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114 lines (84 loc) · 4.14 KB

ESV Bible Services for .NET

Copyright (c) 2007 David Betz

Build Status NuGet Version and Downloads count

See for fuller details.


(rather old project, so the syntax may look weird)

Here's a simple passage query returning HTML data:

var service = new EsvBibleServiceV2( );
String output = service.PassageQuery("Galatians 3:11");

With the flip of a switch you can turn it into plain text:

var service = new EsvBibleServiceV2(OutputFormat.PlainText);
String output = service.PassageQuery("Galatians 3:11");

For more flexibility, you may use the provided parameter objects. Using these in C# 3.0 is seamless thanks to object initializers:

var pqp = new PassageQueryParameter( ) { Passage = "John 14:6" };
var service = new EsvBibleServiceV2(new PlainTextSetting( )
    LineLength = 100,
    Timeout = 30
String output = service.PassageQuery(pqp);

Here is a simple sample of accessing the verse of the day (in HTML without the audio link -- optional Setting):

var service = new EsvBibleServiceV2(new HtmlOutputSetting( )
    IncludeAudioLink = false
String output = service.DailyVerse( );

You can also access various reading plans via the provided .NET enumeration:

var service = new EsvBibleServiceV2( );
String output = service.ReadingPlanQuery(new ReadingPlanQueryParameter( )
    ReadingPlan = ReadingPlan.EveryDayInTheWord

Searching is also streamlined:

var service = new EsvBibleServiceV2( );
String output = service.Query("Justified");

Here is a length example showing how you can use the QueryInfoAsObject method to get information about a query as a strongly-type object:

var service = new EsvBibleServiceV2( );
QueryInfoData result = service.QueryInfoAsObject("Samuel");

if (result.QueryType == QueryType.Passage) {
    Console.WriteLine("Passage: " + result.Readable);
    Console.WriteLine("Complete Chapter?: " + result.IsCompleteChapter);
    if (result.AlternateQueryType != QueryType.None) {
        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Alternate: {0}, {1}", result.AlternateQueryType, result.AlternateResultCount));

if (result.HasWarnings) {
    foreach (Warning w in result.Warnings) {
        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}: {1}", w.Code, w.Readable));

For more advanced users, the Crossway XML format is also available:

var service = new EsvBibleServiceV2(new CrosswayXmlVersion10Setting( )
    IncludeWordIds = true,
    IncludeXmlDeclaration = true
String output = service.PassageQuery(new PassageQueryParameter( )
    Passage = "Galatians 3"

That same XML data is also retrievable as an XmlDocument for pure XML interaction:

var service = new EsvBibleServiceV2( );
XmlDocument output = service.PassageQueryAsXmlDocument("Galatians 3");

For more flexible XML interaction, you may use XPath:

var service = new EsvBibleServiceV2( );

String output = service.PassageQueryValueViaXPath(new PassageQueryParameter( )
    Passage = "Gal 3:4-5",
    XPath = "//crossway-bible/passage/surrounding-chapters/current"

Sometimes, however, you will want more than one result from XPath:

String[] output = service.PassageQueryValueViaXPathMulti(new PassageQueryParameter( )
    Passage = "Gal 3:4-5",
    XPathSet = new[]