A fork of David B Heise's VirusTotal Powershell Module
##Example Usage
PS E:\hunt\data> Import-Module .\VirusTotal.psm1
PS E:\hunt\data> Get-Command -Module VirusTotal
CommandType Name ModuleName
----------- ---- ----------
Function Get-VTApiKey VirusTotal
Function Get-VTReport VirusTotal
Function Invoke-VTRescan VirusTotal
Function Invoke-VTScan VirusTotal
Function New-VTComment VirusTotal
Function Set-VTApiKey VirusTotal
PS E:\hunt\data> Set-VTApiKey -VTApiKey yourVTAPIkeyhere
PS E:\hunt\data> Get-Help Get-VTReport
Get-VTReport [-VTApiKey <string>] [-hash <string>] [<CommonParameters>]
Get-VTReport [-VTApiKey <string>] [-file <FileInfo>] [<CommonParameters>]
Get-VTReport [-VTApiKey <string>] [-uri <uri>] [<CommonParameters>]
Get-VTReport [-VTApiKey <string>] [-ip <string>] [<CommonParameters>]
Get-VTReport [-VTApiKey <string>] [-domain <string>] [<CommonParameters>]
You can combine this script with the output from something like https://github.com/davehull/Get-StakRank#get-stakrank or hashes from Autorunsc.exe and do useful things like:
PS E:\hunt\data> $data = Import-Csv -Delimiter "`t" '.\FIN-Image Path-MD5.tsv'
PS E:\hunt\data> $data | ? { $_.Count -lt 10 -and $_.MD5.length -gt 3 } | select -unique MD5 -ExpandProperty MD5 | % { Get-VTReport -hash $_ | select scan_date, positives, resource, verbose_msg, permalink; sleep 15 }
This will return something like the following:
scan_date :
positives :
resource : 06f12e6478246b0f7ef11f2a6735b876
verbose_msg : The requested resource is not among the finished, queued or pending scans
permalink :
scan_date :
positives :
resource : 04113bb90f3c162ebd961a3065c15fe1
verbose_msg : The requested resource is not among the finished, queued or pending scans
permalink :
scan_date : 2013-06-10 14:19:55
positives : 0
resource : bf68a382c43a5721eef03ff45faece4a
verbose_msg : Scan finished, scan information embedded in this object
permalink : https://www.virustotal.com/file/09eba33e313cf8f19c5a2d19ada286e9fdd09c6a99f6bf77b65fa55cc6061590/analysis/1370873995/
scan_date : 2013-11-06 03:43:51
positives : 0
resource : 5534ed475c61188fffa4168f28a0d893
verbose_msg : Scan finished, scan information embedded in this object
permalink : https://www.virustotal.com/file/10d3f4a431f259164f8abeb158381db92cbb9c02fd56e70addeab9907eb92e91/analysis/1383709431/
scan_date : 2014-01-03 21:47:59
positives : 1
resource : a283e768fa12ef33087f07b01f82d6dd
verbose_msg : Scan finished, scan information embedded in this object
permalink : https://www.virustotal.com/file/1d4d787047200fc7bcbfc03a496cafda8e49075d2fbf2ff7feab90a4fdea8f89/analysis/1388785679/
And of course, you can pipe this out to a file by running it as follows:
PS E:\hunt\data> $($data | ? { $_.Count -lt 10 -and $_.MD5.length -gt 3 } | select -unique MD5 -ExpandProperty MD5 | % { Get-VTReport -hash $_ | select scan_date, positives, resource, verbose_msg, permalink | ConvertTo-Csv -Delimiter "`t" -NoTypeInformation; sleep 15 } ) | Add-Content -Encoding Ascii vt-results.tsv