This Discord bot is built using and requires a Discord Bot token. If you don’t yet have a token to put in here, you will need to create a bot account here:
Once you have the token place it into a file named discord_token.txt
To deploy the bot onto Kubernetes/Openshift, ensure you are first logged into the cluster. Create a project/namespace called makerculture. eg:
oc new-project makerculture # or kubectl create namespace makerculture
Then get your discord token, and replace the value XXXX with the token inside the kubernetes/discord_token_configmap.yaml file. Then create the configmap with:
oc apply -f kubernetes/discord_token_configmap.yaml oc apply -f kubernetes/gab_token_configmap.yaml # or kubectl apply -f kubernetes/discord_token_configmap.yaml kubectl apply -f kubernetes/gab_token_configmap.yaml
Then create the deployment for the bot via:
oc apply -f kubernetes/deployment.yaml # or kubectl apply -f kubernetes/deployment.yaml
This should bring up a pod which run the bot.
For local development the following few commands can come in useful.