Build a simple master-detail application listing people in your Pipedrive account (using the /persons endpoint)
- perform the http requests, map the received structure to model objects;
- optionally persist model objects locally and use them when you can't fetch data from the API;
- display people one person per row, use names as titles;
- tapping on a person should open the detail view, which has an avatar (use Gravatar as a source) and a few additional attributes of your own choosing;
- bonus points for adding paginated fetching.
Initial Research
- Gravatar API:{md5 hash of lowercase email }?s=200&r=pg eg: b5f6c2a999a22d0204532a6ede7ba92d
- potential solution:
To use your test account, simply replace the field "PipedriveAPIKey" in the info.plist
Since Pipedrive follows MVVM-C architecture, this project can be written in similar ways too.
Based on the nature of the theory questions, it is possible that the application built will be stressed test under an account with a lot of contacts. Using a function (which I don't understand) to create md5 hash seems insecure and scary, but in the interest of time, it might be the best choice.
TDD with plain XCTests [x ] Experiment with SwiftGen (if time permits) to explore localisation
Phase 1: Basic app: upon launching, fetch all contacts and populate screen, use userDefaults to store response as JSON and images as NSData
Master Scene
- upon launch, call dataProvider [x ]
- if dataProvider returns empty array from network
- present placeholder label [x ]
- elseif dataProvider returns empty array from local
- present placeholder label [x ]
- else
- update master contact list [x ]
- if dataProvider returns empty array from network
- upon tapping [x ]
- pass contact object to detail scene [x ]
Detail Scene
- populate labels [ x]
- upon loading: call dataProvider for avatar [x ]
- update image when ready [x ]
- expose 2 functions for view models to call to fetch data [ x]
- build network requests [x ]
- Call network NetworkClient [ x]
- if network succeed [ x]
- parse response [x ]
- store response [ x ]
- else return local data [ x ]
- if network succeed [ x]
- Call network NetworkClient [ x]
NetworkClient - Alamofire
- Call ContactList API [ x]
- Call Gravatar API [ x]
Create POSO Person Object [x ] Create POSO Person Translator Object [x ]
Master Scene
- when user reach bottom of page and tap on fetch more
- call data provider [x ] DataProvider
- modify method to build network request [x ]
Automatically fetch next page when last page is received [x] Modify local storage code to implement insertion[x ]
- when returning stored objects, notify caller [x ]
Master Scene & Detail Scene
- present loading indicators when making request to data provider [ ]
- remove loading indicators when data provider returns something [ ]
- when stored objects are returned, display banner [ ]
- else, remove banner if it was data from network [ ]
possibly explore:
- create date models and relationships [ ]
- transform CoreData Objects to POSO and vice versa [ ]
- expose API to store CoreData Objects when receiving POSO [ ]
- expose API to fetch CoreData Object [ ]
- delete associated image object when user is deleted [ ]
- Could have saved alot more time if I had used a library to populate the avatar
- Spikes are really useful when there is not much existing structure
- Learnt codable which is powerful and flexible
- The decision to 'save' time intially by rolling out local persistence with userDefaults instead of a proper DB Layer proves to be costly for the use experience as data size grows.
- Could have done a better job breaking down Phase 1 into more steps.
- XCTest may seem to run faster but it is definitely harder to be descriptive and to maintain readability