A simple zero-dependency package full of utilities and helpers you're using across all of your projects. This package is not meant to replace more specialized implementations - you'll find Observable
inside but not the mighty rxjs
. Rather, this package is alternative to copying and pasting the same code snippets across several projects.
There are four top level namespaces Enums
, Helpers
, Structures
, and Utils
. See below for details
- currency
- Currency
- http
- HttpStatus
- HttpMethod
In the Helpers
namespace you'll find common one-liners and validations. All helpers are exported from the index file. See below for an orginized view of available helpers.
- array
- isIn
- isNotIn
- arrayNotEmpty
- arrayMinSize
- arrayMaxSize
- boolean
- isBoolean
- common
- isDefined
- equals
- notEquals
- isEmpty
- isNotEmpty
- length
- minLength
- maxLength
- date
- future
- isDate
- minDate
- maxDate
- function
- isFunction
- compose
- pipe
- curry
- number
- isNumber
- isDivisibleBy
- isPositive
- isNegative
- min
- max
- object
- isObject
- isNotEmptyObject
- prop
- string
- snakeToCamel
- camelToSnake
- generateId
- isString
- isDateString
- isAlpha
- isAlphanumeric
- isEmail
- isLowerCase
- isUpperCase
In the Structures
namespace you'll find common data structures that aren't available in the standard library. The data structures here are classes whereas Utils
exports interfaces. All data structures are exported from the index file. See below for an orginized view.
- Queue
- LinkedList
The Utils
namespace constains simple interfaces such as Box
and functions that act on those interfaces. These functions are not instance methods.
- box
- Box (interface)
- adjacent
- union
- intersects
- contains
- canFit
- copy
- color
- RGB (interface)
- CYMK (interface)
- COLOR_DASE (equals 16)
- COLOR_DEPTH (equals 255)
- mix
- rgbToHex
- channelToHex
- rgbToCmyk
- cmykToRgb
- hexToRgb
- randomHexColor
- replaceShorthandHex
- cookies
- Cookie (interface)
- parseCookies
- serializeCookie
- lens
- Lens (interface)
- composeLens
- middleware
- NextFunction (type)
- Stack (type)
- Middleware (type)
- Use (type)
- middleware
- observable
- Observer (interface)
- TearDown (type)
- Observervable (type)
- interval
- stream
- map
- merge
- switchMap
- zip
- multicast
- throttle
- throttle
- debounce
- validate
- ValidationSchema (type)
- validate
npm install utils-and-helpers
git clone https://github.com/davidjohnbell/utils-and-helpers.git
cd utils-and-helpers
npm install
npm run test
Contributions are desired and welcome. Please visit issues for details.
We use SemVer for versioning.
- David Bell - Initial work - davidjohnbell
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License
- Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
- Inspiration
- etc