- January 09: Create first draft of the app package
- January 13: Send latest version of all docs to Cristian
- January 14: Submit application package
- January 15: Cristian will send the rec letter
- January 16: Present Tortoise Macroevolution as Capstone Project
- January 27: Finalize board for this project
- February 07: Initiate a GitHub repo
- February 07: Review methods outlined in abstract
- February 14: Script 01 – read in phylogenetic trees
- February 21: Script 02 - read in csv data
- February 28: Script 03 - create data + tree object
- March 07: Script 04 – Estimate diversification rates (genera)
- March 14: Script 05 – estimate div rates (species)
- March 21: Review rates of morphological evolution
- March 28: Script 06 – rates of morphological evolution
- April 04: Script 07 – read in all csv and tree files
- April 11: Script 08 – fit PGLS