DAUKANTAS , Your request recommendations and fees received. “We kindly inform you that from now on you are a member of the Lithuanian Computer Society.
- 👋 Hi, I’m @daukantas Richard A. and Susan F. Smith Campus Center, Suite 727E 1350 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02138 Telephone: (617)981-2025 E-mail: jvdauk@proton.me Member of Lithuanian Computer Society “Among noteworthy scientists of today, what may be more important to say is that over time, technological platforms will demonstrate that an Oil rig or Platform is different and probably less valuable than a fully enabled Technology Platform”, Author: Jurgutis Vytautas Daukantas , Lithuanian Computer Society( Februaury1, 2016) EU sponsored AI Training Course :https://www.openlearning.com/courses/artificial-intelligence-ai-skills-for-ict-professionals/home/?cl=1 GitHub team collaborators : https://github.com/venthur (berlin), (poland) :https://github.com/w4k2/cores21-ll-iot32, San Francisco: https://github.com/mouse-reeve Sound Cloud : https://soundcloud.com/george-daukantas I refer my AI apps to a "Human Centered" approach by applying the HAX tool kit : https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/haxtoolkit/ George (Jurgutis Vytatas Daukantas) Harvard FAS University Extension CTE 2008.