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Consents API


  • Docker, for running Postgres database locally.
  • Nodejs, tested using version 12.20.1 but earlier versions might be supported by NestJS.
  • A text editor of your choice.
  • Clone/download the repository.


  • This project was developed to address the requirements defined in a Didomi challenge located here

Data Model

The entity-relationship diagram that represents the data model for this exercise is:


System Architecture

Overview of the technical components.


Running the API

  1. Open a terminal window
  2. Run an instance of the Postgres database locally using the script found here
  3. Change directory to the root of the Node.js project cd ./consents/.
  4. Run the server npm run start.

The API will be listening for requests at http://localhost:3000/api/v1.

You can view Swagger documentation by visiting http://localhost:3000/api in your browser.

Running Unit Tests

  1. Open a terminal window
  2. Change directory to the root of the Node.js project cd ./consents/.
  3. Run the unit tests npm run test or npm run test:watch to have continuous feedback.

Running E2E Tests

  1. Open a terminal window.
  2. Run an instance of the Postgres database locally using the script found here
  3. Change directory to the root of the Node.js project cd ./consents/.
  4. Run the e2e tests npm run test:e2e or npm run test:e2eWatch to have continuous feedback.

Accessing the Development Database

The Postgres client will be required to access the database instance from the command line, and the database container should be running as described in ## Running E2E Tests.

psql -h localhost -U postgres -d postgres

Then enter the password found in the .development.env

In a separate terminal, running the server in development mode will automatically sync the database schema.

You should be able to run the following queries using the Postgresql client; to list the available tables \dt and to describe a database table \d user or \d event.

Project Structure

├──                        <------ The requirements specification this project is based on.
├── CHANGELOG.MD                        <------ Pull request notes may be added here.
├──                           <------ Overall details about this project.
├── Dockerfile                          <------ Container definition for deploying the API.
├── consents                            <------ The Node.js project files are in here.
│   ├── nest-cli.json
│   ├── package-lock.json
│   ├── package.json                    <------ Node.js project metadata and dependency management.
│   ├── src
│   │   ├── app.controller.spec.ts      <------ App-level functionality
│   │   ├── app.controller.ts              |
│   │   ├── app.module.ts                  |
│   │   ├── app.service.ts              <--|
│   │   ├── events                      <------ Event entity functionality.
│   │   ├── main.ts
│   │   └── users                       <------ User entity functionality.
│   ├── test
│   │   ├── app.e2e-spec.ts             <------ Testing the application from a User perspective.
│   │   └── jest-e2e.json
│   ├──
│   └── tsconfig.json
├── diagrams                            <------ Diagrams used to visualize the project.
│   ├── design.drawio                   <------ Drawings used to work through the specification.
│   ├── entity-relationship.png         <------ The data model that was implemented. 
│   ├── system-architecture.png         <------ What the application consists of technically.

Cleaning Up

Delete dangling resources docker system prune or all containers/images/builds docker system prune -a, WARNING this will delete any Docker resources on your machine.

Edge Cases

  • If a user tries to use a consent id that does not match the supported id's the system does not validate their correctness.
  • If user updates their consent status directly would that emit an event we need to handle here?
  • If user is not a valid user, we would need to use an authentication layer to avoid this being a problem?
  • The findAll operation might be improved by letting the user know when there are no events
  • It might be easier to store the consent change types in a database table instead of in the application logic.
  • Verify that a sad path for the userRepository.findOne operation is not needed
  • There is currently no way to manage the database transaction lifecycle in the event that data needs to be manually rolled back
  • Migrations will be required if the database schema changes after v1 is deployed to production.

Future Work

  • Consider whether further decoupling would be beneficial, i.e. do we need to consider another Topic subscription service and task/queue outside of the container process.
  • Refactor some of the code for increased readability, add a data factory for generating entity record test data.
  • Add Logging, Telemetry, and Metrics using the standard that the organization has decided on.
  • Move the Data transformations into the respective Dto.
  • Run a memory profiling tool as described here, to identify opportunities for optimization.
  • Refactor - Move to use DTO's as a factory in tests for generating records or move to .json
  • Refactor - getChangeDescription
  • Refactor/Optimisation/Bug - Fix foreign key on events, the current database design does not enforce the user -> entity "onetomany" relationship.
  • Refactor/Optimisation/Bug - There is a problem where one emitted event is received by multiple event listeners. For commit "d8f2d7c8e3be6986f9ab0b3d714768057eda650a" when running the component tests and printing inside the consentchangedevent handler function, 5 logs are printed when only 3 events should have been created. For the userdeleted handler 2 logs are created for 1 event. This might require creating a single global event emitter module that can be used through the system instead of two intantiations.
  • Chore - Switch on Typescript compiler strict typing and address the 25+ issues.
  • Chore - getUsersConsents return type signature can replace ANY type with OR type
  • Chore - Fix decorator @IsEmail() in Dto instead of calling class-validator directory in the user service.
  • E2E tests might require a sleep timer to be used with the afterEach hook as occasionally a test case fails.


REST API for managing Consent Preferences.







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