Manage Munki manifest content with LDAP via Computers and Groups objects.
MunkiLDAPManifest-php provides a mechanism for delivering dynamically-generated munki manifest files by using LDAP objects - Computers objects for the device to receive the manifest, and Groups objects for the item to be included.
- Create a composer.json file in your manifests directory containing:
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
"require": {
"davidbpirie/munkildapmanifest-php": "dev-master"
- Install using composer:
composer install
Note: you will need to have composer already installed. See for instructions.
- Copy the provided example_index.php to your manifests directory:
cp vendor/DavidBPirie/MunkiLDAPManifest-php/example_index.php index.php
- Modify index.php to suit your environment - see the inline comments for guidance.
Clients just need to have ManifestURL configured to point to your index.php file with a ? suffix eg:
defaults write /Library/Preferences/ManagedInstalls ManifestURL -string ""
On your server, you can run the index.php file via php's CLI providing the client identitifer as an argument to verify the output for that host, eg:
php index.php