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Provision LUIS for Bot Framework

LUIS is a machine learning-based service to build natural language applications. Bots can use LUIS to help with language understanding.

Setting up LUIS can be performed in two ways:

Provision LUIS with MsBot

MsBot is a command line tool that manages Bot Framework projects that use Azure. When setting up LUIS, we demonstrate the MsBot clone command which takes a .recipe (json) file and deploys the project to Azure. See MsBot for more details.

Install on Windows or macOS

  1. Install the Azure CLI (if not already installed) here

  2. Install the Bot CLI Tools

npm install -g chatdown msbot ludown luis-apis qnamaker botdispatch luisgen
  1. To login, run:
az login

To find out more information about logging in, see the AZ CLI Login reference

  1. To select your Azure subscription, run:
az account set --subscription '<azure subscription>'

To find out more information about setting your subscription, see the Azure CLI Subscription Set reference.

  1. Collect your Luis Authoring Key from the the LUIS portal by selecting your name in the top right corner of the home page and select Settings. Save your key for the next step.

  2. Run the following command from the project directory:

msbot clone services --noDecorate --name "<bot name>" --luisAuthoringKey "<authoring key>" --folder "<folder to .recipe file>" --location "<Publish location>"
Switch Name Description Example
name Name of the bot. An Azure group will be created with this name with all the associated resources. Shorter names are preferred. "mybot"
luisAuthoringKey The authoring key in the LUIS portal. See step 4 above. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
folder The location of where the bot.recipe file is located (Case sensitive). nodejs: deploymentScripts/msbotClone, ASP.Net: DeploymentScripts/MsbotClone
location A supported "Publishing and Querying region" as described here. westus

NOTE: By default your LUIS Applications will be deployed to your free starter endpoint. An Azure LUIS service will be deployed along with your bot but you must manually add and publish to it from the portal and update your key in the .bot file.

  1. Note the generated secret generated by MsBot.
  • The secret key is used later. The output will look something like the following:
The secret used to decrypt <bot name>.bot is:
NOTE: This secret is not recoverable and you should store this secret in a secure place according to best security practices.
Your project may be configured to rely on this secret and you should update it as appropriate.
  1. Inspect Bot configuration file.
  • The msbot clone command above generates a bot configuration file.
  • The name of the bot configuration file is .bot, where is the name of your bot used in the msbot clone step (Step 5 above).
  • The configuration file can later used by the Microsoft Bot Framework Emulator.
  1. (ASP.Net only) Ensure the bot configuration is packaged with your deployment
  • For Visual Studio, in your bot project, right click on the generated bot configuration file, click "Properties".
    • Ensure "Copy to Output Directory" is set to "Copy always".
  • For other editors, edit your bot's .csproj file and add the following:
    <None Update="*.bot">
  1. (ASP.Net only) Update your appsettings.json with your .bot file path and .bot file secret.
  • Update the botFilePath with the name of your generated bot configuration file.
  • Update the botFileSecret with the secret that the msbot tool generated from step 6 above.
    "botFilePath": "<bot name>.bot",
    "botFileSecret": "<bot secret>"

Provision LUIS with the Azure Portal

Set up LUIS

(Optional) Install LUDown

  • (Optional) Install the LUDown here to help describe language understanding components for your bot.

Install Application Insights

  • Follow instructions here to set up your Application Insights service.
  • Note: The Application Insights will automatically update the appsettings.json file.

Visual Studio

  • Navigate to the samples folder (botbuilder-samples\samples\csharp_dotnetcore\21.luis-with-appsinsights) and open LuisBotAppInsights.csproj in Visual Studio
  • Hit F5

Visual Studio Code

  • Open botbuilder-samples\samples\csharp_dotnetcore\21.luis-with-appsinsights sample folder
  • Bring up a terminal, navigate to botbuilder-samples\samples\csharp_dotnetcore\21.luis-with-appsinsights folder.
  • Type 'dotnet run'.

Testing the bot using Bot Framework Emulator

Microsoft Bot Framework Emulator is a desktop application that allows bot developers to test and debug their bots on localhost or running remotely through a tunnel.

  • Install the Bot Framework Emulator from here.

Connect to bot using Bot Framework Emulator V4

  • Launch the Bot Framework Emulator
  • File -> Open bot and navigate to botbuilder-samples\samples\csharp_dotnetcore\21.luis-with-appsinsights folder.
  • Select file.

Deploy this bot to Azure

You can use the MSBot Bot Builder CLI tool to clone and configure any services this sample depends on.

To install all Bot Builder tools -

Ensure you have Node.js version 8.5 or higher

npm i -g msbot chatdown ludown qnamaker luis-apis botdispatch luisgen

To clone this bot, run

msbot clone services -f DeploymentScripts/MsbotClone -n <BOT-NAME> -l <Azure-location, ie westus> --subscriptionId <Azure-subscription-id>

Further reading