = new ConstraintSatisfactionProblem
domains: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7].map (queen) -> [
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7].flatMap (y) ->
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7].map (x) ->
[y, x]
constraints: [
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7].flatMap (queen1) ->
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
.filter (queen2) -> queen1 != queen2
.map (queen2) -> [queen1, queen2]
(a, b) ->
attacks = ([y1, x1], [y2, x2]) ->
y1 == y2 or
x1 == x2 or
y2 - y1 == x2 - x1
not attacks a, b
solution = [
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]
[0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]
].map (row, y) -> [y, [y, row.findIndex (x) -> x == 1] ]
assert not constraintSatisfactionEightQueensProblem.satisfied solution
solution = [
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]
[0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]
].map (row, y) -> [y, [y, row.findIndex (x) -> x == 1] ]
assert constraintSatisfactionEightQueensProblem.satisfied solution
Confer section 6.2.1, p. 208.
export makeNodeConsistent = (problem) ->
new ConstraintSatisfactionProblem
domains: ([varName, domain]) ->
domain.filter (value) ->
applicableUnaryConstraints problem.constraints, varName
.every ([varList, constraintFunc]) ->
constraintFunc value
constraints: nonUnaryConstraints problem.constraints
applicableUnaryConstraints = (constraints, varName) ->
unaryConstraints constraints
.filter (constraint) ->
constraint[0].some (varName2) ->
varName2 == varName
unaryConstraints = (constraints) ->
constraints.filter (constraint) -> constraint[1].length == 1
nonUnaryConstraints = (constraints) ->
constraints.filter (constraint) -> constraint[1].length > 1
problem = new ConstraintSatisfactionProblem
domains: [
['Northern Australia', ['red', 'blue', 'green'] ]
['Southern Australia', ['red', 'blue', 'green'] ]
constraints: [
[['Northern Australia', 'Southern Australia'], (a, b) -> a != b]
[['Southern Australia'], (a) -> a != 'green']
problem = makeNodeConsistent problem
assert.deepEqual, [
['Northern Australia', ['red', 'blue', 'green']]
['Southern Australia', ['red', 'blue']]
The following syntax of propositional logic is currently used (in deviation from the book syntax). It would be desirable to refactor the syntax to match the book.
- Operator symbols:
- Truth symbols:
- Compulsory brackets around each expression. This is pretty ugly.
Confer section 7.4.1, p. 244.
export plParse = (sentence, vars) ->
recursiveParse sentence.split(''), vars
unaryOperators = ['~']
binaryOperators = ['&', '|', '>', '=']
operators = [...unaryOperators, ...binaryOperators]
recursiveParse = (sentence, vars) ->
if (levels sentence)[sentence.length - 1] == 0 and
sentence[0] == '(' and
sentence[sentence.length - 1] == ')'
if (levels sentence).some (level) -> level > 1
if (operatorIndex sentence) > -1
(sentence.slice \
(operatorIndex sentence), \
(operatorIndex sentence) + 1 \
...if not unaryOperators.includes sentence[operatorIndex sentence]
[recursiveParse (sentence.slice 1, operatorIndex sentence), vars]
recursiveParse (sentence.slice (operatorIndex sentence) + 1, -1)
recursiveParse sentence.slice 1, -1
else if operators.some (operator) -> sentence.includes operator
else if sentence.length == 3 and sentence[1] == 'T'
else if sentence.length == 3 and sentence[1] == 'F'
else if typeof vars == 'undefined' or
vars.includes (sentence.slice 1, -1).join ''
(sentence.slice 1, -1).join ''
levels = (sentence) ->
.map (char) ->
if char == '('
else if char == ')'
.reduce (prev, derivation) ->
prev[prev.length - 1] + derivation
, [0]
operatorIndex = (sentence) ->
sentence.findIndex (char, i) ->
(levels sentence)[i] == 1 and operators.includes char
for [proposition, syntax] in [
[ [ 'A' ], 'ERROR' ]
[ [ '(A' ], 'ERROR' ]
[ [ 'A)' ], 'ERROR' ]
[ [ '(A)', ['B'] ], 'UNDEFINED' ]
[ [ '(A)', ['A'] ], 'A' ]
[ [ '(A)' ], 'A' ]
[ [ '(T)' ], true ]
[ [ '(F)' ], false ]
[ [ '((A))' ], 'A' ]
[ [ '(((A)))' ], 'A' ]
[ [ '~(A)' ], 'ERROR' ]
[ [ '(~A)' ], 'ERROR' ]
[ [ '(~(A))' ], ['~', 'A'] ]
[ [ '((A)&(B))' ], ['&', 'A', 'B'] ]
[ [ '((A)|(B))' ], ['|', 'A', 'B'] ]
[ [ '((A)>(B))' ], ['>', 'A', 'B'] ]
[ [ '((A)=(B))' ], ['=', 'A', 'B'] ]
[ [ '((~(A))&(B))' ], ['&', ['~', 'A'], 'B'] ]
[ [ '((A)&(~(B)))' ], ['&', 'A', ['~', 'B']] ]
[ [ '(((A)|(B))&(~(C)))' ], ['&', ['|', 'A', 'B'], ['~', 'C']] ]
[ [ '(((A)|(B)&(~(C)))' ], 'ERROR' ]
[ [ '((A)|(B))&(~(C)))' ], 'ERROR' ]
[ [ '(((A)|(B)))&(~(C)))' ], 'ERROR' ]
[ [ '(((A)|(B))&(~(C))))' ], 'ERROR' ]
assert.deepEqual (plParse ...proposition), syntax
export class Hypothesis
constructor: (@weights) ->
export class LinearModel extends Hypothesis
apply: (x) ->
if x.length == (@weights.length - 1)
@weights[0] +
.slice 1
.sum (w, i) ->
w *
complexity: (q = 1) ->
@weights.sum (w) ->
Math.abs(w) ** q
export class Polynomial extends Hypothesis
apply: (x) ->
.sum (w, i) ->
w * (x ** i)
For example, f(x) = 2x² + 5x + 3:
f = new Polynomial([3, 5, 2])
assert.deepEqual \
([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5].map (x) -> f.apply x), \
[3, 10, 21, 36, 55, 78]
Confer section 18.4.2, p. 712f.
export lossFunctions =
absolute: (correct, predicted) -> Math.abs (correct - predicted),
squared: (correct, predicted) -> (correct - predicted) ** 2,
binary: (correct, predicted) -> if correct == predicted then 1 else 0
export empiricalLoss = (hypothesis, lossFunction, examples) ->
examples.sum (pair) ->
lossFunction pair[1], hypothesis.apply [pair[0]]
) /
Confer section 18.4.3, p. 713.
export cost = (hypothesis, lossFunction, examples, conversionRate = 0) ->
(empiricalLoss hypothesis, lossFunction, examples) +
conversionRate *
export bestHypothesis = \
(hypothesisSpace, lossFunction, examples, conversionRate = 0) ->
hypothesisSpace.argmin (x) -> cost x, lossFunction, examples, conversionRate
Confer section 18.6.1, p. 719
export linearRegression = (trainingSet) ->
divisor = \
trainingSet.length *
( trainingSet.sum (pair) -> pair[0] ** 2) -
((trainingSet.sum (pair) -> pair[0]) ** 2)
w1 =
if divisor == 0
trainingSet.length *
(trainingSet.sum (pair) -> pair[0] * pair[1]) -
(trainingSet.sum (pair) -> pair[0]) *
(trainingSet.sum (pair) -> pair[1])
) / divisor
w0 = \
(trainingSet.sum (pair) -> pair[1]) -
w1 *
(trainingSet.sum (pair) => pair[0])
) /
new LinearModel [w0, w1]
trueModel = new LinearModel [3, 0.5]
sampleSizes = [1, 5, 10, 100]
assert.deepEqual ( (n) ->
examples = [0 .. (n - 1)].map (x) ->
[x, (trueModel.apply [x]) + rand.random() - 0.5]
predictedModel = linearRegression examples
[n, predictedModel.weights, empiricalLoss predictedModel, lossFunctions.squared, examples]
), [
# n w0 w1 empirical loss
[ 1 , [ 2.9863217363830663 , 0 ], 0 ]
[ 5 , [ 2.933798302215137 , 0.4203891319253779 ], 0.026432483146730707 ]
[ 10 , [ 3.1695157940114393 , 0.4639499877188505 ], 0.07533178680729899 ]
[ 100 , [ 3.0419489353360176 , 0.4986560392449387 ], 0.08407918383200677 ]
Confer section 18.7.1, p. 729.
export activationFunctions =
step: (x) -> (x > 0) * 1
sigmoid: (x) -> 1 / (1 + Math.E ** (-x))
Confer section 18.7.1, p. 728.
export class Neuron
constructor: ({
@inputs = []
@threshold = 0
@activationFunction = activationFunctions.sigmoid
}) ->
@weights = weights || (Array @inputs.length).fill 1
output: ->
@activationFunction \
.map (input, i) =>
@weights[i] *
) -
Neurons as logic gates. Confer section 18.7.2, p. 729f.
inputs = [{}, {}]
AND = new Neuron
inputs: inputs
weights: [1, 1]
threshold: 1.5
activationFunction: activationFunctions.step
OR = new Neuron
inputs: inputs
weights: [1, 1]
threshold: 0.5
activationFunction: activationFunctions.step
NOT = new Neuron
inputs: [inputs[0]]
weights: [-1]
threshold: -0.5
activationFunction: activationFunctions.step
inputs[0].output = -> 0
inputs[1].output = -> 0
assert.equal AND.output(), 0
assert.equal OR.output(), 0
assert.equal NOT.output(), 1
inputs[0].output = -> 0
inputs[1].output = -> 1
assert.equal AND.output(), 0
assert.equal OR.output(), 1
assert.equal NOT.output(), 1
inputs[0].output = -> 1
inputs[1].output = -> 0
assert.equal AND.output(), 0
assert.equal OR.output(), 1
assert.equal NOT.output(), 0
inputs[0].output = -> 1
inputs[1].output = -> 1
assert.equal AND.output(), 1
assert.equal OR.output(), 1
assert.equal NOT.output(), 0
Neurons representing the majority / minority function. Confer section 18.7.2, p. 731.
export majority = (inputs) -> new Neuron
inputs: inputs
weights: (Array inputs.length).fill 1
threshold: inputs.length / 2
activationFunction: activationFunctions.step
export minority = (inputs) -> new Neuron
inputs: inputs
weights: (Array inputs.length).fill -1
threshold: -inputs.length / 2
activationFunction: activationFunctions.step
inputs = [0, 0, 0, undefined, 1, 1, 1]
.map (i) -> ({ output: -> i })
sevenMajority = majority inputs
sevenMinority = minority inputs
inputs[3].output = -> 0
assert.equal sevenMajority.output(), 0
assert.equal sevenMinority.output(), 1
inputs[3].output = -> 1
assert.equal sevenMajority.output(), 1
assert.equal sevenMinority.output(), 0